How do you take your protein powder?

MrsPrior Posts: 14 Member
I exercise a lot and lift heavy so recently realised I could be jeopardising muscle gains by not having enough protein in my diet. I've tried a few protein powders of different flavours and brands and found one I like and that suits me, so now I'm looking for interesting ways to include this in my normal diet. I have unflavoured whey protein.

I've heard of protein pancakes, and also started adding a scoop to natural yoghurt with a dash of food flavouring (I am hooked on this one, I can make it taste like custard!) - are there any other ways I could 'mix it up' a little rather than just having a shake?


  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    You can use protein powder in place of part of the flour in almost any recipe (I think you can replace up to half.) So anything you bake - cookies, bars, cupcakes, muffins, breads - can be made using protein powder.

    I'm curious though, because I've never used unflavored whey before. Like you could put it in savory things? Protein pizza crust? Protein in gravy and sauces? I feel like you could get so creative with an unflavored powder.
  • MrsPrior
    MrsPrior Posts: 14 Member
    Oh, I never thought of baking it into cookies etc, I must try that as I love to bake!

    I suppose it makes sense that the theory can be extended to savoury dishes too - this powder dissolves really well so I might give it a go in a sauce next, see if I can notice the difference. Mostly I find when I add it to the yoghurt it makes it kinda creamy, so adding it to a creamy sauce should work, and might mean I could take out some of the more calorific creamy ingredients too.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    With water or Silk milk.

    In my oatmeal.

    Stirred into my yogurt.
  • MzIrish
    MzIrish Posts: 11,917 Member
    I like to make protein bars. 1 scoop ON 100%whey chocolate powder,3 cups Quaker oats, 3 table spoon peanut butter, 4 oz Silk unsweetened almond milk. Mix well. spread into 9x9 baking dish and then put in the fridge for couple hours. It makes yummy protein bars. Little gooey, but good .