sharris215 Member


  • I just joined the group but I'm starting Week 2 tonight. Does anybody else enjoy running in the cold? I'm actually looking forward to bundling up a little and warming up as I run.
  • ^^^this! Now after seeing how many people do it, I may try pushing back about 30 minutes & get up at 5 instead.
  • Whenever I'm bored with food, I watch Chopped on the Food Network. I figure if they can come up with creative, delicious ways to combine seemingly dull and/or incompatible ingredients and actually make a tasty meal out of it, so can I. Plus they're making all their dishes in 30 minutes or less, so it's all quick stuff to…
  • @quietHiker--thanks and awesome job! I actually weighed in yesterday and was down 1.5 pounds so yeah, it's definitely definitely working. I just started Level 2 today so I'm interested to hear how you think Level 3 compares. I've heard good things!
  • I just started Level 2 this morning and the plank jacks are killing me. Good god. At least they'll firm up those saddlebags, right? 11 more days...11 more days...
  • I'm in South Philly so feel free to add me too. :smile:
  • South Philly here--added you!
  • I've been putting coffee in my smoothies... 2 C spinach 1/2 C unsweetened almond milk 1/2 C water 1 tsp espresso powder 1 T raw cacao powder (unsweetened--not chocolate, just the naked powder) 1/2 banana 1/2 C frozen mixed berries 2 T flax meal 1 T almond or peanut butter sometimes I add cinnamon, almond or vanilla extract…
  • I take Rainbow Light Women's One. It's food-based, vegetarian, and the best part is you only need one a day. It tastes pretty nasty going down but I brush my teeth right after I take it to get that taste out and I'm good to go.
  • I'm about the same weight as you and I work out 6 days/week. I do 30 Day Shred 6 days, upper/lower/abdominal strength training 3 days/each, and a HIIT jump rope workout 3 days. I started out just doing a lot of walking (2-6 miles/day) and the same strength training 3 days/week and was able to lose about 20 pounds...but now…
  • I'm so glad you posted this--it looks like so much fun! I have to go to Walmart tomorrow anyway so I'll see i they have one there. @paintlisapurp--totally agree. I'd love to have a giant one on my back porch.
  • I've been doing a short-ish (17 minutes) jump rope video led by Michael Olajide Jr. and it's awesome! My calves are killing me but after a few weeks I already have more stamina and am able to breathe deeper and easier than before I started. The first day I could only get through 9 minutes, the next time 11, the next time…
  • Hi there! I'm Shannon and I live in South Philly. I had a job I really hated for almost 9 years and managed to put on 50 pounds in the last 3 years (yikes!). Now I'm starting my own business and taking off the weight while I'm at it. I'm currently doing strength training 3x/week (upper, lower & abs), I'm about to start…
  • I just finished Day 12 of Level 1 (doing each level for 6 days/week for 2 weeks) and the scale hasn't budged but I've already lost an inch off my hips and another inch off my waist. This morning I was able to slide on a pair of jeans that a few months ago I couldn't even get over my thighs. So it's definitely working and I…
  • I make a similar pudding with silken tofu instead of the avocado. It's actually better than any other chocolate pudding I've ever had and it's completely vegan and chock-full of protein. I'll have to try this version to see how it compares. I love the taste and texture of avocados and they're good in milkshakes so this…
  • I started reading this thread to find new ways to motivate myself and you guys are all so inspiring! Thanks for all your openness and support. :smile: That said, I'm loving the "tip jar" idea. Money is definitely something that will work for me to hold myself accountable so I can add to it daily for working out and meeting…
  • I like the chocolate for protein shakes. I don't really enjoy it as a spread, though. I'd rather have the real deal.
  • It wouldn't be exactly the same (tough to compete with a sweet potato--they're so good!) but have you tried substituting spaghetti squash for the sweet potato? It's really low in calories, tasty, and makes a great faux-hash-brown when you saute it with a little onion.
  • I think the only one that really surprised me was bananas. Fortunately, I don't really like them so no big loss there! And I wasn't surprised but I'm always a little bummed by the calories in avocados because I love them so much. I carve out the calories to keep them in my diet--totally worth it. The thing that's always a…
  • It really does make everything better. It's so great in the wintertime when grilling isn't really an option. You can find it in both hot and sweet varieties. YUM!
  • I've had my own struggles with portion control (salty/spicy/starchy, though--not sugar). There have been studies that show eating high-carb foods (simple sugars and starches) actually increases the production of serotonin in the brain. So, for a short burst of time, they do actually make you feel good and elevate your…