burbacka1132 Member


  • I found that I need to eat every 3 hours or so during the day...or else I get hungry (and cranky). Ask me how I know?! 7am: breakfast 10am: Meal 1 1pm: Meal 2 5pm: veggie/fruit smoothie 7pm: dinner Sometimes a small snack too...
  • I'm 5'7" and at 139 right now. I want to get back down to 130 or 132. I was hovering at 134 for a long time (success!) but less than a year ago: new job, new city, new living arrangements...so it was challenging to do proper meal planning. The weight crept back on and I really do NOT want to go clothes shopping for bigger…
  • Try the app, it's really great. You can choose from different workouts and it puts is all together for you, along with video of how to do each rep, as well as a built-in timer.
  • Good for you! Now you have a new goal to shoot for!! =)
  • I eat the same few things a lot. When I get tired of something, I'll change it up...and eat that a lot...until I get tired, and change it up. You get the idea. It's just easier and more convenient for me to do that.
  • I add spinach to salads. I also throw a handful in a blender with strawberries/banana/water.
  • Keep trying different combinations. My first couple weren't that good...so I just kept experimenting. I've even added coffee in some morning smoothies. Right now I like doing veggie and fruit combos...spinach, strawberries and banana plus water. Love the bright green color and it tastes good too.
  • I would take a break. I did Insanity for 2 weeks before developing right knee pain. I loved the workouts, but since it was very high-impact (at least, for me) I decided I'd rather not take a chance with my knees. They're the only ones I've got! If you give yourself a break, let the shin splints get better, then start up…
  • Is it because you're thinking about what you need to wear or bring (energy chew, water, ipod, etc)...? Maybe try setting all that stuff out before you go to bed the night before?
  • I tried Hard Body once...and then filed it in my, "workouts I don't like" pile. Don't get me wrong, I think Jillian Michaels workouts are great...I really LOVE 30DS and still use Level 3 in my workout routine. I didn't care for this dvd for the following reasons: - Too many shots of the DJ doing his DJ-thing...it became a…
  • I did Atkins for a several months back in 2004 and lost a good amount of weight - almost 25 lbs - so I would say it does work. I couldn't sustain the diet though (I am a carbaholic), and ended up gaining back half of that. It sounds like you have a relatively short-term goal, so good luck to you.
  • This sounds like a good idea...thanks for sharing!
  • Coffee w/ cream and sugar Bowl of either: - Oatmeal + 1/4 cup milk + 1 tsp sugar, or - Raisin Bran + 1/2 cup milk
  • I have the same issue. I try to make an allowance for some snacks, since dinner is usually my larger meal of the day, plus I have to budget in a glass of wine...etc. Brushing your teeth early also helps though.
  • Don't forget Jillian Michaels (30 Day Shred is a favorite)
  • I run first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (just a sip or two of water because food and too much liquids give me cramps). I walk 2 minutes to the sidewalk/trail, then just start running. Same thing with cooldown...walk the 2 minutes from the trail to my house.
  • It all felt good until 2 weeks in...and my right knee started feeling sore. I'm not one with knee problems and I'm a marathon runner. Granted, my knees take a beating on those super long runs, but generally speaking I don't have knee issues and I haven't been training or running long distances at all this year. I took a…