

  • Would also add that potassium levels in the body are strongly linked to your sodium and magnesium levels. It might be that you're eating enough potassium, but don't have the other two in balance to be able to hold it. Source:
  • I log daily, and stick to my eating/exercise plan like a machine. Numbers below are since June 1. Also try to encourage everything that comes across my friend feed. Anyone here that logs consistently can feel free to add me. Always looking for new MFP buddies!
  • It's the total lack of data to support the posted claims that kills my interest - even turns me against the suggestions. In the few I've seen studies for, the results were marginal, and the amounts taken were so obscenely high it wouldn't be advisable outside a research study. Nothing close to the preparations suggested…
  • I take a generic multivitamin just to help cover the micronutrients I might be lacking in my extended caloric deficit. Have a feeling most of it gets pee'd out, but at least I get to chew two gummies as a treat every morning!
  • Nature-made fat flush remedy: Eat healthy, move your *kitten* more, and drink plenty of water.
  • After all the hate Ledger got when they picked him to be Joker, and he was incredible in the role, I wouldn't be quick to jump on the hate train. Bale was by far my favorite Batman, but this isn't part of Nolan's trilogy. This is Superman vs Batman. Sure, Affleck didn't make a great Daredevil, but the first Man of Steel…
  • No comments yet? Dave (I'm also a Dave), your progress has been one of the most inspirational stories on this site for me. I joined with 160 to lose, and have about 90 to go. I'm also a dad, and reading your thoughts about missing out on things with your son (I also have a son) hit me right in the feels. You set a plan,…
  • I actually enjoy when friends/coworkers offer something I don't want to eat/drink, and I politely decline. Usually it's coworkers grabbing ice cream, or bringing pastries to meetings. The small affirmations that I'm CHOOSING to push toward my goals gives me a good psychological boost. That said, my coworkers are really…
  • Always looking for motivated MFP buddies. Please feel free to add me! I log every day, workout often, and comment frequently on my feed. Numbers below are since June 1. Very consistent.
  • Friend request sent! Wouldn't mind if everyone else here added me as well. I'm short on MFP buddies, but I log every day, offer support, and I've been ridiculously consistent the last 60+ days.
  • Single parent here. Anyone I go out with knows I have a son long before we have a first date. My most important role is also my proudest - as it should be for every parent! Edit: That doesn't mean they meet my son. I don't believe in creating the relationship revolving door, so unless it starts to get serious, the two…
  • I weigh in every morning, but only because I can do so without freaking out about daily fluctuations, and it keeps me motivated. The cutie across the street weighs in daily too... at least I think she does. Some mornings the blinds are closed and it's hard to see in from the tree in her front yard. /s
  • You won't find a specific number. Calories burned for any exercise is partially dependent on your gender, weight, overall fitness, intensity completing the routine, and other factors.
  • I use the Polar H7 for the bluetooth to my iPhone. Love it, though I see the FT-4 suggested all the time here. Not sure what the difference is.
  • Absolutely amazing! Congratulations, and thanks for being such an inspiration!
  • I weigh every morning too, just to track the trend over time, and if the drop is too big, I'll only record half of it, assume the rest is water fluctuation and hydrate more that day. I take tape measurements once a week. Before I hop on the scale each time, I have to remind myself this weight can fluctuate a lot and if…
  • I've watched most of the trial and still have no clear opinion on what happened that night. That said, it's the prosecution's job to prove the charges they make, beyond a reasonable doubt - and I believe they've really dropped the ball. Of course, the jury can still be instructed to consider lesser chargers, perhaps…
  • iPhone 5. Love it, and looking forward to iOS7 this fall.
  • You've done an incredible job! Very inspiring.
  • I'm biased in that despite my weight, I won't consider surgery to 'fix' something I believe has psychological roots. I've put the doctor time into working with a therapist once a week, which combined with healthy eating and daily exercise is leading to great changes. But I accept we all have different mindsets. That aside,…
  • I ate the most I've eaten in five weeks, stayed under goal, and actually lost more than the the previous four days! Lowered the calories a bit the day before, since it's the window of time that matters not the calendar day, right? Made sure to get an hour of exercise in earlier that morning, and drank at least 5 liters of…
  • Also live in New England - RI to be exact. It's been muggy, but I've still been out there for an hour, every single day. Drink a LOT of water throughout the day before heading out, and replace it when you come back in. I tend to wait until 6-6:30PM when it's a little cooler. Of course, that means I've had to hoof it in the…
  • It's pretty simple. You consumed a large amount of the two things that will cause the most fluid retention - sodium, and carbohydrates. Prior to that, you probably had them well in check, and your water retention was minimal. I suspect if you went back to moderate sodium/carb intake, you would see the number fall over the…
  • Big wave from RI - the cooler part of New England! :P
  • 3/4 Portuguese and 1/4 French.
  • I use a lower calorie, moderate sodium Healthy Choice meal as the base of my dinner on weeknights. I usually add a 150 calorie baked chicken filet to bump up the protein. My daily sodium intake is always 1/3 under my daily goal. So if you can make it fit in your food planning, I don't see the issue.
  • I'd like to join in, if that's OK. 12 weeks is the window I've worked best with before, and I was planning to follow the same pattern this time. I've only recently started logging exercise and food here (though I eat the same thing nearly every day, so...) Would appreciate joining up with others.