Vegetarians and vegans!!! Get your sweet *kitten* over here!

Hey all!

I have been on here actively for a little while now and as a vegetarian feel that I'd benefit from having more vege or vegan friends to gain nutrition tips off and have a nosey around your diaries.

I had all intention follow the 'If it fits your macros' (IIFYM) method, but NEVER reach my protein levels, and any help would be great, IIFYM people or not.

Feel free to add, I can offer support and help in return <3

Cheers :drinker:


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    I like a good piece of meat.
  • LadyLib82
    LadyLib82 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm not vegetarian but do have plenty of meat free days/mf meals. Quinoa porridge made with almond milk for breakfast is good and higher protein than oat porridge, flavour with honey cinnamon & raisin is my favourite, but if you need the extra protein maybe add a spoonful of flavoured soy protein powder? Lentil & red pepper soup for lunch is nice & filling & reasonably high protein too.

    Ill be interested to see other options as I'm always on the look out for tasty easy high protein vegetarian meals :-)
  • DaniettaF
    DaniettaF Posts: 212 Member
    I like a good piece of meat.

    Fair enough :wink:
  • DaniettaF
    DaniettaF Posts: 212 Member
    I'm not vegetarian but do have plenty of meat free days/mf meals. Quinoa porridge made with almond milk for breakfast is good and higher protein than oat porridge, flavour with honey cinnamon & raisin is my favourite, but if you need the extra protein maybe add a spoonful of flavoured soy protein powder? Lentil & red pepper soup for lunch is nice & filling & reasonably high protein too.

    Ill be interested to see other options as I'm always on the look out for tasty easy high protein vegetarian meals :-)

    I've not heard of Quinoa porridge, I'm definitely going to try and find it!

    I'll send you an friend request now :)
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    Hello! Fellow veggie here, and we are already friends too :)

    No idea what IIFYM is though
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    FYI there are veg*n groups on here that have far less trolls.
  • DaniettaF
    DaniettaF Posts: 212 Member
    FYI there are veg*n groups on here that have far less trolls.

    Haha, I'll make sure I'll have a gander at your dairy.

    Put simply, copied from somewhere who describes it better than I do:

    "IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) is simply an acronym commonly referring to the notion that no significant impacts on body composition will result if macronutrients are consistent, regardless of food choices. Now, of course diet quality (consuming a predominance of whole and minimally refined foods) is important for long-term health, so don't misconstrue this as a green light to eat whatever junk you want to fulfill your macro targets.

    e.g. 200g protein, 300g carbs and 80g fats will produce the same physique no matter what foods are eaten to achieve those numbers."

    Ah cheers, thank you. I'll take a look at the groups now.
  • jchite84
    jchite84 Posts: 467 Member
    I am a vegetarian, and I was vegan for 10 years. Feel free to add me and snoop on my diary. I never meet my protein either, but the meat replacements, tofu, and TONS of beans help for sure.
  • jennadelane
    jennadelane Posts: 121 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for 15 years but only over the last couple years have I attempted to do it the healthy way. Within the last couple months I've started focusing on protein, and my daily goal is to hit over 100 with it. Feel free to add me, my diary is viewable by friends (though don't look at the last couple weeks entries, I've been sick and injured, thus caring a little less!)!
  • ovo-lacto veggie here. previous entries may show some meat due to bf daughter but now cut it out fully.
  • I take no notice of my macros or protein intake. Oops, might pay more attention from now on.
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    Hello! I am vegetarian too (pescatarian).

    I love BEANS! Black beans, I eat as many as I can. They are perfect mixed with eggs and salsa, mashed with a sweet potato, added to corn or really just about anything. Garbanzo beans are a close second. I recently made my own felafels! They make a good addition to any salad.

    Protein powder! Mix it with oatmeal, coffee, pancake batter, everything. My favorite is chocolate egg protein.

    Greek yogurt! (If you eat dairy. I'm lactose intolerant but my body seems to get along with yogurt in small quantities. Yay!)

    Nuts! Cashews and almonds have a lot of healthy fats too.

    Eggs, cheese, wheat pasta/bread all have a decent amount of protein too

    My diary is open, feel free to have a look! I'm set to 30% calories from protein but I try to go over it every day.
  • Hi everyone, please feel free to add me, I've been using mfp for a while but never posted! I'm vegetarian too, would love friends to share ideas/motivate each other. I'm really having trouble hitting my protein too!
  • Holladaywalker
    Holladaywalker Posts: 1 Member
    I have been a vegan for 2 years and a vegetarian for 5 years before that. Many people think that the hardest part of being a vegan is getting protein, but it is not. The hardest part is getting vitamin B-12. You will probably need to take a vitamin B-12 supplement. You can get your protein from soy products, beans and grains. I modify my recipes from regular ones and make them meatless and more natural. For sweetness I use agave syrup, raw sugar, stevia and molasses. Most vegan consider honey to be non vegan. As a vegan you need to watch labels closely. Make sure they say vegan and not just vegetarian. If it says vegetarian, it still might have milk or milk byproducts (whey and other names that are really milk products, egg or cheese products. I collect recipes and have hundreds of recipes. I have 150 recipes for vegan patties. Good luck on becoming a vegan. I lost, so far, 48 lbs on a vegan diet, with the help of motivated MFP people. I can now walk at least 5 miles daily and am back on the hiking trails. Get a real support team and not just try and see how many friends you can collect. When you become discouraged, a real active support team will give you real support with out criticism. Good luck to you.
  • RawIndian
    RawIndian Posts: 90 Member
    I am vegetarian from birth but recently turned vegan to aid with weight loss with 60-70% of the calories coming from raw foods.

    My diary is open to friends.
  • yoster28
    yoster28 Posts: 49 Member
    Veggie Here! I love Morningstar farm products. Especially the Basil &Tomato Pizza burger it taste just like Supreme Pizza! So far all of their patties are pretty awesome! I will send a friend request as my diary is open to my pals.
  • Hi there,

    I like to drink Genuine Health Proteins + (Vanilla flavour). It has 25g of proteins per serving! It tastes amazing blended with some fresh fruit! There is also a Vegan Proteins + (also made by Genuine Health) and it is free of common allergens including gluten, wheat, dairy, egg, corn and soy.

  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    ok so im kind of a veggie...the only meat I eat is fish...nothing else...and I only eat that about 2 x a a runner and just feel I need the added protein of fish...I have been doing this since Feb. and really don't miss meat. would love to have other veggie friends. Feel free to add me
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    I :heart: Bacon.


    IN for sweet *kitten*
  • been vegetarian about 18yrs, I like primal jerky for snacking, 10g of protein less than 100 calories.
  • HaleyxErin
    HaleyxErin Posts: 94 Member
    I'm not vegetarian yet but I hope to be soon, not easy when you still live with your parents and they love meat lol, but I try to be meatless most days.
  • NoriDupuis
    NoriDupuis Posts: 26 Member
    I need help finding some great meat free recipes
    we love flavored and spice
    and I have to satisfy and picky husband
    can anyone send me recipes they love?
  • As someone stated earlier, I am not a vegetarian, but I recently started a new diet that is really a meal plan for life that I never plan on quitting. It makes me feel like I am however turning into one. But I am a sucker for meat. However, if you are interested go to it is the meal plan followed by the legendary family of Jiu-jitsu, the Gracie family, for over 65 years. Long story short, you do not have to follow everything they say, but if you are a vegetarian, they DEFINITELY have recipes you will enjoy!

    My personal favorite - The Renergy Sandwich
    2 slices whole grain bread, toasted
    1 tbls of almond butter
    1/2 of an avocado
    Sear a handful of spinach leaves in a pan

    Put it all on the bread and enjoy!

    Also, add me if you would like because I have been looking for a lot of veggie recipes just because they are so healthy and fit my meal plan so well.
  • sparks787
    sparks787 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, my name is Sara and I have just joined mfp. Would love to connect with other veggies to share recipes, I try to do raw vegan as much as poss - not always easy!
  • monikariney
    monikariney Posts: 5 Member
    @MFish89--Thank you!!

    Hi to everyone else too. I've been vegetarian for about 4 years and have been vegan off and on during that time. I've committed to eating vegan during the month of September, and will see if I take it from there. I love how alive and light I feel when I eliminate dairy and eggs.

    I still have trouble finding things to eat, especially for quick snacks. I avoid packaged food, so very little Amy's for me.
    I have about 8 good cookbooks that I spend time thumbing through.
    What I need most are recipes that are #1 yummy, #2 easy to make, #3 have easily obtained ingredients.
  • leaaa92
    leaaa92 Posts: 164 Member
    Hey! I have been vegan for about a month now so the more vegan friends I can get, the better :) I try to get most of my protein from tofu, beans, greens, nuts, and chia seeds. I usually meet my needs but when I have a rigorous workout, I like to have a plant based protein shake. Feel free to add me, all! :smile:
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    lol hi I am vegan feel free to add :)