

  • I am eating 40% good fat at the advice of my nutritionist to address some HDL/LDL ratio issues. As a result, my cholesterol and ratios are better now that they have ever been in 15 years. I eat lots of avocado, almonds, olive oil, avocado oil, and even eggs. I was advised to try to eats some good fat and vegetables at…
  • I am not an exercise physiologist, but here is what I believe is generally true. There are two different impacts on calories and metabolism. Cardio is shorter term burn and strength is longer term burn. Until your heart rate returns to resting you will burn more calories during this time immediately after your workout.…
  • I like the treadmill on max incline. As mentioned, interval training is the best use of your time in my opinion. I have broken two plateaus using High Intensity Interval Training, basically walking/running uphill for short bursts (1 minute) and returning to a moderately high pace/incline to recover, then repeating. I have…
  • Everyone is different. After I hit a plateau at 35 lbs, I reduced carbs with a good result. My nutritionist suggested a ratio for me as follows: 30c/30p/40f (with lots of good fat). She also said I need good fat at every meal , veggies at every meal, and complex carbs. The fat is higher because I am working to increase the…
  • You might try adding low glycemic carbs first, brown rice, bulgur, lentils, etc. Lately I am beginning to believe that plenty of people have wheat or gluten sensitivity (not allergy) and just don't know it. The stomach definitely pulls in water when the carbs increase.
  • The Taylor body fat scale available at Target for around $40 is great. It has received favorable reviews and found to be the most accurate as another poster already noted. I have had this scale for about 5 months and I really like it.
  • You can do this if you decide it is worth it. It is so worth it! Eating less processed and pre-prepared foods will result in lower sodium, and better health. I recently spent some time with a certified nutritionist and learned that we should keep our food as basic as possible. Her contention is that if we eat quality foods…
  • I use unsweetened almond/coconut - 45 cals for 8 oz and so tasty, especially with a small amount of agave nectar or sweetener
  • I have just finished reading the first few chapters of the book. Some of what is being said seems to make sense, but I am a bit skeptical at this point. The premise is that not all calories are created equal because what matters is what you body is going to do with the food: store it or use it. I like some of the tips…
  • I love mine. Helps me especially because some days I don't move enough. It is a good way to track. I like the sleep tracking as it allows me to see what affects my sleep quality. There is a fitbit wifi scale and both integrate automatically to my fitness pal.
  • Sounds like a time lag. Check time zone on fitbit; delete app and download update. Since downloading the update I have no issues. Check all settings. On the adjustment you have a choice to make - either take the fitbit count as is or manually enter cardio. I stopped manual entry and just called it good enough.
  • Wahoo Blue Bluetooth with GPS app. Gives status updates over your headphones, gives speed and miles. Integrates with other apps.
  • I got a great used commercial machine for 200 on Craig's List. It's a Precor and is very well made.
  • Bumps in a car can definitely be counted as steps, regardless of location. If you want the steps to be more accurate you can adjust your measured gait up or down in setup.
  • Everyone's foot is different. When you do find the right one you will know. I tried Saucony out ten years ago on advice from a diehard runner friend. They are the only brand I wear now.