jennadelane Member


  • These are some of my absolute favorite cookies, I literally cannot stop eating them when they are in the house: Cinnamon Jumbles •1 cup shortening •4 cups flour •2 cups sugar •1 teaspoon salt •2 eggs •1 teaspoon baking soda •1 ½ cups buttermilk •2 teaspoons vanilla Combine ingredients. Chill one hour. Drop on greased…
  • I love Spark, but I drink it because I enjoy it, it tastes good and it gives me energy (I hate coffee). I do not drink it because I think it will help me lose weight, that's what CICO is for.
  • I've been veg for 16 years and I developed a B12 deficieny several years ago. The multivitamin that I was taking was not enough to supplement the lack of B12 in my food (B12 is found mainly in meat) so I had to start taking a stand alone B12 supplement. My doctor told me to use the sublingual kind. Everything else has…
  • My world was recently changed forever when I went to a restaurant that combined two of my favorite things: mac n'cheese and cheezits. Yep, they used crumbled cheezits as a topping on the mac. Mind blown.
  • I'll give it a try, thanks!
  • You're also supposed to rinse out the strap after every use and wash it after every several workouts per the directions. If you dont you start to get wonky readings.
  • If you are following the TDEE method of counting calories, your TDEE - 10-20% would give you your total calories for the day. You've already factored in exercise so you dont eat back those calories. So you go by total, not net.
  • I've been using it for a couple years now, just about every day. I've noticed no weight gain that I couldnt otherwise attribute to my own tendency to overeat. There's lots of people who have commented on it over at the forum
  • Last night I had Beyond Meat - Chicken Free Strips (Southwest Style) for the first time. They are kind of expensive but they are the best meat free "chicken" style strips that I have tried. I didn't think they were salty at all, and I'm typically sensitive to that. Maybe try those?
  • Sounds pretty good, I'll give it a go. Thanks!
  • Need pronto. Thanks!
  • You probably need more protein than MFP has suggested for you. MFP is notoriously low in their protein suggestion. Personally, I am for at least 100g of protein per day, and I'm a vegetarian. You really should be getting around 1g per pound of lean body mass (LBM). LBM is calculated by subtracting body fat weight from…
  • I LOVE this receipe for Baked Spaghetti Squash with Cheese from skyinnytaste: Very good and pretty low calorie.
  • That egg casserole clocked in at 151 calories for me with lots of veggies and Boca crumbles. 20g of protein too. Also try Skinny Taste, their recipes are amazing: Also, my corn quiche…
  • Love egg casseroles! Thanks!
  • Actually in some of the other weeks they have one of the males modify. Most weeks it is a female, but they do change it up later. I found the 2nd week to be the easiest out of all of them, but they do get harder!
  • Funnily enough, I just restarted this program the other day! I love it too!
  • You can track strength training under cardio, its in the list and it will give you a calories burned estimate. That said, HRMs are not accurate for strength training. They are built to track calories burned during steady state aerobic cardio, not strength training. Here's some good explanations why they are inaccurate for…
  • De-loading is actually kind of how I got stuck where I am. I went down in weight to work on form and getting way down in my squats and that weight is now where I'm stuck at. I work with the squat rack and use the bar and plates so with those I'm really limited to 10 pounds at a time (smallest weights are 5 pounds). I…
  • Great job Vanessa! I see a real difference! You killed it!
  • This is a delicious recipe from Skinny Taste ( Loaded Baked Sweet Potato Servings: 4 • Size: 1 potato • Calories: 307 • Fat: 5 g • Carb: 53 g • Fiber: 10.5 g • Protein: 15 g • Sugar: 1 g Sodium: 312 mg (without salt) Ingredients: 4 medium sized sweet…
  • Looks really good, but do you have any nutrition information?
  • I've been a vegetarian for 15 years but only over the last couple years have I attempted to do it the healthy way. Within the last couple months I've started focusing on protein, and my daily goal is to hit over 100 with it. Feel free to add me, my diary is viewable by friends (though don't look at the last couple weeks…
  • I used to get bloated from the protein powder I was using, but not any digestive issues. I switched brands and it stopped. Perhaps your body just doesnt like the brand you are using?
  • Unfortunately you'll have to measure it out yourself. Its a pain in the butt for stuff like chili thats not easily divisible. Last time I made chili I actually got out a measuring cup and measured the whole thing out into a container before I ate any.
  • I'm vegetarian and try to get at least 100g of protein per day. I normally eat Greek yogurt twice a day, once in my breakfast overnight oats and again as a side for my lunch. I do a lot of dairy, including egg whites and hard boiled eggs. Cottage cheese has A LOT of protein too. Also I eat peanut butter every day. And the…
  • I made this recipe the other day and it was SO much food and it was pretty good with a lot of protein. Serves two, but I'm single so I cut it in half. To make it a little more "clean" you could cut the soy sauce, but its only 1/2 tsp. I would also at least press the tofu (remove the water). I also added black beans and…
  • Congrats! I can't eat meat for ethical reasons either. The one thing nutrient wise that I want to mention is B12. I became deficient in this vitamin after several years of being veg, since its not really found in plant based foods. My doctor put me on a sublingual supplement and now my levels are great. Low levels make you…