Stopped Losing?

Hiya all.

I have lost 30lb since September by eating 1200 - 1400 calories a day and exercising a lot (30-45 mins in the gym 4 times a week, 1 x 5k run each Saturday). I know people say eat more, but it was working, I was always full, and if I was hungry, I ate. If I wasn't, I didn't. I don't believe in going without, so I have takeaway once a week, and a treat breakfast one day at weekend.

Since January I havne't been able to lose anything. I've lost 1lb only. I did have 3 weeks where I didn't log properly (I didn't have the app for a few weeks due to breaking my phone), and didn't exercise AS much - maybe dropped down to 2 x 45 gym sessions and the 5k parkrun. However I still just stayed the same.

I then worked out AGAIN my TDEE and BMR and for 3 weeks ate 1600 calories. I still maintained.

So this week I have gone back to 1200 calories thinking 'Hell it worked before' plus thinking maybe a few weeks of eating more kick started something.

A general day at work for me is - Yoghurt for breakfast. Soup, Fruit, Yoghurt for lunch. Evening meal normally totals 600 - 800 calories and can be a jacket poato with salad and fillings, or spaghetti bolognaise, whatever. It's a full meal not something that doesn't fill.

I drink plenty of water (at least 1.5 ltrs per day). My sodium intake is higher than it should be, I am working on that, but it hasn't changed. It has decreased slightly. I am 5 ft 8 and now weigh 145. I only want to lose 5 more lbs!!!

Any ideas what I should do? Or is it really just 'shut up and persevere'??? I get married in June. My dress is nearly here and I definitely cannot afford to put any weight on. thanks in advance.


  • Its tough when your trying so hard and nothing seems to be happening!

    Have you thought about mixing it up a little - change your diet and eat different things for a change? have porridge instead of yogurt and fruit etc? also instead of hitting the treadmill try a fitness class instead? Sometimes i think we all get stuck in a rut and your body gets used to it when you have been doing the same thing for so long!

    Hope that helps! x
  • missferoux
    missferoux Posts: 118 Member
    Thanks for the reply. I do mix it up a bit - had porridge this mronig, toast some mornings, or I will go swimming instead of running sometimes but I work two jobs, plus have a two year old and literally cannot get to classes for time :( I miss spinning class!!! I also play netball once a week too competitively.

    Maybe I need to try and hit the pool instead of the gym a bit more and try to look at other foods too...? Thanks, never thought of that.
  • mindyt23
    mindyt23 Posts: 28 Member
    hi, yes I have to agree, switch up your exercise routine, our bodies get use to routine exercises so try something different. Interval exercises are great too! Classes are a great way to do this! Congrats on your up coming wedding!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    When you up your calories, you really need to give it 4-6 weeks before making any further drastic changes. I think you didn't give a fair shot to work, and if I were you, I'd try it again. I love losing while eating 1900 calories a day. :smile:
  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    Often, when changing to a higher calorie diet, it can take 5 ot 6 weeks to see any progress. Mix up your routine, and go back to that or calculate your TDEE - 20% and go from there.
  • I hate the gym - i love classes but i understand you dont always have the time - i do a lot of classes which are on youtube in the comfort of my own front room!

    It might just be one of those things - stick at it as it wont last long and i am sure you will break through it and start loosing the pounds again - don't give up and just keep doing what your doing!

    Good luck!
  • langsyne
    langsyne Posts: 106 Member
    I read something recently. I haven't tried this yet, but plan to. When you hit a stall, try to trick your body and metabolism, by eating a different amount of calories each day, and never the same calories at each meal, ie day 1 1600 calories, day 2 1400, day 3 1200 day 4 1600.
    I can't say if it will work but I plan on giving it a try because so far nothing else has.
    Maybe that and mixing up the workouts is the wake-up call that the metabolism needs.
  • Annelies11
    Annelies11 Posts: 174 Member
    Hi MissFeroux,

    I'm sorry you are feeling discouraged, plateaus are so frustrating!

    Your story sounds very similar to mine. I lost about 10 pounds eating 1200 cals a day, and then stopped losing. I only had 5 more lbs to lose, like you (I am 5'10" and weighed 150lbs). I figured out that 1200 was way too little for me, so I upped my cal intake to TDEE-15%, which was 1500-1600 cals. I didn't lose anything for another 6 weeks, and I had even started exercising more! Now, finally, after 6 weeks, I am starting to lose again. I have only 2 more lbs to go!

    My advice is... stick with a higher daily calorie limit, especially once you are getting closer to your goal because you want to transition into maintenance as smoothly as possible. It might take longer than you want... but eventually you will get there. I am expecting a 1lbs loss a month, and I am ok with that :) At least I am happy and healthy :)
  • missferoux
    missferoux Posts: 118 Member
    Thank you all for your replies. It never even occured to me that it could take longer for a change to make an effect. I will up my calories and start again I think. Many thanks :)
  • mlclarke22
    mlclarke22 Posts: 551 Member
    Changing your workout seems to help alot..i was stuck in a rut and changed up some of my routines and it completely worked for me!! Challenge yourself to try something new and out of your comfort may be all you need to get that last 5 lbs off! good luck!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    You only have five pounds to go so what I'd do is set MFP lose .5 pounds per week, eat back half of your exercise calories, and log accurately. If you're not weighing your food start there. Only use measuring cups for free-pouring liquids. Log everything and create your own recipes. That's all I did to lose the last few pounds. Have you been eating back your exercise calories?