Daily Chat/Check-in



  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    Finishing my third week of push today!

    Sunday was a rest day.

    Yeaterday: push 3
    Calories : 1311 (1500) 40/40/20 (40/30/30)

    Need more solid protein options.

    About to start Burn It Off for today's workout.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    JELF P1, D23. Today is really not day 23, but that's the number on the schedule. Today is actually day 22.
    Back and Biceps.

    Not really a big fluctuation in weight, but I think it says I'm down again that .9 pound.
    It's aggravating me seeing it go up and down again on the boards. I think I may turn it off again.

    Yesterday I was SO hungry. I wanted to eat everything in sight. ...huh... just remembered those tortilla chips and salsa. AND Sunday was legs, so that kind of explains it. I wasn't going crazy!

    Tonight I got out some shrimp to thaw. Plan to have it with rice but not sure about seasoning. It's super cold today so maybe I'll pan grill it on the stove instead of outside.

    hugs to you all!
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Check in for Tuesday

    Workout: PC 2 Week 3
    Nutrition: Net 1030 (1200)

  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    JELF P1, D22 but completed on 23. - Legs. I don't think I worked my legs this hard during any CLX workout. Even PiYo! I'd say I've done legs 3 times in about 7 days.

    Nutrition yesterday was pretty good. The shrimp I made for dinner was just ok. I'm starting to think it's the shrimp itself and not the way I cook it. We bought a huge bag in November and separated and froze it. We have one more bag left.

    Tonight I'm going to make the 2 pork chops feed 3 by using it in a stir-fry dish.

  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Check in for Wednesday

    Workout: Fire 45
    Nutrition: Net 1187 (1200)
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Quick Check-in

    Workout: PC3, StrongLifts WA
    Nutrition: Cal 1560 (1450) / Macro 43/23/34 (40c/30/30)
    Water Intake: 50 oz (65+)

    I've been wanting to start StrongLifts 5x5 for a long time but intimidated with the long poll. Last night after PC3 I decided to just do a couple of squats with the long poll to get a feel, but, ended doing the ENTIRE workout! This morning decided to wear flats for work, lol, just in case.

    I think I might switch to StrongLifts instead of the Lean Phase. I’m very uncoordinated and have hip issues from an accident making it difficult to perform some of CLX compound moves. Even though StrongLifts is all compound moves I can manage them vs Lean Phase where I have to modify ever exercise. Saturday is my next strength training day so I have until then to decide.

    Tina, is your current program similar to StrongLifts?
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Thursday: Taking my second rest day today.
    It's strange, I still left the same time I leave when I workout before work. I tried to sleep a little longer instead of getting out of bed, but I don't think it was quality sleep.

    The guys didn't eat as much of the stir fry as I thought they would, so I now have 3 lunches ready to go! Rice seems to freeze really well and making it myself has 2 benefits: 1. It tastes better than the pre-packaged microwave meals and 2. I know what the ingredients are!

    Since this is the 4th week of the program, I'll need to do some updated photos. It's nice to see the progression.

    At this point a week by week photo doesn't show much, so I'm going to do Phases 1, 2, and 3.

    Rock on ladies!!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    giusa wrote: »
    Quick Check-in

    I've been wanting to start StrongLifts 5x5 for a long time but intimidated with the long poll. Last night after PC3 I decided to just do a couple of squats with the long poll to get a feel, but, ended doing the ENTIRE workout! This morning decided to wear flats for work, lol, just in case.

    I think I might switch to StrongLifts instead of the Lean Phase. I’m very uncoordinated and have hip issues from an accident making it difficult to perform some of CLX compound moves. Even though StrongLifts is all compound moves I can manage them vs Lean Phase where I have to modify ever exercise. Saturday is my next strength training day so I have until then to decide.

    Tina, is your current program similar to StrongLifts?

    You can view the videos for JELF here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=6qR_rf6rwEM&list=PL90C7EEDD97294A56

    It looks like StrongLifts you do a lot of leg work. Legs DO eat more calories since they are the larger group.
    Currently JELF has me doing 1 or 2 body parts per workout, but isolated exercises. Only shoulders, only calves, only legs, etc. Similar to the PUSH phase. First week is 12 reps, after that is 10.
    No cardio P1.
    P2 adds cardio.
    P3 is intervals and plyo. OMG what have I gotten into?! ;)
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Check in for Thursday

    Workout: PC 3 Week 3
    Nutrition: Net 1020 (1200)

    I was wondering if anyone has done the Lean for Life phase. I am still leaning to just trying to start PIYO and dealing with any interruptions that may occur with selling the house and moving but I was thinking I also could just stick it out for one more month if I am not over it.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    edited February 2015
    Lean is the BEST Phase (imo)! Definitely worth the time!

    They are completely two different types of programs, so another option is both, but it doesn't look like you'll have the time...
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Check in for Thursday

    Workout: PC 3 Week 3
    Nutrition: Net 1020 (1200)

    I was wondering if anyone has done the Lean for Life phase. I am still leaning to just trying to start PIYO and dealing with any interruptions that may occur with selling the house and moving but I was thinking I also could just stick it out for one more month if I am not over it.

    I did not do L4L, but I considered it. I like to mix it up and since I felt like the program was completed at the "end" of Lean, I moved on to the next thing.

    Friday: JELF P1, D24: Chest and Tris.

  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Check in for Friday

    Workout: Fire 30
    Nutrition: Net 1517 (1200)

    Thankfully I saved some calories this week! I can afford to be over today and tomorrow. We were not planning on eating out this week but my husband got a birthday coupon for a free pizza so we were not going to pass it up.

    I feel the same way Pipsg1rl. L4L seems kind of like an after thought to me but it would bring me to the end of April. The latest we are going hunting for a place to live would be the beginning of May so I know my schedule in any program would have to be adjusted. I do not workout while I travel.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Saturday: JELF P1, D25: Legs
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Check in for the weekend. I did not workout today. We ended up taking a last minute trip to Carlsbad Caverns. Today we did the trail going down 750 feet. I did not think it was bad at the time but my legs are aching now so I may have gotten some kind of workout. I will be back to logging and working out tomorrow though!
  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    I can't believe I haven't posted all week! It was a crazy week at work, but I did get my workouts in!

    I'm near the end of the push month... Just PC3 then a cardio day left! I am so excited about lean!

    I have never actually finished the program. The first time I made it most of the way through LC then went on vacation and fell off the exercise wagon. My plan is to try L4L for a month and then maybe they a new workout if I don't like it.

    Today was a rest day. I have them built in on Wednesdays and Sundays because those are my long work days. (Church life can mess with any kind of normal schedule!)
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    I finished CLX Push Phase last week. Started StrongLifts and completed Workout B last night.
    Nutrition = :'(
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Sunday was day 26, shoulders and abs. I almost didn't get it in due to a headache brought on by some incoming thunderstorms, but made myself put on the clothes and get out to the weights.
    It's so true that if you just do it you'll be happier after.
    Nutrition yesterday was delicious. I had all the things.
    My scale this morning found those things and decided it was worth +3 pounds.

    Repair day today.

  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    You all crack me up! My nutrition this weekend was so not good. Wednesday is also my husbands birthday so Wednesday I know I will be over.

    Check in for Monday

    Workout PC1 week 4
    Nutrition: net 1163 (1200)
  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    Yesterday check-in: Push 3 (final one!)
    Nutrition: 1301 net (1500)

  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Workout: Yesterday was rest day but threw in squats (5x5 @ 36.1)
    Nutrition: 36c/34f/30p was a little high in fat but couldn't figure out why!

    @amomono‌ you'll have to let us know what you think of Lean. It's probably the most effective phase but I still like Push the best.
    @LessthanKris‌, enjoy a guilt free dinner for your hubby's birthday, and happiest of birthdays Mr. LessthanKris. Going to my parents house for dinner tonight, looking forward to a big bowl of pasta and meatballs with bread of course, so I'm trying to eat nothing but protein in anticipation of dinner, lol.
    @Pipsg1rl‌, knowing you that weight will fall right off, lol.