Cutting out diary.......

So I am stuck at my weight, even though I go to the gym a couple of times a week, and I would say, I do eat pretty healthy (Appart from my cereal addiction of course)

My fitness instructor has recommended on me cutting out diary from my diet for 2 weeks, Ie no milk with porridge just water, instead of my usual milky coffee's - black coffee etc, No cheese, yoghurts, no cottage cheese etc

What do you think about cutting out diary from your diet? Do you think it will make me loose a couple of lbs this week? Have you done it, and got results?

I normally do have a lot of milk - Milky tea, milky coffee, Skinny macchiatto's from starbucks, lots of milk in a big bowl of porridge, cold milk on cornflakes etc

So..... this morning I had porridge with water......Wasnt bad I must say

Let me know your thoughts!! Or how I can shift 4lbs??




  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    You might get the aesthetic results you want from weight lifting (heavy) instead of trying to lose weight. Also, I noticed on your profile that you complain about gaining weight from exercise. That's not uncommon. If you are eating at a deficit, it's probably water retention from your muscles repairing themselves. If you are eating at maintenance or above maintenance, then it could also be muscle gain, especially if you are lifting weights.

    In any event, I don't see how cutting out dairy could possibly help. Dairy is a fantastic source of calcium and protein. However, since it's just two weeks, I don't see the harm in trying it. Just make sure to get calcium from other sources.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Are you hitting your calorie and macro targets while eating it? If yes, do you have an intolerance? If no, then there is no reason to give it up.

    Dairy is a very macro friendly food group as its so flexible...and tasty.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    dairy is macro friendly.. but modern dairy products are extremely processed. if you really like dairy, look for some raw milk. and by all means have processed dairy as an occasional treat.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    A few people have said for me to start lifting heavy, then my gym instructor said I need to lift lighter, but do 3 sets of 15, and a one min rest??? Confused??? Lift the heaviest I can go, or lighter and more of them???

    I would like to get my body fat down to 20 - I am currently 22.5%, Current weigh 139lbs!!

    I have def noticed the muslcles in my arms, my thighs are bigger, and I have muscle at the back of my calfs if I pretend i am wearing high heels hahaha!! - So could be that. I think because I know I am nearly 10 stone now, it bothers me, I would like to get down to 9 stone 7/8lbs : )

    Thats what I thought when she said to cut out diary, Milk is sooo good for you and the bones - How else would I get calcium if I am not having diary in my diet?

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    A few people have said for me to start lifting heavy, then my gym instructor said I need to lift lighter, but do 3 sets of 15, and a one min rest??? Confused??? Lift the heaviest I can go, or lighter and more of them???

    I would like to get my body fat down to 20 - I am currently 22.5%, Current weigh 139lbs!!

    I have def noticed the muslcles in my arms, my thighs are bigger, and I have muscle at the back of my calfs if I pretend i am wearing high heels hahaha!! - So could be that. I think because I know I am nearly 10 stone now, it bothers me, I would like to get down to 9 stone 7/8lbs : )

    Thats what I thought when she said to cut out diary, Milk is sooo good for you and the bones - How else would I get calcium if I am not having diary in my diet?


    Do you have goals other than losing body fat?

    Strength? Muscle Definition? Endurance? How long have you been lifting weights?
  • dovetail22uk
    dovetail22uk Posts: 339 Member
    dairy is macro friendly.. but modern dairy products are extremely processed. if you really like dairy, look for some raw milk. and by all means have processed dairy as an occasional treat.

    Modern dairy products are extremely processed? Maybe if you like cheese in a aerosol can!
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I would like to

    1) Get my body fat down to 20%
    2) Yes increase my muscle definition and tone up
    3) Be stronger, and increase my stamina on the machines

    I havent been lifting weights for long, only recently - But I think as from today, i need to take my training more seriously and my diet. Otherwise I will be stuck at nearly 10 stone ..... Forever

    What training do you do? Whats your stats?
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    dairy is macro friendly.. but modern dairy products are extremely processed. if you really like dairy, look for some raw milk. and by all means have processed dairy as an occasional treat.

    Modern dairy products are extremely processed? Maybe if you like cheese in a aerosol can!

    I think the poster is talking about homogenization and pasteurization. Homogenization is what stops your milk from separating into cream and skim milk in the container. Pasteurization keeps you from dying of listeria, which is a real risk with raw milk.

    But, agreed, dairy is very healthy!
  • I've never had issues with dairy, fits in my macros, and I've lost a lot of weight despite keeping it in my diet. Just worked my deficit and hit my nutrition goals, drink lots of water, get lots of rest etc.

    Since my goals are to be an endurance athlete I typically am cardio heavy, mostly lower intensity work, with a bit of higher intensity stuff once or twice a week for each sport.

    Benefit of doing mostly easy work, especially when you don't take in carbs beforehand, is that you burn a higher % of bodyfat as opposed to glycogen during the easier workouts. For me this has translated to being less hungry post workout, and feeling satisfied eating within my goal macros easier than when I do higher intensity work and use up my glycogen stores.

    As far as weights go, I pretty always have gone with 3 sets of 12-15 reps and have seen noticeable strength increases and more muscle but without "bulking up" too much. My body fat has been pretty steadily dropping.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    If someone told me to stop eating cheese I'd look at them like they were an alien & ask them if they knew who they were talking to.
    In other words, I won't give it up. :) I did stop drinking cow's milk in 2006 though. I usually have rice milk.

    There are plenty of food sources that have calcium though besides milk - since you brought up that you were worried about that.

    Sometimes trainers tell people to stop consuming dairy because they think the person needs to cut down on fat for some reason. If you otherwise eat healthy, balanced diet, get all your nutrients & stuff, I really don't see a problem with that. If you don't want to cut dairy from your diet, maybe have a discussion with your trainer what your goals are & the various ways you can achieve them, or other things you could alter in your diet.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    I would like to

    1) Get my body fat down to 20%
    2) Yes increase my muscle definition and tone up
    3) Be stronger, and increase my stamina on the machines

    I havent been lifting weights for long, only recently - But I think as from today, i need to take my training more seriously and my diet. Otherwise I will be stuck at nearly 10 stone ..... Forever

    What training do you do? Whats your stats?

    You missed the point, which is that the scale lies. The scale is such a liar that, if it wore pants, it would need to walk around with a fire extinguisher. A woman can gain a stone from weightlifting, but end up much more slender and with a lower body fat%.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I would like to

    1) Get my body fat down to 20%
    2) Yes increase my muscle definition and tone up
    3) Be stronger, and increase my stamina on the machines

    I havent been lifting weights for long, only recently - But I think as from today, i need to take my training more seriously and my diet. Otherwise I will be stuck at nearly 10 stone ..... Forever

    What training do you do? Whats your stats?

    So, most definition is gained by dropping body fat, and the 'firmness' and extra 'pop' by strength training.

    There is a write up here of the terminology and explanation of rep ranges and what they do:

    While you are relatively new, the usual 'trainer routine' of 15 reps is fine as you are still seeing neuromuscular adaptation (your muscles 'learning' how to work and getting stronger). The issue is, and especially with short rests, it is an endurance workout bordering on cardio. Now, there is nothing inherently wrong with this and you do get certain results - I did it for years a long time ago and was satisfied with the results at the time. However, to gain strength and to get better muscle definition it is better to have a lower rep range and have appropriate rest periods so you can lift to your maximum potential.

    In my opinion, you will get better results dropping the rep range to 5 - 8 and lifting heavier, doing compound lifts (which you probably are not doing at the moment) with free weights and isolation lifts (in the 8 - 12 range) as appropriate.

    I do a compound barbell lifting program in the power/strength rep range (up to 5) with some more isolated assistance lifts in the hypertrophy rep range (6 - 12 reps, depending on the lift).

    I am 5 6" and 151lb.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Thanks ever so much for this information!!

    I will def need to start pushing more weights as from now on, and not get stuck on the gym machines for too long, as I believe your body can get comfortable to the workouts your doing!!!

    Im sure with patience, dertermination, and watching my diet - These 5lbs will go

    Think its alot harder, if you havent got loads to loose

  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I would like to

    1) Get my body fat down to 20%
    2) Yes increase my muscle definition and tone up
    3) Be stronger, and increase my stamina on the machines

    I havent been lifting weights for long, only recently - But I think as from today, i need to take my training more seriously and my diet. Otherwise I will be stuck at nearly 10 stone ..... Forever

    What training do you do? Whats your stats?

    The first part of your post is great but it is confused by the second part of your post. At your weight/height, you now need to worry less about weight and more about body composition. Bin the scales and get lifting. Your body will do the rest. Put it this way, would you prefer to weigh 9 stone but look flabbier or weigh 11 stone but look athletic and lean?
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Some really great advice in here (Sarauk2sf in particular) and it once again flags up that 'fitness instructors' are not medically qualified nutritionists and often talk nonsense! Dairy is packed with protein and other vitamins and minerals and, unless you are intolerant/allergic, then there is no need to cut it out.

    When I was a gym member I joined their weight loss programme - and was told by the fitness instructor to eat plenty of fruit and veg (er, obvious) and not eat potatoes after 6pm. No reason was given, calories were not discussed and, one year later, I was 30lbs heavier. I no longer belong to a gym, I lift weights at home, run outside and I eat potatoes whenever I want, as long as it's within my calorie goal and I'm much happier and fitter (and losing weight).

    Sounds like you are committed to achieving your goals, which is great! Let us know how you get on.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    A few people have said for me to start lifting heavy, then my gym instructor said I need to lift lighter, but do 3 sets of 15, and a one min rest??? Confused??? Lift the heaviest I can go, or lighter and more of them???

    ...Milk is sooo good for you and the bones - How else would I get calcium if I am not having diary in my diet?


    I did lighter weights with higher reps for a couple of years and it was ok, but the results were not great, and therefore somewhat demotivating. Since I started doing low reps with heavy weight I'm actually starting to see real results. I prefer HEAVY!

    I can't eat dairy so I use almond milk to get my calcium. It has 50% more calcium (but less protein) than cow's milk. I have other ways of getting protein so that doesn't matter to me.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Yes .... I know, I know... I should ditch them scales, But i cant help but jump on them every morning to see what I weigh!!! Of course I wouldnt mind weighing saying 11 stone, if I was really toned, looked good, and felt good - Of course : )

    Ok so I now know I need to ditch the scales, and pay more attention to my shape and how my body is changing!!

    I think pushing HEAVY weights is def winning, So as from today, I am going to push heavier, and work harder at the gym, run longer on that threadmill, and sweat more. Im going to be on 1600 cals a day, and burning a min of 500 cals

    Thats see how it goes..........Thanks for your replys

  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Yes .... I know, I know... I should ditch them scales, But i cant help but jump on them every morning to see what I weigh!!! Of course I wouldnt mind weighing saying 11 stone, if I was really toned, looked good, and felt good - Of course : )

    Ok so I now know I need to ditch the scales, and pay more attention to my shape and how my body is changing!!

    I think pushing HEAVY weights is def winning, So as from today, I am going to push heavier, and work harder at the gym, run longer on that threadmill, and sweat more. Im going to be on 1600 cals a day, and burning a min of 500 cals

    Thats see how it goes..........Thanks for your replys


    too much cardio can be your enemy, it can decrease muscle mass or prevent muscle gain.
    i would limit it to 2-4 times per week of HIIT for 10-15mins. make it really hard, hills, speed etc.

    and youre going to be needing 1600calories THEN eating those 500calories exercise back darling. 1500+500 will do also.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    Can you have dairy substitutes?

    I don't eat dairy (I'm lactose intolerant and can't digest it)

    But when I cut it out, my migraines went away, my joints felt better, my skin cleared up (it was pretty clear to begin it, but it began to just glow), My under eye circles went away, and I lost a little belly fat.

    I feel like cutting out anything just temporary is silly though, any result you get will just go away once you add whatever back in right?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Yes .... I know, I know... I should ditch them scales, But i cant help but jump on them every morning to see what I weigh!!! Of course I wouldnt mind weighing saying 11 stone, if I was really toned, looked good, and felt good - Of course : )

    Ok so I now know I need to ditch the scales, and pay more attention to my shape and how my body is changing!!

    I think pushing HEAVY weights is def winning, So as from today, I am going to push heavier, and work harder at the gym, run longer on that threadmill, and sweat more. Im going to be on 1600 cals a day, and burning a min of 500 cals

    Thats see how it goes..........Thanks for your replys


    To be honest, I would focus on getting the most out of your lifting sessions and not get too caught up with the cardio, which can be counter-productive if done for too long while not eating enough.

    And yes, those last 5lb are the hardest - just keep at it - you will get there.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replys!!!

  • Try it for 30 days and see how you feel. Dairy affects everyone differently.
  • I wouldn't never cut out my diary. It's a quite useful tool for tracking calories and macros.
  • keepitcroosh
    keepitcroosh Posts: 301 Member
    Apparently we aren't supposed to drink milk, or have any dairy for that matter.. But people think its necessary just because it has a lot of calcium. Stick to calcium supplements, and other foods that contain calcium, and you'll be fine.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    You can always try it but it didn't work out for me. I went back to eating dairy products.
  • Sincere24
    Sincere24 Posts: 126 Member
    No idea why I would cut out my idea at all when trying to loose weight.

    But on a real not you should do a trial and error approach and see how that affects your results. Maybe two weeks if a full month isn't doable. I tried it for a few days but i gotta tell you I love my milk. Good luck!
  • hmadrone
    hmadrone Posts: 129 Member
    I'd consider finding a different trainer. Unless you have some reason to suspect lactose intolerance or an allergy to milk proteins, there's no reason that cutting out dairy should be some magic weight loss formula.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Apparently we aren't supposed to drink milk, or have any dairy for that matter.. But people think its necessary just because it has a lot of calcium. Stick to calcium supplements, and other foods that contain calcium, and you'll be fine.

    Apparent to whom? Scientists believe that humans developed the ability to drink milk into adulthood because it provided a source of nutrition in times of scarcity, allowing us to transition more easily away from hunting-gathering.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    There's two potential benefits to cutting out dairy for a while:

    a) too see if you have an intolerance (particularly lactose)
    b) it is an easy way to cut calories.

    There's no particular magic too it. Try it if you like and see if it suits your preferences. If it doesn't switch back.

    With regard to what rep range to use then given your stated goals you can be successful with both ranges stated in this thread. Again it depends mostly on preference unless you have very specific goals.

    If you choose the higher range you must ensure that that the last few reps of every set are challenging: you should struggle to do them with good form.

    In reality the most balanced programmes use periodisation: in other words low rep ranges for a while followed by higher rep ranges etc...
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Apparently we aren't supposed to drink milk, or have any dairy for that matter.. But people think its necessary just because it has a lot of calcium. Stick to calcium supplements, and other foods that contain calcium, and you'll be fine.

    Why aren't we supposed to drink milk or consume dairy? Dairy can be a very healthy addition. Calcium from food is much better than popping suppliments. I would rather consume dairy for calcium as opposed to suppliments... food is much more regulated than dietary suppliments.

    The only reason to cut it out would be if you have an issue with it. Unless you are lactose intolerant or want to follow a vegan diet there is no need to cut it out. Dairy can be healthy... it contains a lot of good nutrients.