Daily Chat/Check-in



  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Thank you for that note of sweetness. So far only about 1 pound has come down. Easy to put on, hard to take off!

    Today is my first day of JELF Phase 2. Phase 2 adds cardio into the daily workout so I'm going to need to figure it out.

    This morning I did the Back session and had I planned better I actually could have squeezed the 30m of cardio into the morning. Unfortunately I expected the weights to take longer and figured I wouldn't have time for the cardio.

    I'll be doing the 30m of cardio after work, BEFORE husband's bday dinner. (Lots of Feb birthdays going around!) Hopefully he won't want bbq or Mexican so that I can shower right after and not worry about smelling like food the rest of the night.

  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Checkin for Tuesday

    Workout: Fire 40
    Nutrition: net 1202 (1200)

    Think I am going to start working out at 5:30 am. We are listing our house tomorrow and do not want to stress about when I will get my workout in when trying to wrangle two kids out the door throughout the day.

    Hope you enjoyed your dinner Pips! You are doing awesome. DH wants to take the kids to Peter Piper Pizza for lunch and a burger place for dinner. Last holiday until Easter though so I am going to enjoy it.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Ok, so I busted out the part 2 of that workout last night before going to dinner. We went to dinner sooo late. And he didn't even WANT to go to dinner. Our son was wearing pants and a shirt (not basketball shorts and some under armor) so I told him to get his birthday butt in gear.

    We wound up at a steak house (LongHorn), so I had a sirloin and sweet potato. I almost had salmon but wasn't feeling it.

    This morning's Part 1 check-in is JELF P2, D30 - Chest, Abs, and Cardio.

    Cardio on the schedule for after work again. I'm going to have to get home and immediately put my stuff on since Wednesday is my get home late day.

    I'm not going to lie. We're probably having frozen pizza for dinner.
  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    Nothing wrong with frozen pizza... Just easy one slice and have a salad with it!

    Today: rest day.
    Food: 1981 (1500)

    Hubby made dinner... Gnocci and garlic bread. Carb overload, and he made the plates or I might have had a smaller portion. Sometimes he is my biggest roadblock. He's 6'1" and slender as a rail. I just can't eat the same way he does.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Whenever my husband serves I always ask "Are you trying to kill me??!" (Or "sabotage me" or "fatten me up to keep other boys away?") Now he's better about saying "is that enough?"

    Often, the people who say "use a smaller plate" are correct. Men especially view the size of the plate and put the amount of food on the plate they visually feel is correct. Dinner vs Salad sized plates are a good example.

    Also, I peeked at your age to see if maybe he's just young and thin. My husband was very thin until his upper 20's and now since we've passed that 35 mark he has put on some weight -- He's a 38 waist and when we met he was a 30 or 32 depending on the brand. He held on to those size 36 for so long he was uncomfortable. Beer is one of his biggest foes I think. And he's addicted to Lay's Original.

    Check in for Thursday: JELF P2, D31: Legs.
    There were a few moves I couldn't do because I couldn't find good alternatives. Looks like I need to buy a step. (Barbell step-ups and there was one other move).

    I'm finally down the 3 pounds I gained over the weekend and that's AWESOME because that means I'm really losing again.

    Yesterday evening I did part 2 of Wednesdays workout. My husband is complimenting my dedication. I know in my heart there is NO WAY I would want to do 1.5 hours of workout after work, so my move to morning workouts has really benefitted me.

    I'm in the second phase, but it starts mid-week, so this weekend I plan to do an updated photo.

    OH --- and today's leg day?
    30 leg extensions (light weight) x2 for warm up (ooooooh the BURRRRNNN)
    15 barbell wide-leg squats x 2, lighter weight, then 2 sets of heavier to failure.
    Lots and lots of calf raises of different sorts; 4th set to failure.
    I subbed goblet squats for leg presses since I don't have the machine to do that.
    Plie squats (thank you Chalene for Sumo Squats!)

    Luckily, no cardio on leg day....
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Check in for Wednesday:

    Workout: PC2 Week 4
    Nutrition: Not sure but way over due to my husband's birthday festivities

    Check in for Thursday

    Workout: Fire 55
    Nutrition: Net 1171

    Did my first morning workout today. I think it was great. No kids to have to worry about being entertained or getting up from nap time. I was able to get the house and kids ready before 9 so I feel good about this schedule as of right now. Let's see if it catches up to me. I burned more calories than I ever have on this workout too so I am calling it a win.

    Pipsg1rl- 1.5 hours of working out! That is rough! Good for you for being so committed!

  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    Pipsg1rl - my hubby is trying to avoid having his metabolism catch up to him. We will both turn 33 this year and he is working out too. But his goal is to gain! He is doing some lifting now to bulk up and with switch to cardio when it warms up and he can run.

    Today: Lean 1: I went back to my weight levels from burn for the most part, knowing that it is more reps and really more sets of each muscle type too. I love the compound exercises!
    Nutrition: 1338 (1500)
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    amomono wrote: »
    Pipsg1rl - my hubby is trying to avoid having his metabolism catch up to him. We will both turn 33 this year and he is working out too. But his goal is to gain! He is doing some lifting now to bulk up and with switch to cardio when it warms up and he can run.

    Today: Lean 1: I went back to my weight levels from burn for the most part, knowing that it is more reps and really more sets of each muscle type too. I love the compound exercises!
    Nutrition: 1338 (1500)

    I really should switch to gain but I'm still just beginning the mentality that my weight may not change but my body is bangin!

    That was great moving to Lean with some Burn weights. You will be able to up them in the next and next weeks, but the compound moves make it harder to use the weights from Push, at least at first.

    Check in:
    Friday Morning: JELF P2, D32: Arms, Abs, and later I'll do the 30m of cardio.

    I think I'm starting to see some results, but not really on the scale. Need to do some photos.

    DOMS from yesterday in the glutes have started. It feels "just delicious" as our girl Chalene might say. I'll take it!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Check in for Wednesday:

    Did my first morning workout today. I think it was great. No kids to have to worry about being entertained or getting up from nap time. I was able to get the house and kids ready before 9 so I feel good about this schedule as of right now. Let's see if it catches up to me. I burned more calories than I ever have on this workout too so I am calling it a win.

    Pipsg1rl- 1.5 hours of working out! That is rough! Good for you for being so committed!

    Great work getting at it early. I've been really laying around too long, but I'm still getting up to workout. I need to get back to feet on the floor at 5 and no snoozes!

    Yes, 1.5 hours is rough. If I got up ON TIME I probably could squeeze it in. Maybe next Monday i'll get back on track.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Saturday: Shoulders and Cardio. I was pretty tired after shoulders but my cardio was completed immediately after. I think i prefer the split schedule.

    Sunday: Legs.
    Today i had a hard time with alternative exercises. It makes the workout take longer b/c i'm on google trying to figure things out. Either way i did my best and got it done.

    I believe tomorrow is repair day.

    Photo day today also. It's my brother and sister in law's one year, so i'm going to put on the bridesmaid gown i wore for reference! Also, just regular photo day in the bikini.

    I'm actually a little worried....
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Check in for the weekend.

    I am screwed on nutrition this weekend so I will check in for my workout. Saturday was rest and Sunday was the first Lean C1! I was so ready for the change up.

    Pipsg1rl: You will do great! I wanted to ask you if you did the deluxe version of PIYO. Was it worth the money for the extra workouts and the sliders?
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Check in for the weekend.

    I am screwed on nutrition this weekend so I will check in for my workout. Saturday was rest and Sunday was the first Lean C1! I was so ready for the change up.

    Pipsg1rl: You will do great! I wanted to ask you if you did the deluxe version of PIYO. Was it worth the money for the extra workouts and the sliders?

    I didn't but want to at some point. You can use coated paper plates as sliders in a pinch, but off the top of my head Idk if they come separately.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    It is $59.85 for the two extra programs and the sliders if you purchase them separately from the base package.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    It is $59.85 for the two extra programs and the sliders if you purchase them separately from the base package.

    If you purchase the deluxe it doesn't seem like there is a savings OTHER than s/h for 2 shipments.

    If you get the regular and then only the DVD set you save a tiny bit, but you have to decide if you want to use Paper Plates or spend some money for the slides. The slides look cooler in the gym than paper plates, but if you are on a budget that would be something you can live without.

  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Monday: JELF P2, D36: Back and Cardio.

    Some of you may know but I committed myself to get both the weights and cardio done before work today. I was a few minutes behind so I only got 22 m of cardio, but now it's out of the way.

    I don't feel like I'm doing really well on the elliptical after lifting, but since it's 30m I am burning calories and moving. Next phase is HIIT and I really should take a look at how that's structured.

    I also did updated photos but I'm not really pleased. Maybe in 2 more weeks.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Tuesday: JELF P2 - Rest (Repair) Day.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Monday: Burn Intervals
    Nutrition: Net 993 (1200)

    Tuesday: LC2 week 1
    nutrition: Net 1100 (1200)

    Last night I made up my workout schedule for the 12 weeks following this program. I decided to try out Fitness Blender. This was if i miss a week
    or so because of moving it won't be in the middle of PIYO. Hope I like their workouts.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    We're here for ya!

    Wednesday: JELF P2, D37: Chest, Abs, Cardio.

    Will do cardio after work. Chest/Abs takes about an hour.

    it was soooo humid in the garage this morning. We have our floor sprayed with non-slip texture luckily, but it was still sort of slick.

    My husband suggested opening the garage door, which I did slightly, and then it was Mosquito Hawk City! I guess I need some of those buckets-o-absorb now.

    At least I wasn't freezing.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Check in for Wednesday

    Workout: Run
    Nutrition: Net 971 (1200)

    Still trying to make up some calories for a bad week last week. I am hoping I can get back on track to where I was supposed to be. In a couple pounds I will be able to change my setting to only losing 1/2 lb a week. I will ease into that but I am looking forward to that step.

    This was the first week we have run in about two weeks or so. It did not feel like it though and was able to run longer without taking a break so everything else I have been doing kept me where I needed to be. Looking forward to Lean 3 tomorrow just because I do not have to change the weights nearly as much!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Wednesday Part 2: Cardio 30m. Did it after work. The chest workout takes longer than a few others so it ate up my morning allotment.

    Thursday: JELF P2, D38: Legs.

    Legs is a no cardio day, which is fine with me.

    Today I brought an empty sweet tea container my son had and I've filled it with water. The set up for my office is prohibitive to drinking water. Once you leave the office space to go to the kitchen area you have to scan your badge to get back in. It's not a quick trip to the kitchen and desk. They will be moving us to another floor soon where we won't have that same need and I believe they have an ice maker too (which is awesome).

    Here are some pics of my Phase 1 Start Jamie Eason LiveFit and then my Phase 2 Start, front only.
