Daily Chat/Check-in



  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    so sorry I'm not doing better about checking in each day. I'm getting my workouts in: Burn Intervals on Friday, Lean 2 on Monday, Burn it Off Tuesday, and Lean 3 today.

    My nutrition has been terrible. consistently over. too many meals where I'm not preparing food and meals with desserts. I need to say NO. Loudly. and not feel bad about it.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    I'm all about moderation. But something else that helps is sharing those desserts or taking a few bites that are OH SO GOOD...MMMMM and then it's not giving you that high anymore. Once it stops tasting amazing, stop eating it. (So far only a few things can I not do this with.)

    IDR - are you doing eatback?
  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    I am doing eat back... Focusing on net calories.

    Today was loads better: 1473 (1500) with the morning Lean 3 workout. My abs are going to be sore tomorrow! :)

    A few bites is key. You are so right.
  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    Awesome Pipsg1rl! (*)
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Thank you for the compliment :) Love you guys!

    Friday: JELF P2, D39: Arms, Abs, Cardio. So far Arms and Abs completed.

  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    edited March 2015
    Looking great Pips!

    Check in for Thursday:

    Workout: LC 3 Week 1
    Nutrition: Net 1053

    Workout: HIIT 25
    I have already prelogged my food for today so I should be able to net around 1060. Tomorrow is a rest day and I should hit my net 1200 for Saturday.
  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    Hey! Two days in a row posting!

    Workout: Burn Intervals
    Nutrition: 1163 (1500)
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Today was my rest day. I did go over calories a bit more than I wanted but things got a bit hectic. We were rearended on our way to dinner tonight. Thankfully, everyone is okay but my neck is aching a bit so I am not sure I will be doing any lifting for a day or so. I may find some yoga or something light to do. I would rather be safe than sorry!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Sorry, Kris! That really bites. You may be sore from bracing and will be ok today I hope!

  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Saturday: Shoulders and Cardio.
    Sunday: Legs (no cardio).

    Monday: So far JELF P2, D43: Arms, Abs, Cardio. Arms/Abs completed.

    Seriously debating skipping the cardio this afternoon, but man - I'd hate to tell someone I didn't do it b/c I just didn't feel like it.

  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    Ouch Kris! Glad you are okay!

    Yesterday: Lean1
    Nutrition: 1049net (1500)

    I'm off on my calendar after the weekend, so instead of back to back weight days, I did the recharge video this morning. I've been pretty sore lately, not sure why I had forgotten it!
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    edited March 2015
    Pips- did you do your cardio?

    Went to the doctor and got the go ahead to workout. He gave a cortisone shot so I think I will wait until Wednesday to resume CLX after reading up on this shot. Had all my weights and workout gear set up In the living room already for the morning too
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    I did not. I just felt like I needed a break. Today is "repair" day and what do you know, I'm down again from resting.

    I'm considering taking tomorrow too, I just feel exhausted. I tell people to listen to their bodies. Even when the schedule said 3 days of rest the first month I didn't take it, so maybe now is a good time.

  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Hey, @lessthankris , how are you feeling today?

    @amomono How's Lean treating you?

    I think we're losing people!

    Wednesday: JELF P2, D44: Legs.

    She changed it up a little bit today on me with Close Legged Barbell Squats and the Leg extensions at the end of the workout.

    There are one legged Squats, but they aren't quite the same as the way Chalene does them, you put your leg behind you on a bench or chair.
    I cannot do these weighted! Balance is a huge part of this, so I do them slowly without weights to make sure I get the benefit of them.

  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Thanks for asking Pips. My back feels better with one dose of ibuprofen. It lasts all day. I started my second week of Lean today. My back felt fine when I started. I am not sure if I was in my own head but I just felt off today. Harder time keeping my balance and just weaker on a couple moves. My back started aching again on e my workout was complete but I had not taken he ibuprofen yet. It is not really pain, just soreness. It was fine during the workout though so I think that if good.

    That form of one legged squat sounds horribly awkward. I do fine one the squats but I have a hard time feeling the one legged sumo squats. I try to adjust but still do not feel like I am targeting the one leg.

    I agree, we have lost some check ins :0(
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Sometimes it's not in your head, you may be more unbalanced than usual. And if you were thinking about being careful it may have messed you up some.

    Second week?! That's so great, you're almost there :)

    The squat is pretty cool looking, but it takes a minute to figure out how far from the chair/bench your forward leg should be, so there is a little hopping around.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Thursday: JELF P2, D45: Chest, Abs, Cardio.

    Interesting move called the "Reverse Grip Tricep Barbell Press." This is a barbell press, but you do the reverse grip. not sure why it's a Chest move, but she also incorporated dips today... sneaky, sneaky!

    I'm sure by now you know I do cardio later.

    Did my workout today in the Office Gym (Wellness Center) since the trainer there did my caliper measurements. I really should do that more than 9 months apart. Whoops!

  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Friday! Woot :)

    Thursday Part 2: Cardio - COMPLETED!

    JELF P2, D46: Shoulders (and cardio). I like that she's giving me new moves but now it's 4 sets of 8 instead of 3 sets of 10

    New move: Palm in Dumbbell Press (single side). Basically this is a move where you have a dumbbell in one hand, your arm at a 90D angle from body and press up to straight and then back down to 90. Other arm is straight out for balance.

    Also, there are "SuperSets" in P2. That's where you do 2 exercises back to back and then a short rest, repeat. Today was front dumbbell raises (8) and dumbbell upward rows (8). Normally I can do the upward rows isolated at 10 pounds, but the raises sort of pre-exhaust the shoulder/chest, so I just kept both at 7.5. Easy to do with selectable dumbbells.

    I'm really ready to be done w/P2. I'm hoping that the P3 I can just do all at once in the morning and not have to worry about 2 a days.

  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    This was still in my reply box so I must have never posted it yesterday-oops.We took a 4 mile walk rather than our usual three mile run today. Trying to get my eating under control again. The last three days have not been good as we have been out of the house a lot and I just feel hungry a lot. Since this is usually the week we are on vacation and think my body is missing it lol.

    And today was LC 2 Week 2. I was a little nervous since it is so much shoulder and upper back bug happy to report that it felt fine. I did not even have to take any ibprofen today. My balance still stunk though. I do not remember it being so bad last week. I am using lighter weights since I can't imagine balancing with heavier on some moves.

    Pips- you are awesome. There is no way I wound be up for two workouts a day. Hope the end of that is near for you!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    This was still in my reply box so I must have never posted it yesterday-oops.We took a 4 mile walk rather than our usual three mile run today. Trying to get my eating under control again. The last three days have not been good as we have been out of the house a lot and I just feel hungry a lot. Since this is usually the week we are on vacation and think my body is missing it lol.

    And today was LC 2 Week 2. I was a little nervous since it is so much shoulder and upper back bug happy to report that it felt fine. I did not even have to take any ibprofen today. My balance still stunk though. I do not remember it being so bad last week. I am using lighter weights since I can't imagine balancing with heavier on some moves.

    Pips- you are awesome. There is no way I wound be up for two workouts a day. Hope the end of that is near for you!

    Sounds like you are doing great. With CLX I was always hungry. Not so much in the Burn Phase, but more toward mid-Push and after.

    Thank you for the compliment. Last night my husband invited some friends over and i didn't get home until right before they showed up, so today will be legs and cardio make up day.