Daily Chat/Check-in



  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    Workout: BC1
    Nutrition 2059 (1500)

    My nutritional choices have not been the best lately. I need to do much better.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thank you, she had her gall bladder removed in the ER a few weeks back so this appointment was to have the stent removed. She seems to be doing just fine but it may be the pain meds/anesthesia wearing off.
    Worked on my sister's room for 4.5 hours yesterday. I thought she'd be excited but she was just angry :(
    No workout and had Po Folks for dinner. Didn't realize how much sodium are in Fried Green Tomatoes and Red Beans and Rice! Ugh. (I love "salty" foods but it upsets me when there is all that secret sodium!)

    Planning to get some movement in today and definitely tomorrow.

    @LessthanKris‌ - I'm glad that you know 5 pounds and inches are not the same. The closer I get to goal, the more I realize that's how it goes.

  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Check-in for Thursday

    Workout: None :\
    Nutrition: Cal 1133 (1200) / Macro 42/17/41 (40c/20f/40p)
    Water Intake: 63.5 oz (65+)

    @Pipsg1rl, I’m so glad your Mom is doing well. Gotta luv family drama, I’m sure in some way your sister appreciated the help.

    I’m impressed at your goals @LessthanKris!!! You can tell that you have a plan on how to reach it! You’re giving me inspiration to finalize mine.

    @Pipsg1rl is right, in the two plus years with MFP I’ve learned that scale weight, 1200 cals and cure all cardio are a MYTH.

    We all have those days @amomono! Yesterday and today I woke up hungry with stomach growling, it’s like I can’t eat enough to satisfy!

    What weeks are you in @LessthanKris and @amomono? I’m in week one of Push Circuit.

    Not sure if I will be able to check in this weekend, if not have a great weekend and see you on Monday.

  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Check in for Friday

    Workout: Fire 30
    Nutrition: Cal ??? (too much)

    Well, the good news is I forced myself to workout. This morning we had to bring my dog to the vet for a dental cleaning and teeth extractions, then off to take my son to Gymboree, and then went to take the kids bowling. Went home for lunch quickly and it was time to pick up the dog so I finally got home around 3:30. I completely did not feel like working out but I figured I could keep a good eye on the dog while keeping him in the room with me and I got it in. I felt so glad I did because...

    Bad news- we ate out at a local restaurant for dinner so really not sure of how many calories were consumed. Good thing I had 922 calories left for today and 322 that I banked this week. Softens the blow a little bit!

    I just finished Week 2 today. This two weeks have gone by really fast.

    Giusa-I think setting specific goals has made me so much more motivated and holds me accountable to myself.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend! Rest day for me tomorrow!
  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    I'm on week 3 of the burn circuit!

    Workout: burn intervals
    Calories (net): 1253 (1500)
    Water: 56oz
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Just took my stats, last was Sept 2013. ALL increases, NOT good, but after 15 months of YOYO - expected :-(

    Weight: 12.5
    Fat%: 5.8
    BMI: 2.2
    Stomach: 3 inches
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    edited January 2015
  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    double check in

    yesterday: BC2
    Nutrition: 1600 (1500)

    Today: rest day
    Nutrition: 1309 (1500)

    how was everyone else's weekends?
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Ok, I'm back in Houston to a nice surprise from my husband.... He bought a TV to replace one so I can have the old TV in our garage gym. We just need to decide where to hang it. Next step is a DVD player.
    Fat % down, but weight slightly up. Had hibachi dinner last night, so I'm not surprised.

    Diet bet is on day 22, it's 4 weeks long, so I'd better get cracking!

  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Check in for Sunday

    Workout: BC 1
    Nutrition: Net 1267 (1200)

    I so wanted to snack today but was happy I kept it under control!

    How many of you are working out with the Selectechs? I have the adjustable weights that you have to change the plates on by screwing and unscrewing the clamps. It feels like it adds so much time to the workout, although I am sure the breaks are helpful. I just can't justify spend $300 plus dollars on weights to shave off what is really probably less than five minutes. They do seem nice even though they look gigantic.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    I just got them for Christmas but it's been crazy and I haven't really had a chance to use them. I had a pair of adjustable from Target but it still took a second to switch back and forth.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Check in for Monday

    Workout: Run
    Nurition: Net 1092 (1200)

    This was my first run in two months. It actually went better than I thought it would and I think I will be back up to speed in a couple weeks if the weather stays nice and I get out there.
  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    Pipsg1rl wrote: »
    I had a pair of adjustable from Target but it still took a second to switch back and forth.

    I also have an adjustable pair. Mine only go up to 12.5 lbs per weight in 2.5 increments, but they were about $40 total if I remember. I love them I did buy a pair of 15 # also.

    Workout: supposed to be BC3, but I played a doing of disc golf instead = 2 hours of hiking/walking
    Nutrition: net 1183(1500)
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Check-in for Friday
    Workout: None
    Nutrition: Cal 1133 (1200) / Macro 46/20/34 (40c/20f/40p)
    Water Intake: 63.5 oz (65+)

    Check-in for Saturday
    Workout: None
    Nutrition: Cal 1433 (1200) / Macro 54/21/25 (40c/20f/40p)
    Water Intake: 39 oz (65+)

    Check-in for Sunday
    Workout: PC 2
    Nutrition: Cal 1321 (1200) / Macro 41/24/35 (40c/20f/40p)
    Water Intake: 39 oz (65+)

    Check-in for Monday
    Workout: None
    Nutrition: Cal 1038 (1200) / Macro 49/14/37 (40c/20f/40p)
    Water Intake: 48 oz (65+)

    Can see that all my posts got lost somewhere…put together a goal and updated all my stats. NOT good but expected, the 3 inch increase around stomach area was a PAINFUL and traumatic wakeup call.

    Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

    I invested in the SelecTec’s about 2 yrs ago. Overall, I like them…save space, convenient but longer than regular dumbbells. Sometimes I do switch to the dumbbells.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Yesterday I did some elliptical running and then a bunch of random stuff that felt great since I was hyped up.
    Nutrition wise, I did 2 juices for breakfast lunch, green tea with honey, and then had a nice BLT with Avocado, no mayo for dinner. Needed to cleanse from the hibachi sodium the night before.
  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    Workout- BC3
    Nutrition - 1240 net (1500)
    Water - only 24 oz

    I gained about 15 lbs in the last six months of last year. New job and stress and not working out... So Jan 1 was my rude awakening and highest weight. Today, a coworker said she thought I looked like I lost weight. I'm not sure if that is true yet, or just a flattering outfit (yay control top pantyhose) but it was good motivation to keep going!!!
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Check-in for Tuesday
    Workout: None AGAIN!
    Nutrition: Cal 1018 (1200) / Macro 38/25/37 (40c/20f/40p)
    Water Intake: 60 oz (65+)

    I SO know how you feel @amomono‌ – we’ve got this! It was probably a combination of both ;)
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    amomono wrote: »

    I gained about 15 lbs in the last six months of last year. New job and stress and not working out... So Jan 1 was my rude awakening and highest weight. Today, a coworker said she thought I looked like I lost weight. I'm not sure if that is true yet, or just a flattering outfit (yay control top pantyhose) but it was good motivation to keep going!!!

    How nice! I had a neighbor tell me I was "skinny as hell" and that "Beachbody thing" was "working."

    I'm not trying for skinny, just fit - but when people say that I really don't think they are saying you were big before, they want to be encouraging.

    No workout yesterday, my son asked me to spend some time with him when I got home, he'd been home from school sick.

    Nutrition was ok, I thought - until I looked at the calories and sodium of my ground turkey and brown rice lunch.

    but! but! I'm down another pound and at 82% of my loss for the DietBet. Only .9 pounds to go and I can split the pot with the girl who's been at 100% for over a week.

    (Bet is at $350)

  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Pipsg1rl wrote: »
    but! but! I'm down another pound and at 82% of my loss for the DietBet. Only .9 pounds to go and I can split the pot with the girl who's been at 100% for over a week.

    (Bet is at $350)

    That's fantastic!!!! 82% of goal!!! Congrats!

  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    BTW - 'skinny' is a four letter word to me!!!! :s That word makes me crazy!!! :s