

  • Katnevsmom (Darcie) is from Columbus, OH where I am patiently waiting for my kids to finish school so I can move somewhere warm:tongue:
  • Have a great time on vacation Roz! I'm leaving next Wed for Disney and I'm sure it will not be a good dieting week:) My friend at work is on Day 17 of the 17 Day diet and is down 21lbs! I'm thinking about starting it soon.
  • I think that is a great idea! We have all been doing so well, I'm sure we can each get 2# this week:) Keep it up girls:wink: Darcie
  • I usually will get lettuce cups and soup. Full of sodium I know but calorie wise is better than a meal with rice. Whatever you choose enjoy it and just do a little extra workout today:)
  • Don't forget to weigh in today! Can't wait to see how good we all did...keep it up:bigsmile: Darcie
  • I have the pooch too and a trainer at my gym said the 2 best ways to get rid of it are cardio and the plank position. She said that situps help but the plan is better.\
  • My hubby is making chicken wings so I plan on grilling some chicken and dipping them in some low calorie sauce...If you just make certain to count everything you eat, I don't see a problem with having a little:)
  • Hope you had a great birthday Kyndra! So I'm worrying about this month. We are going on vacation in 2 weeks and there are no calorie counts for any restuarant where we are staying. I'm trying to be really good and lose another 4 pounds before we go but don't want to gain it all back over the trip! How is everyone else…
  • I'm noticing that my chest and my thighs are going first...unfortunatley those areas weren't bad to begin with:) All of my pants are still fitting ok around the middle but it looks like I have WAY too much material in the legs! I'm sure after a few more weeks we will start losing where we need it.
  • Well Day 25 and I'm starting to get used to eating healthier:) My mom made homemade cinnamon rolls and I wasn't even that sad to turn them down! Hopefully the scale will be kind on Saturday. Hope everyone is having doing well this week!
  • Wow lots of weight lost this week! Great Job Bluemyo and Redbella. :bigsmile: We are all going to be so smokin by summer!
  • Weigh in FOR WEEK ENDING JANUARY 22, 2011 ...Good Luck Everyone!!! NAME...............................CW................................NEW WT.........-/+.......BUST/CHEST............WAIST...........HIPS BJHOLLOMAN.................…
  • Actually I just looked up1 cup of Hibachi Chicken/ Rice and Veggies and it looks like around 523 calories. 5 oz of saki is only 40 calories. I haven't ever dieted before so I'm just starting to get used to estimating foods. Guess I should have looked further before posting:) Thank you all!!! Do people snicker when you pull…
  • Welcome to all the new girls:! Linda, I have my answers safely hidden away:) And for everyone that commented on my potato chip breakdown on Saturday I'm happy to report that it must have just been water weight because my weight went right back to normal after a few days. Learned my lesson though!
  • Great job! You should be very proud of yourself!!!:smile:
  • Hi Girls:) I've been doing really good, counting calories and exercising every day. So two nights ago I mess up and have a bowl of chips, probably about 13 chips or so. The next morning when I had weighed myself I put two pounds back on!!! I thought it was just the salt but even tonight I still have that two pounds!!!…
  • Here is my weigh in for the week. I can't believe I'm actually losing:) My family has a terrible history of heart disease. My Dad and all of my aunts and uncles have died by age 60. I've decided this is not going to happen to me or my children. 2011 is the beginning of a new healthy lifestyle:) Katnevsmom…
  • My manicurist has a serious thing for Seth Green....yuck:)
  • I say evenings. I also have two little ones and I used to try to workout in the morning before they woke up. I've changed it so that I work out in the evenings (after dinner and homework) and let them have video game or computer time then. They have been waiting all day to play a game and they don't interrupt me:) It is…
  • Thanks everyone! I just did some time on the treadmill and am drinking alot of water. I feel better now:) I appreciate all of the good advice!
  • Hello! I'm weighing in tonight because we'll be out of town tomorrow all day. Thank you all for the motivation:) Katnevsmom NAME..................PW.......................CW.................LOST/GAIN...............CHEST...........WAIST...............HIP...............TOTAL IN LOST Katnevsmom 190 184.8 -5.2 44 42 46 1st…
  • I would love to join, I need some motivation:) SW 197 (12.1.10) CW 190