Saw my "frenemy" at the park today....



  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I used to work with her and she was always SOOOOOOOOOO judgemental about everyone. She talks bad about other people all the time and it's no wonder she really doesn't have too many friends. We went swimming last year at her house (once!) and all she could comment on was how much weight I gained since high school! Gee, thanks but you're no skinny minney yourself! And I had 2 kids and she didn't! Ugh. Some people. I feel bad for her though because I know she is insecure about herself. Oh well. I can only work on making myself better. :)

    Thanks for all the kind words on encouragement. MFP rocks!!!!!
  • barberella
    Is this the same person? I work with a beyotch in my office too. Twice a day she comes in with McDonald's or Taco Bell. Once for breakfast, once for lunch. Even while I am eating my crab salad or whatever homemade meal I bring EVERY day, she will ask if want anything...She knows I go to the gym (also have one in my office too) every day and drink mega amounts of water, and even in the summer, I used to ride my bike. And every day, she'll say, "I know you will say no, but I just thought I'd ask". You think she's being nice. Oh no, she's not. And yes, she's super gross skinny, built like a boy, so perhaps she can afford it weight wise. And every day, I look at her, and tell her I don't eat that ****, but why does she keep asking? She'll ask me also.."Are you still into that physical fitness kick?" What the f does that mean? But despite her daily stupid rhetorical question, i also keep in mind that yeah, she's only 26 and very thin, and I may be way heavier, but in the long run, I will lose this and be much happier. Her, on the other hand, with her pack a day smoking habit, daily doses of fast food, and absolutely no exercise to boot, will not live very comfortably with all her health problems..
  • HawkeyeGuy
    Remind me not to be friends with you. Seriously, these are the people you have in your life? I'd say it's time to find some new folks to hang with.
  • emmascott
    emmascott Posts: 249
    I love this story ... funny how we all have one of those 'friends'. Unfortunately, my helpful friend to remind me of my weight gain is my Father-in-Law. Yes thats right ... the one with the big gut !!! lol
  • ohiogirl30
    ohiogirl30 Posts: 141 Member
    Those are what I call small VICTORIES!!!!!!! YOU GO MS. LADY!!!
  • tsb50158
    tsb50158 Posts: 20 Member
    yeah we all have those people in our lives, I always told them, " I can loose weight, but somehow I just dont see you getting any smarter" You have any idea how a good insult looses the fun when they are too stupid to get it? lol oh well. you are doing what is good and right for you, Just smile at her and wave and run on by getting smaller and smaller lol. When you are down and smaller try and be the BIGGER person and encourage her unlike what she has done with you. You can then do it with a little glee.!
  • lisa_lotte
    Remind me not to be friends with you. Seriously, these are the people you have in your life? I'd say it's time to find some new folks to hang with.

    well the people they have spoken about are not friends or people they hang out with.... you cant always choose who you work with :-)
  • BrandNewMia
    If she is critical of you, but doesn't want to do it for herself, that sounds to me like she's projecting her feelings for herself onto you.

    I couldn't have said it better myself!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Oh I'm so glad I'm not the only one lol...I have a friend that constantly critisizes me about counting calories and working out...she's the size of a kitchen table! We're both in a friend's wedding in August, and I refuse to be the biggest bridesmaid...that's my motivation...
  • mrnls
    mrnls Posts: 95 Member
    I was at the park today running and I happened to see my friend, Amy, who I've known half my life. Amy has always been critical of my weight (even though she is also overweight) and in the past has called me fatso and other various other names. Nice, huh? Well, I haven't seen her in a while and when she saw me running I stopped, said hello and then said "Hey, why don't you come run with me?" Of course she declined and said "Oh, I have to run some errands." But I KNOW she never works out and has NO intentions of losing weight or getting healthy. I just smiled and said goodbye and off I ran. Then I even lapped her during my next lap and it felt SOOOOOOOOOOO good! She's about 5 inches shorter than me and 40lbs lighter, but she's still overweight for her height. I just can't wait until I'm her weight! I will get the last laugh in the end!

    It just me feel good to lap her while running! :laugh:
    Sorry, just had to share!

    Oh how good it feels! I have one of those too. She likes to tell me what and how I should lose weight. Yet she has gained all her 33lbs back and I am down 20lbs.
    Enjoy your success you deserve it!
  • AliciaMarie08
    Great story...all that does is push you harder! :flowerforyou:
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Remind me not to be friends with you. Seriously, these are the people you have in your life? I'd say it's time to find some new folks to hang with.

    well the people they have spoken about are not friends or people they hang out with.... you cant always choose who you work with :-)

    Thank you!!!! So true!
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    great job!!!!
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member

    Want to know my motivation? My ex's current gf called me a fat cow a few months ago. Since then, I saw a pic she was tagged in on facebook (you know, the ones you don't want online!). In this pic, her gut is HANGING over her jeans (I don't know why she thought tucking her skin tight shirt into her too small jeans would be a good idea). I keep that on my phone so when I don't want to work out, or I feel bad about myself, I'll pull that pic out and giggle till I about wet myself.

    Then suddenly I feel so much better :)

    Ohhhh! Girl ME TOO! My ex husband's current wife made a comment to my girls about how I'm "jealous." She's literally 60 pounds heavier than me -RIGHT NOW, and she's not doing anything to lose weight. Every time I feel the temptation to dive into the cookies or eat a burger, I say out loud to myself, "Jealous." Yeah, you give me two more months...we'll see whose jealous. And this summer??? I'm gonna have a rockin body. Ima hold up a sign that says, "Who's JEALOUS now?", wearing a bikini, when they come pick up my kids. ha ha ha!

    I say whatever motivates ya!
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    Don't you love it when words are not necessary!! Good for you taking the high road and staying positive. As another post said, "kill her with kindness". Love it!!
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138

    and you kept the moral highground.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Brilliant, it's little things like that, that make losing weight totally worth while.:laugh:

    I had a 'friend' like that. Emphasis on the had. She was no light weight herself but always had a derogatory comment to make about my size. Eventually I had had enough & told her that once she had solved her 'weight problem' them she could comment on mine. And that was the last I heard from her. No big miss!
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member

    Want to know my motivation? My ex's current gf called me a fat cow a few months ago. Since then, I saw a pic she was tagged in on facebook (you know, the ones you don't want online!). In this pic, her gut is HANGING over her jeans (I don't know why she thought tucking her skin tight shirt into her too small jeans would be a good idea). I keep that on my phone so when I don't want to work out, or I feel bad about myself, I'll pull that pic out and giggle till I about wet myself.

    Then suddenly I feel so much better :)

    Ohhhh! Girl ME TOO! My ex husband's current wife made a comment to my girls about how I'm "jealous." She's literally 60 pounds heavier than me -RIGHT NOW, and she's not doing anything to lose weight. Every time I feel the temptation to dive into the cookies or eat a burger, I say out loud to myself, "Jealous." Yeah, you give me two more months...we'll see whose jealous. And this summer??? I'm gonna have a rockin body. Ima hold up a sign that says, "Who's JEALOUS now?", wearing a bikini, when they come pick up my kids. ha ha ha!

    I say whatever motivates ya!

    However unchristian it may be....Revenge is better than Christmas!!! I love it
  • ammp
    ammp Posts: 107 Member
    However unchristian it may be....Revenge is better than Christmas!!! I love it
