MrsPrior Member


  • Yeah, that's what I love about MFP - the recipe builder lets you customise your recipe to match exactly what you use to make your entries more accurate.
  • Cycling is number one! But I think it's only my favourite because I've done it the longest so I'm really comfortable with it. Sometimes I enjoy running more than cycling these days....but then again on other days what I really enjoy is a long walk in the countryside. Whatever I'm doing, it has to feature some hills. I…
  • It's OK, and perfectly normal to be hungry, we don't need to be full up all the time. Being hungry, and identifying the feeling of hunger is actually a positive step, as once you know what it feels like to be actually hungry (as opposed to bored, thirsty, craving something or eating to manage emotions), you'll be better…
  • Hi Shanna I started my fitness journey almost a year ago with 30 Day Shred. At that time I was a couch potato, about 3 stone overweight and hadn't done a push up or lifted a weight in years. When I had been doing the shred for a few weeks I suddenly realised I loved exercise! Since then I have joined a gym, started doing…
  • cracker and/or cookies - sweet or savoury it doesn't matter, once the pack is open I will eat the whole thing without thinking about it. Even plain water biscuits. Its not the taste, its the texture...crunchy, crumbly goodness. So, no we never have those in our house, ever.
  • They're probably just jealous. When I started losing several 'friends' told me I was getting too skinny or wasting away, in quite a hurtful way, even though according to all conventional measurements (waist measurement, weight, BMI, body fat %, even clothes size) I was still unhealthy - they were jealous, and abandoned me…
  • I am also a pear, and coming to the end of my weight loss journey having lost nearly 50lb. As a pear your body naturally stores fat around your hips and butt, and therefore will be reluctant to let go of those stores. Your body only started storing fat elsewhere when your natural fat store locations around your hips etc.…
  • Several types of tea bags (mix of green, herbal and fruit teas) Packets of instant soup Box of cereal bars Some dried fruit/nuts/seeds Low calorie hot chocolate powder for when I need a chocolate fix
  • Not sure where in the world you are posting from so not sure which retailers will be available to you, but I swear by My Protein Impact Whey - high quality protein with good availability, really easy to mix, no after taste or bitterness. I use the unflavoured and mix into other food like pancakes in place of some of the…
  • Are you cutting out dairy completey? If not, you can get low fat natural yogurt which has no added sugar etc so is pretty low on calories. For my diet I cut out the flavoured/sweetened/whole milk yogurts and started eating natural yogurt instead - you can add food flavouring or sweetner while you get used to the taste, but…
  • Oh, I never thought of baking it into cookies etc, I must try that as I love to bake! I suppose it makes sense that the theory can be extended to savoury dishes too - this powder dissolves really well so I might give it a go in a sauce next, see if I can notice the difference. Mostly I find when I add it to the yoghurt it…
  • Not so much whilst running as there are so many other runners out at the same time/place I just blend in, but when on my bike (I cycle 12 miles a day) I get lots of wolf-whistles, honks and things shouted at me - given that I'm not a "hottie" and I don't look that good in Lycra, I have to assume most of these are meant to…
  • If they are natural sugars I wouldn't be too worried, it is the processed refined sugars we should all look out for. But if it does bother you, you could try swapping one or two portions of fruit for salad or vegetables instead.