

  • I spray the pan with Pam (or butter it, if I'm living dangerously) and then shake around some grated Parmesan (the kind from the plastic container - we do not stand on ceremony in my kitchen!), kind of like greasing and flouring a cake pan, before pouring in my quiche mixture. I also add a little bit of flour to the eggs…
  • Hide? No. Not make it public? Yes. Diaries (whether for food or for feelings) are supposed to be private!
  • This has totally been working for me, once I tinkered with all the numbers and found the magic number. My question is website related: *How the heck do I make MFP stop changing my calories and macros when I update my weight? It's super annoying!
  • Because nothing sounds better after a good workout than smacking my head on the bottom of the hot tub at the gym!
  • This is Ramona, my 4 y/o Puggle (well, she's smaller than most Puggles, and I think there may be some chihuahua in there somewhere). When she was about 8 weeks old, I took her away from some kids who were dangling her over the side of a bridge and about to drop her in a river. My constant companion. She has the…
  • Personal phone, received: "These days, it kind of is! Very nice, unicorn slayer!" - discussing with my BFF something that she would appreciate knowing I'd seen. Work phone, sent: "My mom says that while you're a very lovely person for offering to be my anesthesia buddy, that is something she'd prefer to do herself. You're…
  • Remember that a huuuuuuge amount of the foods in the database are entered by users rather than by anyone in an official capactity. One thing I have noticed when using the app is that you can't see whether or not the listing has been confirmed by other users, whereas on the website you can. When I'm entering foods for which…
  • I am blessed to live in a state that does not require weight on drivers' licenses. Yay Kentucky! But if it were there, it would probably be approximately true, because I have an irrational, morbid fear of being injured and not knowing who I am and only having my license to identify me. Weird, I know!
  • I am a big boredom eater, and I find distraction works really well. One of my recent favorite fin things is old-school coloring with crayons. It takes a lot of concentration, but you can also really work out some mental stress if you have something preying on your mind!
  • Some of us found ourselves obese because life was unkind (and I do not wish to diminish those reasons in any way), but there are others, like me, who did find the weight sneaking up simply because life was very kind. I have a fantastically loving, very close family and circle of friends, of all different body sizes, who…
  • The all-day orange smell the awesomest part! But, yes, melon is grody.
  • I sometimes eat them with some extra protein for lunch at work (I always have a couple of emergency cans in my junk drawer). I'm not really all that salt-sensitive, but they are awfully high in sodium if that's something you track. And, for as much sodium as they do have, why do they taste like they still need a little…
  • Raw celery (love cooked celery), dark chocolate (prefer milk chocolate), broccoli tops (perfectly happy to eat the stems), green peppers, kale, mangoes (the skins smell terrible). Iceberg lettuce! And I don't know who the heck looked at a pumpkin, or a squash, or a sweet potato and decided they were edible. They are not…
  • My dad's a tailor, so I've been able to hold on to clothes for longer than most people, because I'll just have him alter them. But last weekend I found a pair of pants that I hadn't even looked at in months just chillin' in the back of the closet, and I must have lost more than 2 sizes along the way, because they weren't…
  • OK, that clears things up a bit. Thank you so much!
  • Yay, it's heybales! I've been reading as much as I can about the "Future You" thing, and the idea makes so much sense to me. However, I have two questions: 1. Should I be using my Katch-McArdle BMR rather than the one provided by MFP, because it is so much lower and takes BF% into account? 2. The maintenance calories for…
  • Anything that would be really hard to try to log, like diner food/local restaurant food, or the awesome ethnic food that occasionally comes to me via my fabulous Indian boss, or my Salvadoran, Bosnian, or Russian coworkers. The rule (for me) is that there can't be easily-accessible nutrition information!
  • I measure my waist at my belly button, which is where my pants go, even though it's not the biggest part of my belly, and I measure my hips at the widest part, just below my butt (which is regrettably flat).
  • Even though I'm not vegetarian or vegan, I have several of both types of cookbooks that I cook from all the time. There's no better way to learn how to design a meal around vegetables than to go the the people who make it a way of life, and there's no rule that says you can't throw in a little meat or something like that.…
  • I got my first jar on a whim when I saw it in the Natural Foods section at Kroger. I ordered more from Amazon. It's not a substitute for peanut butter if you intend to eat it on something like an apple or in a sandwich, but it's great for giving other foods a peanut butter flavor without adding much fat (like smoothies, or…
  • I have a big ol' Cusinart commercial blender, and it's awesome, but it's heavy and LOUD. I find myself most often using my Ninja. I got the one with the food chopper cup and the pitcher, and both are indispensable to me, because it's lighter, quieter, and takes the place of the food processor, too (in most cases). But here…
  • I heart them so much, especially because I'm having a lot of dental work done, which means an unpredictable appetite as well as not being able to chew very well. Most of them (at least the ones without whole nuts) are pretty soft, and they're calorie-dense, so I get more nutritional bang for my buck.
  • I really haven't cut anything out, I'm just more mindful of what/when I eat and making sure I'm not grazing out of boredom. I did give up soda on a dare from a friend, rather than for any dietary reasons, and I've learned to recognize certain binge triggers and to pre-portion them so that I don't fall into the "Hey, this…
  • True love is the greatest thing . . . next to a nice MLT - Mutton, Lettuce, and Tomato.
  • I think it jumped the shark when it became a featured dance on Dancing With the Stars.
  • My Maple and Brown Sugar Frosted Mini Wheats believes the subject is indeed open to discussion!
  • While I didn't exactly agree with/follow much of the advice in the book, I thought the original South Beach Diet book was very informative. It taught me a lot about about how carbs interact with the body, and I still use a lot of the Stage 2 and Stage 3 recipes. The worst? The T-Factor Diet, when I was in high school,…
  • I believe in the app you can see ratios on a pie graph, but only for previous days. I don't have my phone with me at the moment, though, so this could be complete misinformation. So, really, I was no help!
  • I eat a lot of this - if you had 2 cups of prepared soup, you had 2 servings. 1 box = 2 packets, each packet = 4 servings
  • I'm a hotel manager, so much of my day is spent in the lightly-active category, but on those occasions when we're really busy and it's all-hands-on-deck, I might be cleaning rooms, making beds, or wrestling with industrial laundry machines. I log these as exercise, because they are over and above my normal daily…
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