For All The Coffee Drinkers

Today I was reading up on coffee because I absolutely am in-love head over heels with it. I wanted to know what is bad about coffee. Now we all know almost everything has ups & downs & though I didn't like the downs to it, I do not plan on giving it up. But I did want to inform you coffee drinkers what is being said about it.

- "drinking coffee may interfere with your body's ability to keep homocysteine and cholesterol levels in check, most likely by inhibiting the action of the vitamins folate, B12 or B6"

- "increased risk of stroke and rheumatoid arthritis"

- "caffeine in coffee can raise blood pressure and levels of stress hormones, and if consumed in large quantities it can lead to heart palpitations, jitters and nervousness."

Now... This is where it gets interesting.

"coffee is clearly not the healthiest liquid to drink--the best choice is pure water--but coffee and caffeine are far less dangerous than fruit juice or soda. "
I just personally didn't think coffee would be better for you than fruit juice.

In the article they do mention pregnant women should never drink coffee. I still used to drink coffee when i was pregnant but I did drink caffeine free. They also inform you about coffee and pesticides. Also to avoid coffee if you have High Blood Pressure, Insomnia or Anxiety.

& They do not mention this but yellow teeth. That's my scare, lol.

My questions to you guys:

1) How do you feel after hearing this information? Does it make you want to wean on coffee or drink away still?

2) Random: Do you drink your coffee black or add extra ingredients?

3) Did you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee while pregnant?

4) Does coffee wake you up or put you to sleep?

5) Does coffee make you use the restroom?

6) Does it matter to you if you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated?

-I have never cared whether my coffee was caffeinated or decaffeinated because I fall asleep every time.
-It does make me use the restroom every single time I drink even a half of a cup.
-I always drink coffee with added ingredients. All I ever use is creamer. International Delight is my favorite.

Speaking of coffee, my coffees done ;) Going to go make me a cup now!

This is the link to the article by the way :


  • Sw33tKnees
    Sw33tKnees Posts: 119 Member
    Sooo... coffee is bad for you... again.. huh?!?! :grumble: I'll wait for a couple months for it to be good again for you! :drinker: There is no reason to wake up if there is no warm, welcoming juice of the pleasure gods! :laugh:

    1) How do you feel after hearing this information? Does it make you want to wean on coffee or drink away still?
    I will die with a cup of that Delicious liquid in my hands!

    2) Random: Do you drink your coffee black or add extra ingredients?
    I drink it with cream and sugar hot but black if it is iced.

    3) Did you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee while pregnant?
    Never have and never will be!

    4) Does coffee wake you up or put you to sleep?

    5) Does coffee make you use the restroom?

    6) Does it matter to you if you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated?
    What is decaffeinated coffee? Frankenjuice?
  • thetemplateblog
    thetemplateblog Posts: 53 Member
    Do a search for BulletProof Coffee. I started last week and am hooked.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    The Liver loves coffee!!!!!!!!!! That in itself makes it worthwhile!:drinker:
  • elis_mama
    elis_mama Posts: 308 Member
    I drink coffee every day. Sometimes in the morning and in the evening after dinner. In the summer, I'm more of an iced coffee girl. Don't like hot coffee when it's super warm out. Although, I'm researching homemade iced coffee recipes. I'm super cheap and hate spending huge $$ for coffee. AND, homemade is much easier on the calories! I will continue to drink my coffee.
  • terem00
    terem00 Posts: 176 Member
    1) How do you feel after hearing this information? Does it make you want to wean on coffee or drink away still?
    Still gonna continue to love my coffee.

    2) Random: Do you drink your coffee black or add extra ingredients?
    Usually black but sometimes if I'm in the mood for something sweet I'll add Cold Stone Creamery Creamer

    3) Did you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee while pregnant?
    No coffee while pregnant, tea instead

    4) Does coffee wake you up or put you to sleep?
    Wakes me up big time and gives me tonnes of energy for my workouts. I drink coffee 2-3 hours before all my workouts.

    5) Does coffee make you use the restroom?

    6) Does it matter to you if you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated?
    Decaf????? NEVER! I don't see the point.
  • langsyne
    langsyne Posts: 106 Member
    1) How do you feel after hearing this information? Does it make you want to wean on coffee or drink away still?
    I say hogwash to all of it. (coming from a true lover of coffee, lol)

    2) Random: Do you drink your coffee black or add extra ingredients?
    I put just enough milk into it to take a bit of the bitterness out.

    3) Did you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee while pregnant?
    I drank caffeinated, just 2 cups a day with lots of milk.

    4) Does coffee wake you up or put you to sleep?
    Can't wake up without it in the morning. Can't sleep without it at night, which goes against
    everything coffee is supposed to do. If I don't get my after dinner cup, I am really restless at night.

    5) Does coffee make you use the restroom?
    No more than any other liquid.

    6) Does it matter to you if you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated?
    I dont drink decaf - why bother.

    From a true addict. I admit my problem, and I have no problem with it.
  • Fellow addict here. Kind of immune to caffeine, but if I don't have it for more than 24 I get a headache.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    coffee is health food. It is an antioxidant and also lowers a womans risk of breast cancer
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    1) How do you feel after hearing this information? Does it make you want to wean on coffee or drink away still?

    You can have my coffee when you pry it out of my cold, dead hands

    2) Random: Do you drink your coffee black or add extra ingredients?

    Both. I use fat free milk, somtimes cinnamon, nutmeg, etc. I would drink it black more often but I had an ucler as a teenager and I'm terrified of it returning. How stressed does a 19 year old have to be to get a stomach ulcer?!?!

    3) Did you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee while pregnant?

    N/A never been pregnant.

    4) Does coffee wake you up or put you to sleep?

    it does not put me to sleep. I can drink it right before bed and still sleep like a baby. I am however not in the best of moods before I've had my morning coffee so approach at your own risk.

    5) Does coffee make you use the restroom?


    6) Does it matter to you if you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated?

    Decaffinated? what's that?! I don't understand.
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    I drink coffee every day. Sometimes in the morning and in the evening after dinner. In the summer, I'm more of an iced coffee girl. Don't like hot coffee when it's super warm out. Although, I'm researching homemade iced coffee recipes. I'm super cheap and hate spending huge $$ for coffee. AND, homemade is much easier on the calories! I will continue to drink my coffee.

    Do a google search for "cold brew" coffee. This method makes hands down THE BEST iced (and hot) cofee I've ever had. I try to keep a cold brew in the fridge at all times. It's well worth the hassle and time to make it.
  • Tati_Pt
    Tati_Pt Posts: 9
    1) How do you feel after hearing this information? Does it make you want to wean on coffee or drink away still?
    I love coffee way too much to give up of it. I feel weird when I don't drink coffee, it seems that my day doesn't start well.

    2) Random: Do you drink your coffee black or add extra ingredients?
    I usually put some milk in my coffee. I always drink 2 mugs a day.

    3) Did you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee while pregnant?

    4) Does coffee wake you up or put you to sleep?
    Neither. I think I got used to that amount of coffee I drink every day, must be why I see no difference ...

    5) Does coffee make you use the restroom?
    No, it doesn't

    6) Does it matter to you if you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated?
    I never try decaffeinated, never seemed interesting to try it.
  • fstfrd00
    fstfrd00 Posts: 33 Member
    1) How do you feel after hearing this information? Does it make you want to wean on coffee or drink away still?

    Ehhhh, I am not going to stop with my one cup/day.

    2) Random: Do you drink your coffee black or add extra ingredients?

    Both, mostly I put cream or milk.

    3) Did you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee while pregnant?

    Now, it would be difficult but I might voluntarily give it up but I cannot get pregnant (Im a male) soo not issue there

    4) Does coffee wake you up or put you to sleep?

    Never tried it at bed

    5) Does coffee make you use the restroom?

    It sure does!!!

    6) Does it matter to you if you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated?

    Is this a serious question?!
  • svallwood
    svallwood Posts: 6 Member
    1) How do you feel after hearing this information? Does it make you want to wean on coffee or drink away still?

    I'm having a cup right now. I have tried to cut back a bit. I used to have 2 cups every day. Now, unless I'm really tired (like today), I have one cup of coffee in the morning and a cup of Green Tea in the afternoon. Like many others have said, the research on coffee is contradictory. Most seem to say it's fine in moderation (no more than 2 cups per day) and some studies say it's healthy.

    2) Random: Do you drink your coffee black or add extra ingredients?

    I take mine black with sweetner. I used to use Splenda, but gave up artificial sweetners for New Year. I use Truvia (Stevia Leaf extract) now. It's a little bitter and took some getting used to, but I've aquired the taste now.

    3) Did you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee while pregnant?

    I'm a dude! But my wife drank a little coffee after the first trimester. Her OB/GYN said it was fine to have half a cup per day. She puts so much cream in hers that a half a cup is all she ever drank anyway.

    4) Does coffee wake you up or put you to sleep?

    Wakes me up for the most part. But I've got a pretty high caffeine tolerance so it doesn't last long. I have noticed if I drink a cup too late in the day, I have trouble falling asleep so I try not to have any past 4pm.

    5) Does coffee make you use the restroom?

    Hells yeah. Keeps me quite regular.

    6) Does it matter to you if you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated?

    They serve decaf in Hell.
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    1) How do you feel after hearing this information? Does it make you want to wean on coffee or drink away still?
    I'm drinking a coffee while reading/typing this.

    2) Random: Do you drink your coffee black or add extra ingredients?
    Almond milk and brown sugar for me. Regular homo milk if I'm out of almond milk.

    3) Did you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee while pregnant?
    With my first, I didn't drink any coffee at all. The smell of it made me sick. Most things made me sick actually.
    With my second, I drank regular coffee. Less, of it but I still drank it.

    4) Does coffee wake you up or put you to sleep?

    5) Does coffee make you use the restroom?
    I drink bucketloads of water so I'm not sure if it's the coffee or not that makes me pee every 15 minutes. That first cup of coffee in the morning is usually what gets things, uh, moving, in the morning, If you know what I mean (I'm talking B.M.)

    6) Does it matter to you if you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated?
    If you give me decaf you WILL have a cup of decaf thrown at you.
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    I roast my own coffee. I brew it in a superautomatic espresso machine. I'll give it up when I'm DEAD. :laugh:
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    Coffee is NOT bad for you. Any person who drinks a large amount of caffeine be it coffee, tea, soda, even chocolate will cause heart palpitations.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
  • skcardiog
    skcardiog Posts: 316 Member
    Can t answer questions right now - enjoying my daily one cup of coffee.
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    1) How do you feel after hearing this information? Does it make you want to wean on coffee or drink away still? I feel the same about coffee as I always have because I've heard all of this before. No, it doesn't make me want to wean myself off of coffee.

    2) Random: Do you drink your coffee black or add extra ingredients? I drink it with 2 Splenda or 2 Stevia packets and sugar free flavored creamer. Black coffee is unpalateable IMO.

    3) Did you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee while pregnant? I drank one cup of caffienated coffee every single morning while pregnant and no I did not have a small baby, she was 9 lbs 1oz, 5 days late and perfectly healthy.

    4) Does coffee wake you up or put you to sleep? It is a morning ritual for me, I drink it on my drive to work. I have one 9oz cup a day.

    5) Does coffee make you use the restroom? Not anymore than the 64+ oz of water a day I drink.

    6) Does it matter to you if you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated? What is the point of decaffienated coffee?
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    (Almost) everything in moderation :)
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,652 Member
    :love: 1) How do you feel after hearing this information? Does it make you want to wean on coffee or drink away still?
    I love my coffee & tend to drink 1-3 cups a day. Not gonna change!

    2) Random: Do you drink your coffee black or add extra ingredients?
    Usually a bit of sweet & low and ff half & half... but if nothing is easily available I'll drink it black.

    3) Did you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee while pregnant?
    Not pregnant though trying to be. When I am I'll switch to decaf... but I can't give it up altogether.

    4) Does coffee wake you up or put you to sleep?

    5) Does coffee make you use the restroom?

    6) Does it matter to you if you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated?
    In the morning I like the real thing but after that first cup it really doesn't matter.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    I roast my own coffee. I brew it in a superautomatic espresso machine. I'll give it up when I'm DEAD. :laugh:

    OK where do you get the green beans, how do you roast them and what's the flavor like? I need to know these things. I must know these things. Tell me damnit!!!!!!!!
  • gpizzy
    gpizzy Posts: 171
    ) How do you feel after hearing this information? Still going to drink coffee - doesn't change my love.

    2) Random: Do you drink your coffee black or add extra ingredients?
    Sometimes black, sometimes with cream & sugar. Sometimes in latte form.

    3) Did you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee while pregnant?
    When I get pregnant eventually, I'll drink decaf.

    4) Does coffee wake you up or put you to sleep?
    Depends! It can do both.

    6) Does it matter to you if you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated?
    Makes no difference, the effects are psychological
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    none of this will change my coffee habits. It would be BAD for people around me for me to quit drinking it. People would end up getting hurt.:drinker: :love:

    Decaf is for wimps :laugh:
  • RacerX_14
    RacerX_14 Posts: 578 Member
    I drink a pot a day. I will never ever give up my java, ever! I do like a little sugar in it wit ha splash of caramel macchiato. Mmmmm I think I will go pour myself another cup!!
  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    1) How do you feel after hearing this information? Does it make you want to wean on coffee or drink away still?
    No way. They told me when I was little that drinking coffee would stunt my growth. I am 5'10" so I guess it is a good thing that I drank it!

    2) Random: Do you drink your coffee black or add extra ingredients?
    With milk or Creamer

    3) Did you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee while pregnant?
    Caffeinated coffee. Maybe that is why kids were wild when little :-)

    4) Does coffee wake you up or put you to sleep?
    It depends. Wakes me up in the morning, but doesn't bother me enough that I couldn't go back to sleep.

    5) Does coffee make you use the restroom?

    6) Does it matter to you if you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated?
    I drink it for the effect, not necessarily the I would rather have the caffeinated variety!

    My husband makes me a cappuccino every morning while I am getting ready for my day. We have a mocha pot that goes right on the stove. I love it! I would be a miserable person without my coffee. I grew up in RI. We have more coffee shops per sq ft than any other state (or so I have been told). We actually drank coffee milk in school or at home. You had a choice- white milk, chocolate milk or coffee milk. The coffee milk always sold out first!
  • ellesoul
    ellesoul Posts: 125 Member
    I think coffee affects people in different ways... I gave it up for lent and my body and mind are extremely thankful... 3 HUGE improvements that I've noticed:

    I'm less stressed, no longer have insomnia, and don't have to use the bathroom nearly as much (before, I'd get up during the night at least 1-2xs to pee -__- this is ontop of insomnia when i was only sleeping like 3-4 hours a night)

    I honestly would've never associated this with coffee, because I was only drinking 1-2 cups per day, sometimes not even daily, and had been doing it for so long...

    This could've been a result of a caffeine sensitivity, however I still drink caffinated tea in abundance and haven't had the same side effects as I did with coffee.
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    1) How do you feel after hearing this information? Does it make you want to wean on coffee or drink away still? Um, yes, of course :drinker:

    2) Random: Do you drink your coffee black or add extra ingredients? With creamer!

    3) Did you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee while pregnant? My doctor allowed one cup of coffee per day and my toddler is absolutely healthy and happy.

    4) Does coffee wake you up or put you to sleep? Neither. I just drink it because it tastes good!

    5) Does coffee make you use the restroom? Yes!

    6) Does it matter to you if you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated? Is there really a point in drinking decaf?!

    I did go through a stage where I drank WAY too much and my eye started twitching, so if you get to that point, you may want to back off a bit! Honestly, I've cut down to about a cup a day since joining MFP... not because of the health risks (are they really valid?! I've heard so many points of view...), but because I prefer to chew my calories. Just sayin'. :wink:
  • lgblack
    lgblack Posts: 73 Member
    1) How do you feel after hearing this information? Does it make you want to wean on coffee or drink away still?
    I only have one cup of decaf latte daily. That is my 1 cup of milk (skim) per day.

    2) Random: Do you drink your coffee black or add extra ingredients?
    Grande Decaf Non Fat Latte. From Starbucks, or made at home with our Nespresso machine. Always with skim milk. Hmmmm....unless I am not watching calories, and it is the weekend, then I might add a shot of Bailey's to the frother with my skim milk!!!

    3) Did you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee while pregnant?
    Decaf when pregnant.
    4) Does coffee wake you up or put you to sleep?

    5) Does coffee make you use the restroom?
    No more than any other liquid. Less than tea.

    6) Does it matter to you if you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated?
    Have drank decaf since I started having hot flashes. I read that decaf is better for a menopausal woman, so I changed and have never gone back. I don't drink it for any rush it gives me, as it doesn't. I just like my latte's.
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    I'm 59 years old and have been drinking a pot of coffee a day on average for 40 years. I don't plan to stop until I assume room temperature. I always drink regular decaf for me.

    1) How do you feel after hearing this information? Does it make you want to wean on coffee or drink away still?
    Already answered.

    2) Random: Do you drink your coffee black or add extra ingredients?
    Sweet and low and some sort of creamer.

    3) Did you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee while pregnant?

    4) Does coffee wake you up or put you to sleep?
    Neither. I sleep like a baby no matter how much I drink.

    5) Does coffee make you use the restroom?
    No more than anything else would.

    6) Does it matter to you if you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated?
    Already answered.

    By the has not made my teeth yellow. :happy: