For All The Coffee Drinkers



  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    coffee is health food. It is an antioxidant and also lowers a womans risk of breast cancer

    Coffee is definitely a health food. My husband wouldn't be alive today if I didn't drink it!
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    If it was possible to look into the future and see how I'm going to die, and if I did this and saw that coffee was going to end up killing me - I'd still drink coffee.

    Does that answer your question?
  • eliseofthejungle
    eliseofthejungle Posts: 113 Member
    1) How do you feel after hearing this information? Does it make you want to wean on coffee or drink away still?
    -Well, it's from Mercola so I feel as though I can disregard it.
    - I will continue to drink it - coffee reduces your risk of cirrhosis of the liver due to alcohol significantly, and I reeeallly like my alcohol.

    2) Random: Do you drink your coffee black or add extra ingredients?
    - I add milk and sugar. I miss my Splenda :-(

    3) Did you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee while pregnant?
    - I drank both while pregnant. (But I also *gasp* drank alcohol - so I think focusing on the coffee consumption is useless. ha!)

    4) Does coffee wake you up or put you to sleep?
    - Neither, really. I just enjoy it.

    5) Does coffee make you use the restroom?
    - Yes.

    6) Does it matter to you if you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated?
    - I prefer caffeinated, but it doesn't matter. There is caffeine in decaffeinated coffee.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    A Mercola article? That would be why it's not at all true. Well, that and it's over a decade old...

    Coffee actually REDUCES your risk of stroke, diabetes, heart attack, hypertension, dementia, and Alzheimer's.

    Mercola is a known quack who constantly feeds false information as a scare mongering tactic. I'd stay away from that site.

    Coffee is actually really healthy, amazing stuff.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member

    excuse me, it's time for another cup.
  • Doesn't matter to me if they say it isn't good for you. Everything in moderation. I'm down to one or two cups. Yeah, not good for my blood pressure, but I'm not giving up everything I enjoy. I put Truvia in it now instead of the creamers. It's all good, the darker the better though
  • NoahandPresleysMom
    NoahandPresleysMom Posts: 763 Member
    Today I was reading up on coffee because I absolutely am in-love head over heels with it. I wanted to know what is bad about coffee. Now we all know almost everything has ups & downs & though I didn't like the downs to it, I do not plan on giving it up. But I did want to inform you coffee drinkers what is being said about it.

    - "drinking coffee may interfere with your body's ability to keep homocysteine and cholesterol levels in check, most likely by inhibiting the action of the vitamins folate, B12 or B6"

    - "increased risk of stroke and rheumatoid arthritis"

    - "caffeine in coffee can raise blood pressure and levels of stress hormones, and if consumed in large quantities it can lead to heart palpitations, jitters and nervousness."

    Now... This is where it gets interesting.

    "coffee is clearly not the healthiest liquid to drink--the best choice is pure water--but coffee and caffeine are far less dangerous than fruit juice or soda. "
    I just personally didn't think coffee would be better for you than fruit juice.

    In the article they do mention pregnant women should never drink coffee. I still used to drink coffee when i was pregnant but I did drink caffeine free. They also inform you about coffee and pesticides. Also to avoid coffee if you have High Blood Pressure, Insomnia or Anxiety.

    & They do not mention this but yellow teeth. That's my scare, lol.

    My questions to you guys:

    1) How do you feel after hearing this information? Does it make you want to wean on coffee or drink away still?

    2) Random: Do you drink your coffee black or add extra ingredients?

    3) Did you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee while pregnant?

    4) Does coffee wake you up or put you to sleep?

    5) Does coffee make you use the restroom?

    6) Does it matter to you if you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated?

    -I have never cared whether my coffee was caffeinated or decaffeinated because I fall asleep every time.
    -It does make me use the restroom every single time I drink even a half of a cup.
    -I always drink coffee with added ingredients. All I ever use is creamer. International Delight is my favorite.

    Speaking of coffee, my coffees done ;) Going to go make me a cup now!

    This is the link to the article by the way :

    thats a bunch of crap. Coffee has been PROVEN to be a cancer fighter and antioxident.
  • NoahandPresleysMom
    NoahandPresleysMom Posts: 763 Member
    A Mercola article? That would be why it's not at all true. Well, that and it's over a decade old...

    Coffee actually REDUCES your risk of stroke, diabetes, heart attack, hypertension, dementia, and Alzheimer's.

    Mercola is a known quack who constantly feeds false information as a scare mongering tactic. I'd stay away from that site.

    Coffee is actually really healthy, amazing stuff.

  • cdswicky
    cdswicky Posts: 43
    I look forward to my coffee in the morning. I am probably the only person, who is a decaf drinker, at least on this post. I had open heart surgery in Jan 2012, so I stay away from caffeine; the palpitations are not enjoyable.

    I like skim milk, splenda and cinnamon in my decaf.
  • snowwolf64
    snowwolf64 Posts: 6 Member
    1) How do you feel after hearing this information? Does it make you want to wean on coffee or drink away still?
    I'll keep drinking, I never have more than 3 mugs a day anyway now.

    2) Random: Do you drink your coffee black or add extra ingredients?
    Black and unsweetened.

    3) Did you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee while pregnant?
    I drank caffeinated when pregnant 25 years ago, and a lot more than I do now.

    4) Does coffee wake you up or put you to sleep?
    It wakes me up, it can keep me awake at nights so I rarely have any after about 2pm.

    5) Does coffee make you use the restroom?
    Every morning!

    6) Does it matter to you if you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated?
    I prefer caffeinated, I can get a pretty nasty headache if I go more than a day without my coffee. I don't drink any other drinks that contain caffeine.
  • stardancer7
    stardancer7 Posts: 276 Member
    I will never give up my Kicking Horse Kick *kitten* coffee. Freshly ground beans popped into the percolator...all is well with the world.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,252 Member
    1) How do you feel after hearing this information? Does it make you want to wean on coffee or drink away still?
    Touch my coffee and you will come back with a few less fingers....

    2) Random: Do you drink your coffee black or add extra ingredients?
    Cream or milk and sugar

    3) Did you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee while pregnant?
    I stopped drinking coffee when I was pregnant except for a shot of cuban coffee every day

    4) Does coffee wake you up or put you to sleep?
    The smell helps me wake up in the morning. But cafe con leche is for after dinner and family gatherings ..We often refer to it as dessert coffee

    5) Does coffee make you use the restroom?
    Urinate ? No , Defecate occasionally

    6) Does it matter to you if you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated?
    Coffee must be caffeinated it not its just brown water
  • Yeller_Sensation
    Yeller_Sensation Posts: 373 Member
    1) How do you feel after hearing this information? Does it make you want to wean on coffee or drink away still?
    -- Will never give up my 60 oz every morning unless you shoot me in the head with a BB gun.

    2) Random: Do you drink your coffee black or add extra ingredients?
    -- Black with Splenda.

    3) Did you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee while pregnant?
    -- Not applicable because I got fixed to not get pregnant.

    4) Does coffee wake you up or put you to sleep?
    -- Wakes me up. And how.

    5) Does coffee make you use the restroom?
    -- Yes, as does 128 oz of water by lunchtime.

    6) Does it matter to you if you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated?
    -- Whoever created decaf needs to be shot in the head with a BB gun.
  • YAYJules
    YAYJules Posts: 282 Member
    Whatever, I'm still drinking it.
  • SHDenver
    SHDenver Posts: 87 Member
    I think fruit juice can be worse than coffee because of the sugar content. A lot of fruit juices have added sugar. I believe, though I could be wrong, that even 100% fruit juice will be handled like table sugar in the body because it doesn't have the protection of fiber like in its original form. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

    I love coffee. It actually doesn't give me too much extra energy, though I notice if I drink a ton I can sometimes wake up with racing thoughts. That's generally only if I drink it at night, which I rarely do.

    I drink it with artificial sweetner (sweet n low) usually, and SF french vanilla creamer. (I recognize artificial sweeteners aren't the best for you, but I haven't gotten to the point where I won't use them yet.)
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    1. do not believe everything you read on the internet.

    2. remember, claims may SEEM serious, but contextually, they're not. for example, the whole coffee and anxiety/insomnia/jitters thing. well DUH SHERLOCK. what this claim is REALLY saying is don't be a dumbass and drink too much or have it too close to bedtime.

    3. do you like it? do you feel fine? do you experience any unpleasant or unwanted side effects? if not, then carry on.

    there are actually a lot of scientific studies that show a cup a day is beneficial to your health. oh, and you CAN have it when you are pregnant. just don't over do it. but its all just a personal preference thing.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    coffee is health food. It is an antioxidant and also lowers a womans risk of breast cancer

    Coffee is definitely a health food. My husband wouldn't be alive today if I didn't drink it!

    Nice one! :laugh:
  • i drink 10 cups a day for a long time now and still sleep like a baby with out the side affects :)
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    Yeah, I drink 1 cup/day. I'm not that worried. I do tend to get migraines if I overdo caffeine, so I watch how much I take in.

    1) How do you feel after hearing this information? Does it make you want to wean on coffee or drink away still? I'll stick to my 1 cup/day!

    2) Random: Do you drink your coffee black or add extra ingredients? 2tsp of sugar, but sometimes just black.

    3) Did you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee while pregnant? I was totally caffeine free for 6 years.So, while pregnant I was caffeine free, but I didn't go caffeine free because I was pregnant.

    4) Does coffee wake you up or put you to sleep? Wake me up

    5) Does coffee make you use the restroom? Yes. I have trouble... ahem, going, when I don't drink it.

    6) Does it matter to you if you drink caffeinated or decaffeinated?
    Not really.