Has anybody tried The Fast Metabolism Diet?

Has anybody tried The Fast Metabolism Diet? I saw a story on Good Morning America on Friday morning (4/12) about this. It was, of course, accompanied by a book promotion by Haylie Pomroy, called The Fast Metabolism Diet. I'm curious to know if this is something that has worked for people that have been stuck after losing a lot of weight already. It boasts you can lose 20 pounds in 4 weeks... Well that's easy for committed new dieters that are truly overweight or obese, so I take this claim with a grain of salt... But I am about 20-30 pounds from my goal and have been stuck for about a year. I'm not unhappy with my current weight but its much easier to revert back to old habits when your workouts and good food choices are no longer making the scale move.


  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I wouldn't … anything called "The ____ Diet" is probably good to avoid. I've been stuck for a year, too, about 10-15 lbs from goal. But this is where it is most important to build good habits (that's my downfall! :laugh:). If you use some fancy/fad/eat-this-for-the-magic-solution diet to take them off, they'll come right back when you stop.

    Losing weight is about eating at a calorie deficit. You can either decrease what you take in or increase what you use. I think I'd rather go for the second. You may want to check out the Eat More to Weigh Less group and see if that helps. Or take a look at your exercise routine for where you can change it up. If you don't lift, I'd add weights at least a few times a week. Or even your daily habits - there's things that we can all change to increase our metabolism a bit (the amount of calories used on a day-to-day basis). It doesn't take a fancy diet and special foods (or restrictions) to do that.

    On a side note, I wish the "news shows" would stop promoting things like this. Can we say free advertising for the author….
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I'm not sure exactly what that diet it, but I fast every day. I don't look at it as a diet but a lifestyle change. I love this way of eating, and it's working. I start and stop this but I find when I start it up again after stalling out it works to kick me back in gear.
  • sharpdagger
    sharpdagger Posts: 91 Member
    Change up your routine. Try something like "Insanity" to get you excited again. There are online deals for less than $50.
  • OriginalRedfishMan
    I have just finished reading the first few chapters of the book. Some of what is being said seems to make sense, but I am a bit skeptical at this point. The premise is that not all calories are created equal because what matters is what you body is going to do with the food: store it or use it. I like some of the tips about boosting metabolism (e.g. give up caffeine, but if you can't - never drink it on an empty stomach, or always eat something within 30 minutes of waking up and continue eating something if you stay up late, and you must eat 5 mini meals or something every 2-3 hours while awake). It reminded me of the P90X idea of "muscle confusion" and this is a way to get your metabolism back to normal from being shut down in starvation mode. The Fast Metabolism diet is low glycemic in phases. I just broke a month plateau by reducing carbs for a week, and like the idea of jump-starting my metabolism. I believe that I was in starvation mode because I was too aggressive on exercise without enough calories. I actually seem to lose more weight with walking as opposed to running and that has me intrigued with metabolism. I have learned from the book, but am not ready to start it just yet. If I hit another plateau, I will consider it.
  • tiffanigray0609
    tiffanigray0609 Posts: 8 Member
    I was actually stuck, the gym and dieting was not working I broke down and bought the book after seeing it on Good Morning America. I am close to the end of my second week with 8lbs down. It does NOT feel like a diet, she cuts out things that are not good for you, it makes you eat clean and healthy, you still eat carbs, veggies, fruits and meat. I had to cut out refined sugar and caffeine and it was horrible the first few days with the withdrawals but she recommends Feverfew (herbal supplement) and it worked wonders, I have been almost 2 weeks with out it, not only have I lost 8 lbs but I feel amazing and my husband tells me I look so much happier. I was struggling losing weight after gaining it from birth control. I recommend it, it takes dedication and self-disipline.