langsyne Member


  • Why? I keep a diary to track my calories, and how I feel each day, to help determine which foods I am sensitive to. I don't hide it, it's private. If I cheat, I would only be cheating myself. I think people would be more inclined to cheat on their logs if they knew everyone could see it.
  • Keep at it. It's a slower process when you don't have a lot of weight to lose. When I started, I figured the weight would come off at a couple pounds a week. Now I've resigned myself to 0.5lb a week, slow and steady,
  • 1) How do you feel after hearing this information? Does it make you want to wean on coffee or drink away still? I say hogwash to all of it. (coming from a true lover of coffee, lol) 2) Random: Do you drink your coffee black or add extra ingredients? I put just enough milk into it to take a bit of the bitterness out. 3) Did…
  • I've heard that combining rice and pea protein powder is a good vegan protein source which is as good as whey powder, and an excellent alternative for those who are sensitive to milk and egg products.
  • Peas. Hands down. If I have to eat them to be polite, I swallow them whole, like pills.
  • Are you re-introducing the right type of carbs - fruit and vegetables? Wheat and other grains can be inflammatory. Being in a state of Ketosis long term can be detrimental to your health. Low-carb diets can cause your body to go into a dangerous metabolic state since your body burns fat instead of glucose for energy.…
  • I have always HATED running, but this sounds like fun. Always learn about something new reading these posts.
  • This works. The insulin spikes caused by eating sweets and carbs is what causes the cravings. Once you get your blood sugars and insulin horomones leveled out, the cravings will stop.
  • Here we go. Between the Margarine and Aspertame posts, never a dull moment. It's an FDA conspriacy to control the population.
  • I also find it difficult. My main problem is remembering to drink. I keep water bottles on my desk at work and everytime I feel like having a snack, I drink down half a 16oz bottle (well 500ml so almost 17 oz). Over the course of the workday I can get in 4 bottles, plus one for the trip home, and one more in the evening.…
  • I really like this. Calling it a reward day instead of a cheat day. Mine is usually a meal - a big juicy steak and fries and a few beers every couple of weeks. I try to work it into my macros but don't stress out too much about going over. It's one meal, and if I had to forgoe it completely it would just be too fricken sad.
    in CHEAT DAY Comment by langsyne March 2013
  • Chew gum, chew gum, chew gum. It's a nasty habit too but it really helps get you over the hump. Also keep busy, do some cardio or dancing or swim. Walking didn't help me because I always liked to have a smoke when I walked but there are lots of "busy" things to do with your hands where a smoke would be inconvenient -…
  • Me too
    in Sugar Comment by langsyne March 2013
  • I go over my sugar every day. One apple and 1/2 cup blueberries and I'm in the red zone. I cut out all processed sugars, so I tend to ignore the fruit sugars. I think giving up fruit or cutting down on is not a good call unless you are diabetic, or have blood sugar problems.
    in Sugar Comment by langsyne March 2013
  • I read something recently. I haven't tried this yet, but plan to. When you hit a stall, try to trick your body and metabolism, by eating a different amount of calories each day, and never the same calories at each meal, ie day 1 1600 calories, day 2 1400, day 3 1200 day 4 1600. I can't say if it will work but I plan on…
  • This for sure!!
  • This was meant in the context of don't drink the diet pop if it's making you sick. Don't take away 75% of my quote and use that last sentence as "bad advice"
  • Me too. But I'm sticking to it. I didn't gain that weight in a few months so I'm starting to realize I'm not going to lose it as quickly as I hoped.
  • Some people can't eat wheat. Some people can't eat nuts. Some can't have alcohol. And some can't tolerate Aspartame. If it feels good do it, if it doesn't....don't. And me- I would never give up my coffee.
  • Sad that fruits are missing from that list. I see lots on the "YES" list that I wouldn't considered food. Ever look at the ingredients in an Atkins bar?
  • I agree, and I do allow myself one indulge day a week. It might slow my progress, but helps by giving me something to look forward to. For the rest of the week, if I find I'm getting hungry and craving junk, I eat nuts - walnuts, brazils, and almonds. Today after lunch I was getting those I'm starving cravings, so I popped…
    in Hungry!!! Comment by langsyne March 2013
  • I have never knowingly used margarine, nor will I...ever. Regardless whether or not it's toxic, one molecule away from being plastic, heart healthy (that I doubt), the stuff is disgusting. For the amount of butter I use, I'll stick with the saturated fat in the real food, thank you.
  • Scales can do more harm than good. A lot of the time they are damn depressing because of weight fluctuations and seeing no progress can lead people to throw in the towel. Better to go by how your clothes are fitting, or waist measurements.
  • THIS!! Definitely this.
  • My moderate walk 3.0mph burns 38 calories in 10 minutes and 380 calories in 100 minutes so it looks like it's pretty even across time. Assuming that, 90 minutes logged all at once should work out to almost the same as 3 separate walks.
  • Welcome Cynthia, I'm sure you will be successful. You can try club soda, and put a splash of juice in it to give it flavour. You still get the satisfying fizziness that you don't get with water and only a small amount of juice so not too much sugar or calories. It's a nice compromise.
  • Keep one or two items as a reminder to not go there again. Donate the rest to a charitable organization