

  • As someone mentioned further down about that slim thing not working, I try not to give advice but here is a good one to consider. For many it is best not to drink your calories. Drink only water and eat real food. The fiber etc in solid food will stay with you longer and keep you more satisfied.
  • A friend of mine is 5'4" and weighs probably 145 and is very fit. She just carries muscle. (used to be an exotic dancer) She looks "just right" but you would never guess her weight to be that by looking at her because , of course, muscle weights more than fat by volume. Depending on how much you weight lift and your body…
  • My original goal was 15 pounds and i am down to 10 left so ad me.
  • My suggestion is to take this as an opportunity to stick up for yourself. reinforce your boundaries and tell him calling names is not acceptible. You are in your process to lose weight , or not and if he doesnt like it, or hates himself enough to verbally abuse other people, then there is the door.
  • If he has been controlling in other instances with other men then it isnt the trainer. It is him. If the two of you are not sharing and talking enough with each other , you can seperate emotionally to the point where you are a roomate and he doesn't feel your love and asumes your interest is somewhere else. If that is the…
  • If you are overwhelmed by it, which is normal, just get into the circuit that is there; a series of machines you do a set of , one after the other. Do it briskly to keep up your heart rate and it will get your muscles through the soreness. Then finish up on maybe a cycle machine of some kind, something like an elliptical…
  • If you want to know what is one of the best cereals for you, I would go with Ezekiel 4:9. They have a few versions of bread and cereal. they are expensive but the bread and the cereal need to be kept refrigerated because they literally have no preservatives and they are very heavy because, (at least for the bread) they…