Daily Chat/Check-in



  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Pipsg1rl- I took a peek at the program you are doing. How do you like it compared to CLX? Is it the same with heavier weights and less reps? Do you take the supplements too? I like that they give you some menu ideas and that is looks like it is free. Seems like a lot of rest days which would be hard to get used to but it looks like they want no cardio at least in the first phase.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Check in for Monday

    Workout: run
    Nutrition: Net 1190 (1200)

    I run near a industrial park. Some where in that park is a bakery. It smells like donuts at one point. Can't decide if it should be motivating but I think I would rather not smell it.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    LtK- I'm not following the video or meal plan, only the workouts. So far the reps are all at 12, so I'm thinking it's an extended "Push" phase. All exercises so far are focused only one muscle group and not upper/lower combos.
    - Tomorrow starts week 3 and the movements will be different.
    - The only "supplement" I take is Shakeology and that's a BeachBody product that I didn't think I'd stick with, but I LOVE it.
    - The program is free, search for it on BodyBuilding's BodySpace forums.
    - Apparently Jamie Eason herself doesn't really like cardio and prefers to use her muscles for weight loss/health. The first few weeks do not include cardio (but I'm doing some anyway). When she explained it she said that "cardio steals nutrition from your muscles."
    - Since this isn't my very first program or round of a plan, I don't feel that I need to completely stop what I was doing before. 3 days is a long time to "rest." Last week I only did 1, the other 2 I did a Stand Up Paddleboard day and the second I did a short 2 mile run on the elliptical. This week I took a day Sunday and Today.

    As mentioned, this morning is "rest" or as I like to call it, "repair day!"

    One donut shouldn't kill ya. A dozen, however....
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Check in for Tuesday

    Workout: PC2 week 2
    Nutrition: Net 963 (1200)

    Thanks for the info! And I do not cave in for the donuts. It is not a bakery that you can just go into and get something, more like where they package them and then send them out. I did have some last week that were good though.
  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    I have not had a good food week. Well, I take that back. I have planned well for breakfast and lunch and then fall of the wagon at supper time. I need to organize ahead of time for dinner and not grab junk in a hurry.

    Yesterday was Burn It Off. Calories were about 700 over my goal.

    Today is a rest day. Breakfast is spot on, lunch is packed. I'm eating dinner at church so moderation and choices are key.

    LtK, I lived in a city with a quaker oats factory. At least once a week, the whole town smelled like crunch berry cereal. It was strange, so I hear ya!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    This morning was JELF P1, D15. I didn't review this weeks plan and was thinking it was Chest and Tris or Back and Bis. Nope - it was legs.

    OMG! My hammies aren't happy with me. And if they hurt now, I can't imagine how i'll be feeling later. One legged DeadLifts can't put me down (Thanks, Chalene!!).

    Yesterday I forgot my tuna for my salad and had lunch with a friend at a Cajun place. I knew the Jambalaya would be the death of me. It was ok, I didn't' eat it all, but I think it may have had MSG in it. had a headache later. I only just now figured out what I had yesterday that made me fluctuate up.

    And I'm only just over 2 weeks into this plan so big changes won't be happening yet.

    Nothing smelled good where I grew up - we had a paper mill and a chemical plant near each other. The usual was to say "OMG The Paper Mill!!" But really, it was the chemical plant that stunk. You never ever get used to it since it's not constant, but only when the wind blows that way.

    Near downtown Houston there is a coffee brewer. That smells nice!
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Houston has such good food. The whole place would be tempting. Love some Niko Nikos.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Check in for Wednesday

    Workout: run
    Nutrition: 1383

    Think I am coming down with a cold..blah. I always work through them but hope I can taste my dinner on Friday.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    edited February 2015
    Check in for Wednesay

    Workout: PC 3/Week 3
    Nutrition: Cal 1539 (1540) / Macro 50/21/29 (50c/20f/30p)
    Water Intake: 76.8 oz (65+)

    Hi everyone, it looks like you guys are doing awesome!
    @amomono‌ we all have bad days (some turn into weeks), we just have to pick ourselves up and move on. I consider myself in that category more often than I should :s
    The BJ's near me is a discount bulk type store...
    Tina and Kris, I peeked at that program too, I prefer heavy lifting and would really like to start StrongLifts but I only have dumbbells.

    I’m taking the plunge! Since I’m concentrating on strength training, I’ve changed all my goals to the "Gain Muscle, Lose Fat" calories and macro settings. Extremely anxious and apprehensive eating at TDEE and up’ng my carbs but I’ll give it a try!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Oh my goodness! How many more calories do you get??! I was talking to an executive here that I know in passing about how I was thinking about doing that same thing!!
    Won't it be strange to get on the scale and be pissed because it's not going UP?

    I would say that based on my experience with JELF, you either need your own Smith type machine or machines or a gym membership.

    This morning was P1, D16: Back and Bis.

    My legs are screaming from yesterday. #fitgirlproblems

    I'm still cycling 2 pounds again, I'm sure you guys have seen my weigh-ins. I'm trying really really hard not to be frustrated about it. Why is it I can tell people "not to worry," "it's normal," but I still get frustrated? oh, right. because it's me!!

  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Check in for Thursday:

    Workout: PC 3 Week 2
    Nutrition: Net 1228 (1200)

    Halfway point! I am not sure if my weights are just not heavy enough but the one legged sumos and squats do not feel like I am doing them right. I am on my toe but it is hard feeling like all the weight is on one foot. The heaviest I have is 35 lbs so I am going up to that next week. Oh, and I wish I could share her love for bowler's lunges!

    Pipsg1rl: it looks like you are pretty close to goal, right? I know the frustration! I am hoping it is not as hard to get these last 10 lbs it is as everyone says it is. I have been looking at the maintaining board and it seems like a lot of people have a five pound range they maintain in. It looks like you have had some actual loss though. Isn't that the only time MFP puts how much you have lost so far in the status update? You are looking great! Keep at it and just look at your progress whenever you get too frustrated.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Pipsg1rl: it looks like you are pretty close to goal, right?
    I know the frustration! I am hoping it is not as hard to get these last 10 lbs it is as everyone says it is. I have been looking at the maintaining board and it seems like a lot of people have a five pound range they maintain in. It looks like you have had some actual loss though. Isn't that the only time MFP puts how much you have lost so far in the status update? You are looking great! Keep at it and just look at your progress whenever you get too frustrated.

    Yes. Actually, I have surpassed my original goal of 125, and adjusted in Late Summer to 117-115 for a leaner body.
    I am fluctuating between a high 122 and a low 124 currently. I'm hoping for that magical "Whoosh!" effect in about 3 more weeks.

  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Sorry - had a meeting and then team building so couldn't complete my check-in.
    This morning I did JELF P1, D17: Chest and Tris. Included decline flies. They were great and I could feel the bottom of my pecs working. NICE!

    Down again this morning, but I had to make sure to weigh myself a few times since someone moved the scale. I looked at the first one and was like "YES!" Some of the extra weigh-ins were also because I couldn't believe it was almost 2 pounds.

  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    Life has been busy. Wednesday was rest day, calories were 1356 and right in macros!

    Yesterday: push 1 - with 22.5# on all the legs! Huge for me!
    Calories: 1380

    Today: Burn Intervals

    I am struggling with cardio. My heart rate rises pretty fast and I tend to overdo it. So I try to make it all the way through, and always end up needing a break half way through. I always finish, but I don't know how to build up the cardio and make it all the way.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Check in for Friday

    Workout: Fire 55

    We did our Valentine's dinner tonight so I really do not know about nutrition today. I did have over 1000 for dinner so I felt okay about just enjoying it. Tomorrow is a rest day but we are going to the sand dunes to take the kids sledding so there will be a at least a little workout climbing up the dunes for a couple hours.
  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    Workout: push 2 and my back really was starting to strain with the lateral raises and dead lifts. Need to watchy form

    Cals: 1600 (1500) need a few less carbs and a few more ounces of protein!
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Check in for Sunday

    Workout: PC 1 Week 3
    Nutrition Net 1041 (1200)

    Hate to say it but I am getting a little bored with the workouts. I think it is because I have done the program before and started looking into PIYO. I am sticking with it. I was not even planning on PIYO until the fall since I am moving this spring/summer. Not sure if I want to hold off though.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Check in for Sunday

    Workout: PC 1 Week 3
    Nutrition Net 1041 (1200)

    Hate to say it but I am getting a little bored with the workouts. I think it is because I have done the program before and started looking into PIYO. I am sticking with it. I was not even planning on PIYO until the fall since I am moving this spring/summer. Not sure if I want to hold off though.

    You only have a few more workouts though, right? You can do it!

    PiYo is great for busy schedules since the length of workouts are fairly short.

    Check in for Sunday: JELF P1, D18: Shoulders and Abs
    Monday : Rest. and I'm taking it today, too.
    Tuesday is also a scheduled rest day - but we'll see how I feel.

    Crappy nutrition = no loss.

  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Hate to say it but I am getting a little bored with the workouts. I think it is because I have done the program before and started looking into PIYO. I am sticking with it. I was not even planning on PIYO until the fall since I am moving this spring/summer. Not sure if I want to hold off though.

    Try to stick it out or you'll regret later on, this is your last week of push and then you start Lean with the compound movements. I've done that before and always regret it :\
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Check in for Monday

    Workout: Burn Intervals
    Nutrition: Net 1087 (1200)

    I have two more weeks of Push. Do not worry though, I will stick with it! The one thing I can say for myself after starting working out back in 2013 is I am not a quitter :O). Plus, I do not even have PIYO yet and the earliest I would order it is two weeks before I finish CLX.

    Today's workout was good. My running buddy (aka my husband) hurt his ankle somehow but I was happy to do this instead. I did much better with the overhead triceps. I really hate those.