Daily Chat/Check-in



  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Check in for Wednesday

    Workout: 40 minute run
    Nutrition: net 1178 (1200)
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Jan 28- Jamie Eason LiveFit Phase 1, Day 1 - Chest and Tris.
    Jan 29- Jamie Eason LiveFit Phase 1, Day 2 - Back and Bi's

    I had a huge piece of Cheat Flavored Cake (Italian Cream) yesterday. It was a 6/10. Why does that happen??

    I took some updated photos also that I am going to do a progress photo with and will update my profile photo soon.
  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    Workout: Push1
    Nutrition: 1461 (1500) cals

    I rocked the workout today. Need heavier weights for squats (used 15#). Nutrition was within cals, but not the best choices
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Check in for Thursday

    Workout: PC 3/Week 2
    Nutrition: Cal 961 (1200+) / Macro 40/28/32 (40c/20f/40p)
    Water Intake: 76.8 oz (65+)

    Look at you guys go! Great job everyone!

    @amomono have you tried working with macros, its a great way to learn how to eat a balanced meal and learn a lot about nutrition in the process.

    @Pipsg1rl you look awesome, great work!!!

    @LessthanKris has your progress going?

    I've been really hungry so decided to eat back my exercise cals but I'm usually wake up 'stomach growling hungry' the next day, lol.

    Was hoping the other ladies would join us ;)
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Giusa - Thank you for the compliment. I can tell you my losses are so small right now on the scale but it's showing in other ways (my freaking wardrobe keeps needing updating).

    Also, I eat back my workout calories, but am always hungry in the morning. I've been that way since I was a child. I prefer to eat within 30m of waking.
    I'm especially hungry after a cardio day and a leg day. Legs are HUNGRY muscles!

    This morning I did "JELF" Phase 1, Day 3; Legs and Calves.

    I am freaking sore from the last 2 days. My pecs hurt and I can't pull a shirt over my head.

    The schedule I'm following says the next 3 days are "rest," but I may do some cardio anyway since this isn't my first attempt at working out.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Check In for Thursday:

    Workout: BC3 Week 4
    Nutrition: Net 1200 (1200)

    Last week of Burn! I am ready to move on to Push for something different. It did go by fast.

    giusa: I have been able to move up in weights so my strength is progressing. I am on track to lose the four pounds I wanted to lose in January. I am not sure on my measurement but will probably take them next week after mother nature moves on :wink:
    My clothes do not feel any different but I still have a couple pounds to lose to get where I was before the holidays. I am almost back up to where I was with running again to after taking a month off.
  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    I have macros set, but I haven't been keeping track well... Or rather holding myself accountable for them.

    Workout: Burn Intervals + 2 hours house cleaning!
    Cals: 1379 (1500)
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Check in for Friday

    Workout: Burn intervals
    Nutrition: Net 1596 (1200)

    Last day of Burn for me! Ate out for dinner so my nutrition may not be exact but I should have stayed around maintance so I am okay with that. Aiming for the same on Sunday really.

    How is everyone handling Super Bowl festivities?
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Sunday is going to be my "Mega Cheat Day." But probably i'll have not as much cheat as i think because i won't want it.
    Also a repair day, but a little cardio never hurt anyone.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Ugh....so today is a rest day. I battled back and forth about getting in a workout especially since we took the kids to Krispy Kreme this morning and I partook (is that a word). It was really good. Anyway, I just feel my body needs a rest day or I would have at least did a HIIT workout in. My left knee has been a little sore this week and I do not want to make it worse by skipping a rest day. So instead I went through my diary and made sure I could make up some of the damage this weekend in the first few days of next week.

    I did not even want to post today but I figured this should be full disclosure even on the bad days :neutral_face: I will be working out tomorrow and have my nutrition back on track starting Monday.

    Hope everyone else is having a great weekend!
  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    I'm going to try to stick to the veggies for the superbowl. We are getting subs and soup from church (youth group fundraiser), so I'll try not to overeat.

    Workout: Push 2
    Calories 1626 (1500) - I led a workshop for 5 hours today and food wasn't the best there. Came home, had a drink and some pizza. Not the best health wise, but mental health wise, it was perfect.

    haha... i haven't had a krispy kreme in a while. rest days are good... it also helps keep our bodies from getting in a rut (and workouts can be a rut too).

    Here's to back on track on Monday @LessthanKris‌ !
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Yes, Partook is a word. It's the past tense of Partake. (right??)
    Today is going to be rest/repair since i'm going to be doing all 5 days of workout before work this coming week.
    Yesterday we had Cheesecake Factory for lunch and I had an "Italian" sandwich. I'm pretty sure it's the sodium that put my weight up 1.5. Not stressing.

    All i really want today is nachos.

    Yesterday was JELF Day 4, Shoulders and Abs. They have a ball crunch on the routine so i guess i need to add that.

    My husband said not to buy anymore workout clothes ... bummer :(
    see you guys tomorrow!!
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    edited February 2015
    Full Rest days are an important part of weight training, that's why there are 2 in CLX and there is only one cardio day. So don't beat yourself up @LessthanKris‌! And for nutrition, strive for 80% of clean eating and you've won that struggle. Like @amomono‌ said back on track Monday ;-)!
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement ladies! I promise I will be back at it tomorrow and should be able to make up for some of it.

    Check-in for Sunday

    Workout: Push Circuit 1 (week 1)

    So this happened the last time I did the program but I still find it strange. When I did the biceps with the sumo squat in burn, I was able to do 12 reps with 18 lbs. I tried 20 today for solo biceps and only made it to 4! I figure it is because the time it takes me to do the sumo squat was enough time to recover. Anyone else have to go down in weight for that move?
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    I don't remember if that's what happened with the bi's. Or maybe you are focusing more on the muscle and doing it slowly when you do them independently.

    The Jamie Eason plan phase 1 has 3 rest days. I'm a fairly active person and think that's too many, especially since you do separate parts of the body on different days. I decided yesterday would be my rest/repair day but...

    The weather was so beautiful I went out for a SUP ride.

    This morning was a 20 minute run on the elliptical.

    yesterday I had like 3 nachos and 3/4 beers/drinks. Someone actually brought McD's chicken nuggets as a "finger food!" (Guys, I tell ya!). I don't like those, but if they were Chick Fil A I would have eaten a few!
    Some other friends brought a veggie and fruit tray so I ate quite a bit of those. No ranch dip either - nope, don't like it!

    I'm up 2 pounds in 2 days but I know what it's from.... sodium and beer.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Not going to even bother with doing a check in for this weekend - it was not good!

    New month, need to take it up a notch!!! Is anyone interested in doing a 30 squat challenge?
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Check in for Monday

    Workout: Low HIIT 20
    Nutrition: Net 1010 (1200) I have some making up to do the next couple days if I can.

    So I ate whatever I wanted last night and totally regretted it today. I felt horrible! Just about all morning long. I will remember this next time I want to indulge too much on something. Pizza was not even that good either.

    Today is usually my running day but my knee has still been aching so I chose the low impact HIIT. I am going to start adding more stretching to my workouts as some have suggested on the boards.

  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    Pipsg1rl wrote: »

    My husband said not to buy anymore workout clothes ... bummer :(
    see you guys tomorrow!!

    haha. I want to go buy more workout gear now too, since I'm working out regularly! When you feel good you want to look good!

    Workout: Push 3 + lots of shoveling. We got about a foot of snow!
    Nutrition: 1177 net (1500), all that shoveling really added up!

  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement ladies! I promise I will be back at it tomorrow and should be When I did the biceps with the sumo squat in burn, I was able to do 12 reps with 18 lbs. I tried 20 today for solo biceps and only made it to 4! I figure it is because the time it takes me to do the sumo squat was enough time to recover. Anyone else have to go down in weight for that move?

    I did not, but I can see how that would happen. You are isolating them a lot more. There is one exercise on the second week I think where Janelle lifts a lot lighter... Lighter than me! And definitely lighter than in burn. So don't worry about it. Go back to 18 and work your way up.

    Oh... And than is some amazing lifting! I think I am at 12.5 with biceps!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    amomono wrote: »
    Pipsg1rl wrote: »

    My husband said not to buy anymore workout clothes ... bummer :(
    see you guys tomorrow!!

    haha. I want to go buy more workout gear now too, since I'm working out regularly! When you feel good you want to look good!

    Yes, I agree. But also, you have to have nice fitting stuff or you spend too much time pulling up your pants.

    At this point I'm getting so small so fast it's hard to keep anything that fits properly.

    Another 20m run on the elliptical this morning.
    Yesterday nutrition seemed ok, but I ate or drank something that made my stomach pooch out like a pregnant lady. Maybe the sausages with spaghetti? IDK.

    You ladies are doing great!