amomono Member


  • @Pipsg1rl‌ - I'm still a bit under push weights... I ramped it up a step today for the first set of each muscle and went back for the second (or third) set with the same muscle. Slowly! :) Workout: lean2 Nutrition: 1476 (1500) AND I hit my macros!
  • The balancing is so hard and yet so good! I have never had a six pack, but I feel like there might be at least the start of something underneath the belly fat!
  • Hi! I'm still here! I had a lot going on and haven't been good about checking in! I am about four days behind in my workouts, still doing them, but I had a yard work day and a few extra rest days in there, too. Never more than two at once! Today: lean 1 Nutrition: 1422 (1500)... Although, I'm not sure the recipe calculator…
  • Ouch Kris! Glad you are okay! Yesterday: Lean1 Nutrition: 1049net (1500) I'm off on my calendar after the weekend, so instead of back to back weight days, I did the recharge video this morning. I've been pretty sore lately, not sure why I had forgotten it!
  • Hey! Two days in a row posting! Workout: Burn Intervals Nutrition: 1163 (1500)
  • Awesome Pipsg1rl! (*)
  • I am doing eat back... Focusing on net calories. Today was loads better: 1473 (1500) with the morning Lean 3 workout. My abs are going to be sore tomorrow! :) A few bites is key. You are so right.
  • so sorry I'm not doing better about checking in each day. I'm getting my workouts in: Burn Intervals on Friday, Lean 2 on Monday, Burn it Off Tuesday, and Lean 3 today. My nutrition has been terrible. consistently over. too many meals where I'm not preparing food and meals with desserts. I need to say NO. Loudly. and not…
  • Pipsg1rl - my hubby is trying to avoid having his metabolism catch up to him. We will both turn 33 this year and he is working out too. But his goal is to gain! He is doing some lifting now to bulk up and with switch to cardio when it warms up and he can run. Today: Lean 1: I went back to my weight levels from burn for the…
  • Nothing wrong with frozen pizza... Just easy one slice and have a salad with it! Today: rest day. Food: 1981 (1500) Hubby made dinner... Gnocci and garlic bread. Carb overload, and he made the plates or I might have had a smaller portion. Sometimes he is my biggest roadblock. He's 6'1" and slender as a rail. I just can't…
  • Yesterday check-in: Push 3 (final one!) Nutrition: 1301 net (1500)
  • I can't believe I haven't posted all week! It was a crazy week at work, but I did get my workouts in! I'm near the end of the push month... Just PC3 then a cardio day left! I am so excited about lean! I have never actually finished the program. The first time I made it most of the way through LC then went on vacation and…
  • Finishing my third week of push today! Sunday was a rest day. Yeaterday: push 3 Calories : 1311 (1500) 40/40/20 (40/30/30) Need more solid protein options. About to start Burn It Off for today's workout.
  • Workout: push 2 and my back really was starting to strain with the lateral raises and dead lifts. Need to watchy form Cals: 1600 (1500) need a few less carbs and a few more ounces of protein!
  • Life has been busy. Wednesday was rest day, calories were 1356 and right in macros! Yesterday: push 1 - with 22.5# on all the legs! Huge for me! Calories: 1380 Today: Burn Intervals I am struggling with cardio. My heart rate rises pretty fast and I tend to overdo it. So I try to make it all the way through, and always end…
  • I have not had a good food week. Well, I take that back. I have planned well for breakfast and lunch and then fall of the wagon at supper time. I need to organize ahead of time for dinner and not grab junk in a hurry. Yesterday was Burn It Off. Calories were about 700 over my goal. Today is a rest day. Breakfast is spot…
  • Yesterday was a rest day... And then I totally cheated on food. Monday's a fresh start, so here's to Mondays! Got up and did Push 3. Planning food carefully today.
  • I worked out of yesterday (burn intervals) but we had "snack supper" and I had no idea how to record my assortment of cheese, crackers, veggies, fruit, sausage, etc. Today: push 2
  • I missed a few check ins! Tuesday: rest day Nutrition: 1368 net Wednesday: Burn it off Nutrition: 1432 net We got about a foot of snow... Then another 1.5" yesterday! It's crazy! I didn't have to shovel yesterday, though ;) I am having a really hard time getting up to workout this week. I overslept by an hour today.…
  • I did not, but I can see how that would happen. You are isolating them a lot more. There is one exercise on the second week I think where Janelle lifts a lot lighter... Lighter than me! And definitely lighter than in burn. So don't worry about it. Go back to 18 and work your way up. Oh... And than is some amazing lifting!…
  • haha. I want to go buy more workout gear now too, since I'm working out regularly! When you feel good you want to look good! Workout: Push 3 + lots of shoveling. We got about a foot of snow! Nutrition: 1177 net (1500), all that shoveling really added up!
  • I'm going to try to stick to the veggies for the superbowl. We are getting subs and soup from church (youth group fundraiser), so I'll try not to overeat. Workout: Push 2 Calories 1626 (1500) - I led a workshop for 5 hours today and food wasn't the best there. Came home, had a drink and some pizza. Not the best health…
  • I have macros set, but I haven't been keeping track well... Or rather holding myself accountable for them. Workout: Burn Intervals + 2 hours house cleaning! Cals: 1379 (1500)
  • Workout: Push1 Nutrition: 1461 (1500) cals I rocked the workout today. Need heavier weights for squats (used 15#). Nutrition was within cals, but not the best choices
  • Today: rest day Nutrition: 1468 (1500) cals
  • I missed a few check ins. But I have been working out! Saturday: BC2 Nutrition: WAY over (party!) Sunday: rest day Nutrition: 1900 (1500) Monday: BC3 Nutrition: 1297 (1500) Today: Burn it off (aka last Burn Circuit Workout!!!!!!!!) Nutrition: TBD I don't add calories for lifting days, but I also have 1500 as my daily goal.…
  • I missed checking in yesterday Workout: burn intervals Cals 1428 net (1500)
  • Way to go! Check-in weight: 166 ( down 1 lb) Workout: rest day Nutrition: 1367 (1500)
  • Today: Workout- BC3 Nutrition - 1240 net (1500) Water - only 24 oz I gained about 15 lbs in the last six months of last year. New job and stress and not working out... So Jan 1 was my rude awakening and highest weight. Today, a coworker said she thought I looked like I lost weight. I'm not sure if that is true yet, or just…
  • I also have an adjustable pair. Mine only go up to 12.5 lbs per weight in 2.5 increments, but they were about $40 total if I remember. I love them I did buy a pair of 15 # also. Today Workout: supposed to be BC3, but I played a doing of disc golf instead = 2 hours of hiking/walking Nutrition: net 1183(1500)