Low carb & 5:2. Is anyone doing it?

That's it really. I am a low carber (12kg lost :)) and I have decided to start fasting as well. It's not just about weight loss, although that would be good, but the health benefits too. Is anyone doing this successfully? Is it ok to keep going on my Briffa style weightloss and just have low carb/low cal fat days, ie soup, eggs, fish on my fast days? Thanks.


  • juliekins64
    juliekins64 Posts: 125 Member
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    I use a different version of 5:2 which works wonders. Life changing.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I don't see any reason why they can't work together.

    You don't HAVE to go low carb to do any form of intermittent fasting, but it's certainly easier to keep the caloires down on a fast day by reducing the bread. pasta, rice etc.
  • Can you tell me about your 5:2 please. I'd love to hear your success story!
  • bsmith404
    bsmith404 Posts: 333 Member
    My Dr. Recommends I do this but after looking online it doesn't seem heathly. So you eat whatever you want for 5 days and then for 2 days eat no more than 600cal? This has worked for you?
  • My Dr. Recommends I do this but after looking online it doesn't seem heathly. So you eat whatever you want for 5 days and then for 2 days eat no more than 600cal? This has worked for you?

    Basically that's it. Google Michael Mosley for details. I don't think you can go mad on the other 5 days but as long as you stay below 500 cals for a woman, 600 for a man, you should see a result. I'm trying to make my 500 cals low carb as well and I'll see what happens! I have read great things about it and am encouraged that it was a scientific test for the BBC, not a fad.
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    after looking online it doesn't seem heathly.

    It's probably the healthiest thing for you. Ignore everything you read.
    I'm right.
  • bfbooty
    bfbooty Posts: 189 Member
    i have been interested in this but not sure i would be able to do it and handle the hunger

    I assume you shouldn't workout or do too much exercise on fast days?
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    i have been interested in this but not sure i would be able to do it and handle the hunger

    I assume you shouldn't workout or do too much exercise on fast days?

    After a few weeks your body will adapt and you won't feel hungry.

    You can still exercise, just light cardio and know your limits when using weights.
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    I was ketogenic and followed an 18/6 intermittent fasting protocol for almost a year. I quickly lost an enormous amount of fat, maintained my muscle, and experienced all kinds of anti-aging benefits. I never felt better.

    Currently, I'm experimenting with reintroducing carbohydrates into my diet while continuing to follow the 18/6 protocol. It's now much more difficult to control appetite because my brain is no longer being fueled endogenously with the ketone body beta-hydroxybutyrate. I'm ready to eat the leg off of my chair by noon as my liver glycogen gets depleted. My top end strength has noticeably increased, but that is the only positive benefit. It takes me longer to recover since reintroducing carbohydrates because inflammation is part of my life again. When I was ketogenic, I could work out every day without inflammation; beta-hydroxybutyrate is a powerful antidote for oxidative stress and inflammation. My stomach is upset quite often since reintroducing carbs as well.

    I'm strongly considering going back into ketosis.
  • bfbooty
    bfbooty Posts: 189 Member
    i have been interested in this but not sure i would be able to do it and handle the hunger

    I assume you shouldn't workout or do too much exercise on fast days?

    After a few weeks your body will adapt and you won't feel hungry.

    You can still exercise, just light cardio and know your limits when using weights.

    thank you going to look into a bit more and maybe give it a try
  • I was ketogenic and followed an 18/6 intermittent fasting protocol for almost a year. I quickly lost an enormous amount of fat, maintained my muscle, and experienced all kinds of anti-aging benefits. I never felt better.

    Currently, I'm experimenting with reintroducing carbohydrates into my diet while continuing to follow the 18/6 protocol. It's now much more difficult to control appetite because my brain is no longer being fueled endogenously with the ketone body beta-hydroxybutyrate. I'm ready to eat the leg off of my chair by noon as my liver glycogen gets depleted. My top end strength has noticeably increased, but that is the only positive benefit. It takes me longer to recover since reintroducing carbohydrates because inflammation is part of my life again. When I was ketogenic, I could work out every day without inflammation; beta-hydroxybutyrate is a powerful antidote for oxidative stress and inflammation. My stomach is upset quite often since reintroducing carbs as well.

    I'm strongly considering going back into ketosis.
  • give me some more details..
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    For more info on the 5:2 approach, can I point you in the direction of 2 groups here on MFP, where you'll probabaly find the sanwers to any questions you have (and some support and suggestions if you want to try it:



    On the 5 days, it's not so much a free for all, eat what you like, as a sensible approach to eating at around your maintenance level. One day here or there of a splurge is absolutely fine, but not every day.
  • I was ketogenic and followed an 18/6 intermittent fasting protocol for almost a year. I quickly lost an enormous amount of fat, maintained my muscle, and experienced all kinds of anti-aging benefits. I never felt better.

    Can you explain 18/6 please? Is that an 18 hour complete fast , how many times a week etc, Please tell all!
  • Thanks melaniecheeks - have found the groups and joined:smile:
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    I was ketogenic and followed an 18/6 intermittent fasting protocol for almost a year. I quickly lost an enormous amount of fat, maintained my muscle, and experienced all kinds of anti-aging benefits. I never felt better.

    Can you explain 18/6 please? Is that an 18 hour complete fast , how many times a week etc, Please tell all!

    18 hour fast + 6 hour eating window inside one full 24 period. Done every single day.
    During the fasting period you have black tea/coffee or water. Some have zero calorie energy drinks etc... but I'd say leave them out.

    Eat at calorie maintence during your eating window, eat under if you like and you'll lose weight.
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    I was ketogenic and followed an 18/6 intermittent fasting protocol for almost a year. I quickly lost an enormous amount of fat, maintained my muscle, and experienced all kinds of anti-aging benefits. I never felt better.

    Can you explain 18/6 please? Is that an 18 hour complete fast , how many times a week etc, Please tell all!

    18 hour fast + 6 hour eating window inside one full 24 period. Done every single day.
    During the fasting period you have black tea/coffee or water. Some have zero calorie energy drinks etc... but I'd say leave them out.

    Eat at calorie maintence during your eating window, eat under if you like and you'll lose weight.

    This is a full explanation of what I meant by 18/6 for those who asked.
  • Really like the idea of 16:8 but does it have to be every day or do you think it would work Monday - Friday (as long as I stay under my calorie/carbs all 7 days)
  • langsyne
    langsyne Posts: 106 Member
    I was ketogenic and followed an 18/6 intermittent fasting protocol for almost a year. I quickly lost an enormous amount of fat, maintained my muscle, and experienced all kinds of anti-aging benefits. I never felt better.

    Currently, I'm experimenting with reintroducing carbohydrates into my diet while continuing to follow the 18/6 protocol. It's now much more difficult to control appetite because my brain is no longer being fueled endogenously with the ketone body beta-hydroxybutyrate. I'm ready to eat the leg off of my chair by noon as my liver glycogen gets depleted. My top end strength has noticeably increased, but that is the only positive benefit. It takes me longer to recover since reintroducing carbohydrates because inflammation is part of my life again. When I was ketogenic, I could work out every day without inflammation; beta-hydroxybutyrate is a powerful antidote for oxidative stress and inflammation. My stomach is upset quite often since reintroducing carbs as well.

    I'm strongly considering going back into ketosis.

    Are you re-introducing the right type of carbs - fruit and vegetables? Wheat and other grains can be inflammatory.
    Being in a state of Ketosis long term can be detrimental to your health. Low-carb diets can cause your body to go into a dangerous metabolic state since your body burns fat instead of glucose for energy. During ketosis, the body forms substances known as ketones, which can eventually cause bone density loss, organs to fail and result in gout, kidney stones, or kidney failure. Ketones can also dull a person's appetite, cause nausea and bad breath.
  • Littlexox
    Littlexox Posts: 1 Member
    I have been on a low carb diet/ lifestyle for about a month now but my weight is now on a complete stand still. I was wondering if anyone has incorporated the 5:2 intermittent fasting with low carb diet and if it has worked?