tsb50158 Member


  • yeah we all have those people in our lives, I always told them, " I can loose weight, but somehow I just dont see you getting any smarter" You have any idea how a good insult looses the fun when they are too stupid to get it? lol oh well. you are doing what is good and right for you, Just smile at her and wave and run on…
  • Zumba for the Wii is suppose to be wonderful. My daughter teaches Zumba classes and bought it and says it is a great work out and at your own pace.
  • Carbs are sugar for the most part, your body turns it into glucose, be it table sugar or pasta. Try reading about the Glycemic index. Some very interesting info there.
  • Go have fun and work a little harder on Monday! Just keep in mind that it all evens out in the end. But that when you do step on the scale dont forget the extra workout is to catch up not for above and beyond, but hey we all need those times! Enjoy yourself!
  • Exactly, heck, we all fall off the wagon now and then, eat more than we should or eat what we certainly shouldnt. But we need to figure out the WHY we did it, move on, tomorrow is another day Try to fix the why's and motivate yourself with this knowledge. knowing yourself is a wonderful weapon in all of this.
  • No your far from alone as you can see on here. I suffer from R/A, Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthrisitis and Dengenertive Spinal Disease along with Chronic Depression, So hey we are all in this together and all trying to make ourselves feel better, become healthier and be each others moral support.
  • Seems there are a LOT of short people period! lol I am barely 5'4! All my kids are much taller than I am. One son is 6'5! My daughter is almost 5'7!
  • Yes, the timing isnt so much of it, unless your eating really late at night . but it still comes down to calories in compared to out and not eating to LITTLE calories. A good book on the Glycemis index is really great it does help you understand how carbs are used by the body.
  • I also see that some of you are eating 1100 1200 calorie diets, it can get to a point that your doing the opposite of what you need. The body sees all the calories going out and your not taking in enough and it starts storing fat instead of letting you make muscle. Self defeating. Make sure you are eating enough. That is…
  • You also have to understand some of the weight gain can be water retention. The numbers on the scales are just that.. numbers, It might give you an idea of how your doing but mine fluctuates so much, sometimes as much as 7 lbs from day to day. Dont get discouraged drink more water make sure you try and keep the sodium…
  • I have started drinking a lot more water, but this is a problem I have had for years, Doctor gave me a water pills a couple of years back, I lost 16 lbs over night! Wow talk about water retaining lol. i dont use a lot of salt but I need to watch more in what foods I do eat. Thanks for all the input!
  • Its like you mentioned the biggest loser. the reason they do loose so much weight is they do work out a great deal. thats also why so many many of them start to gain it back when they leave the ranch. The show changed up the way they do things now. They have to be taught how to handle this outside of the ranch. how to…
  • Even when you slip up you have to remember one thing, this isnt a diet, its a life change. You just take a little set back. Besides its better to sin a little and have that lil extra than to fall off the wagon completely for days.
  • :drinker: It is better to have some of something that you havent allowed yourself than to forgoe it and then over eat it. A little will stop you from bingeing and in the long run make the diet more tolerable and able to stick with it. Its a life style change but its only done one day at a time. Goodluck.