

  • Only when the last thing I added DOUBLED my total calories for the whole day. Then I realized I entered it wrong.
  • I now have the ability to go much longer in between meals. This was a major problem for me because I was snacking throughout the day just to keep my blood sugar up because I felt like crap when I didn't eat for say 4 hours, and have passed out when I didn't eat for a longer period of time. I now think I know what hunger…
  • This one looks pretty yummy! http://jensgonepaleo.blogspot.com/2010/11/pictures-do-not-good-recipe-makeor.html I'm sure you can just throw in a bunch of spices instead of that red curry paste. I think I might try this one day too.
  • Not necessarily eat less, but eat during a shorter window. Most likely you would wind up eating less, but it's the same principle, eat til you feel satisfied, don't worry about calories (except going too low).
  • Weird. Those things are supposedly good for weight loss or what?
  • Try it for 30 days and see how you feel. Dairy affects everyone differently.
  • I do this with tea most mornings. It's great!
  • I think that makes a lot of sense. It doesn't have to be about evolution, just about real food. Do what's right for you. And congrats for overcoming that internal battle.
  • I second that, and even recommend whole milk over 2%. Don't drink skim milk. :(
  • I don't think it's a good idea to try to lose weight while you're pregnant, at least not under close supervision of a doctor. Just eat as healthy as you can.
  • I would try it once and compare. I'd love to try making my own butter, but no access to raw milk/cream or fresh grass-fed anything around here. You're lucky!
    in Butter Comment by kannd86 February 2013
  • I personally think vitamins are necessary. It's really tough to get every vitamin and nutrient from food alone when living in the real world. Our food is not as nutritious as it used to be due to changes in the soil, so if you need a magnesium supplement or whatever, research what brands are best and take one. Vitamin D is…
  • I believe there's more to it than simply sodium leaches calcium. A lot more is at play such as Vitamin K/K2, D3, potassium levels, general inflammation. I don't think there's any reason to limit sodium, especially when eating Paleo tends to be low salt anyway, potentially too low. Himalayan pink salt is the cleanest source…
  • I've read that avocado oil and macadamia oil are good. I made may the other day with half olive oil half coconut oil. It was pretty bland. I dislike the straight flavor of coconut oil, it's overpowering yet bland at the same time. I like cooking with it, but the flavor on it's own is pretty unappealing to me. I think I…
  • Thanks for pointing out that site! I just read a bunch of the articles and found them interesting and well-researched. Great find.
  • On Thanksgiving, I read through a lot of the Bulletproof Exec blog, which recommends eating a stricter form of Paleo. I kept seeing this word Paleo and vaguely knew it meant "eat like a caveman," but had no idea what it really entailed. So over the next week I read tons about Paleo online and everything made perfect sense.…
  • I read recently that salads should always be consumed alongside fat or else we don't properly absorb all the nutrients in the leafy greens and veggies. Of course I did not bookmark this study. Basically the gist was don't skimp on the olive oil. I usually do olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Someday I'll branch out.
  • Ok thanks everyone. Figured I was overthinking it.
  • I've been eating Lindt 85% dark chocolate, and I'm gonna try 90% as soon I get my hands on some!
  • Another thumbs up for coconut oil. It is really the best oil to cook with. We've been programmed to be afraid of saturated fats when we really shouldn't be, assuming they are coming from good sources like coconuts and not junk food.
  • I don't like it as much with plain coconut oil blended it. I think ghee would be better. It won't be greasy, it will be kind of frothy. Drink it through a straw if you think that would help get over your fear.
  • I think grazing is discouraged because eating when you're bored is not a good reason to eat. We should only eat when we're hungry. But everyone's different, and I don't really see what's wrong with what you're doing. If it was completely mindless, I think that would be more of a problem. It would be interesting to see if…
  • Water weight. It's normal. I wasn't particularly concerned with my weight when I started, so when I did wind up weighing myself (after at least a week or more), I was shocked to see I'd lost about 10 pounds. I'm sure most of it was water weight. Now it's coming off much more slowly. I hope that means I'm burning fat!
  • It is coffee with grass-fed butter in it, and it's delicious. See: http://www.bulletproofexec.com/coffee/ (You don't have to buy that coffee, any coffee will do. Or tea.)
  • Thank you for the info. How do you determine lean body mass?
  • I'm not obsessing about it, but I figured since I joined this site, I may as well use it. The first day, the goals were all preset and I was in the red for everything but carbs. So 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight? I've been significantly under that. I'll work on increasing protein, thanks.
  • How did you decide what percentages to set your goals at? I arbitrarily picked some round numbers and have been pretty much meeting/staying within the goals, but it seems so random. I left the calorie setting where the website set it to because I have no idea how many calories I should be aiming for. I'm basically ignoring…
  • Tell him how important your health is to you and that even though you know he doesn't mean to, he is sabotaging your efforts to get healthier. Ask him not to encourage you to cheat/splurge even if he is indulging. It's about respect, not about dieting.
  • Alright. I'm just gonna agree to disagree here then. Nutrients matter. Metabolism matters. Ratio of carbs/fat/protein matters. It doesn't all always boil down to calories. If it were that simple, everyone would lose weight pretty easily. Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes sheds some light on this for anyone who is…
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