8 Cups of water a day... HOW?!

I never seem to manage 8 cups of water a day, I get about three or four mainly because I drink around meal times. Even then it's things like tea or milk or juice... how people can drink eight glasses of water a day is beyond me. How'd you even fit it in? I have school and would be running out of classes all the time to pee! Am I the only one who finds this difficult??


  • FranksRumHam
    FranksRumHam Posts: 198 Member
    if youre not thirsty, dont drink.

    do you go to the gym? i typically get about 6-8cups down during one 60min workout.

    water is all i drink...well that, and booze.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    A better question is WHY?

    If your pee is pale, don't worry about it.
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    Believe me, it's possible. I have been chugging 90 ounces each day for the past few days. The great thing is that I am so focused on getting in enough water, I don't even think about drinking anything else so there is no room for empty calories form sugary drinks. I don't even crave them.

    At first I was just drinking cup after cup, sipping at work. now I just refill a 24 oz bottle 4 times. I like the Smart Water bottles with the squirt because it is easier to drink a lot. I can drink a bottle in about 5 minutes.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I never seem to manage 8 cups of water a day, I get about three or four mainly because I drink around meal times. Even then it's things like tea or milk or juice... how people can drink eight glasses of water a day is beyond me. How'd you even fit it in? I have school and would be running out of classes all the time to pee! Am I the only one who finds this difficult??

    One of my water bottles is 16 oz, I fill that twice when I'm at work, and atleast once when I am working out at night, its only 6 cups but better than nothing.
  • ThisGirl2013
    ThisGirl2013 Posts: 220 Member
    Add fresh fruit or no cal/no sugar flavor drops to your water.
    I slice up lemon at times as well just to add flavor.
    I don't like plain water much.
  • fionahay
    fionahay Posts: 44
    I find it very difficult too as I hate water so much! The only way I can take it is when it's flavoured.
  • tjphelps73
    tjphelps73 Posts: 171 Member
    I drink 16ounces when I wake up. I drink 16 after breakfast, at lunch, midday, at dinner, and then if I work out I usually consume 32+ ounces. It really helps in weight loss. There are times when I know I am not hungry but in need of hydration. Before my lifestyle changes I mistook my needing water for being hungry. Keep at it and you will reach at least 8 glasses a day.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    i actually do 10 to 12 and more, but i am a high cardio girl.
  • mbar2010
    mbar2010 Posts: 19 Member
    I have a water bottle handy with me when i'm at home and work - it holds 1litre and I refill it 3 or 4 times a day. I'm forever running to the toilet though!!
  • jjpavio
    jjpavio Posts: 24 Member
    Well, it's more like 8 cups of UNCAFFEINATED beverage. So if you're drinking decaff tea or coffee, it counts. The goal is to stay hydrated. AND - research has shown that people often confuse thirst for hunger. So, many times when we think we're having a snack attack, we're really thirsty. (I am a former Weight Watchers leader who's fallen off the wagon and rolled into the gully... but that's where I get my info.)
  • SlickFootAnna
    SlickFootAnna Posts: 611 Member


  • cindybpitts
    cindybpitts Posts: 213 Member
    I have a hard time too. I chug some just to get more in. I have never been a big drinker for drinking anything. Do the best that you can. Just dont drink soft drinks. I have been working on a 20oz. bottle since 12pm today! I usually do a little better than that though.
  • Blossom59
    Blossom59 Posts: 81 Member
    I have a terrible time getting water down. I just don't like water. I love unsweeten tea......so I try to get my fluid by drinking tea. There is a lot of flavoring for water now......the problem is it is artificial sweetner......and I really do not like sweet drinks.....Good Luck!
  • cindybpitts
    cindybpitts Posts: 213 Member
    I find it very difficult too as I hate water so much! The only way I can take it is when it's flavoured.
    Yes, flavored does help me too..
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    Exercising, I drink about 1-2 bottles of water. With meals I always tend to drink a lot of anything, whether its water/coke/tea. So I usually end drinking about 2-3 large glasses of water with every meal too lol
  • sixpackdream
    sixpackdream Posts: 55 Member
    if youre not thirsty, dont drink.

    do you go to the gym? i typically get about 6-8cups down during one 60min workout.

    water is all i drink...well that, and booze.

    Bang on. Listen to your body, it's pretty smart ;)

    The 8 cups a day is explained poorly. There is already water in your food and drinks. A 100 pound man/woman is not going to need the same amount as a 300 pound man/woman. 8 cups is a VERY rough guide.

    Pale pee is also great advice, if it's dark yellow you need(ed) more water.

    Keep this one simple. Best of luck!
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    I drink 16 ounces first thing in the morning. I've read that it jump starts your metabolism. I have to take a couple of pills so that helps get me started. I drink another 16 oz warm with the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of honey when I first get to work. I keep a 16 oz cup on my desk and drink it full, once before lunch and once after lunch. I drink at least one more between dinner and bedtime. That's a total of 60 oz. Once your body gets used to it (about 2 weeks) you don't urinate as much. I probably go to the restroom 3 times during my work day, one of those being on my lunch hour.
  • dietstokes
    dietstokes Posts: 216 Member
    I'm so tired of seeing the clear pee thing. Truth is, your body is mostly water. You need to drink water. Certain biological processes that we participate in daily require significant amounts of water. A great example is breathing. There are several studies that show a link between asthma an water consumption. Your lungs use around 4 cups of water a day when breathing. Tea is great, but can have caffeine, juice is great, but has calories, chemicals, sugar, etc. All of these "alternatives" to water do not equal water. Suck it up and drink the water. Before you know it, it will become habit.
  • langsyne
    langsyne Posts: 106 Member
    I also find it difficult. My main problem is remembering to drink. I keep water bottles on my desk at work and everytime I feel like having a snack, I drink down half a 16oz bottle (well 500ml so almost 17 oz). Over the course of the workday I can get in 4 bottles, plus one for the trip home, and one more in the evening. That's about 100 oz. But yes, it produces a lot of pee, lol
  • I drink between 12-16+ a day depending on my calorie burn. Usually at least 4 during a 60 minute workout alone. It's 0 calories, fills you up so you eat less crap. Yep, I do hit the bathroom a lot but I'd rather not gain weight. =) Also, if your urine is a very light yellow, no worries. It should NOT be dark, at all. If it is, you are not drinking enough. As an adult you should get at least 8 a day.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Yup just you. I drink 12 cups a day.
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    I am a very thirsty person so that's how I do it but I also have a Brita pitcher at work, I bring a 20oz water bottle to work and refill refill refill all day. I drink more than 8 cups a day. Then I go home and fill up a big cup with ice and water and add a little Mio to it just for a little flavor. Then I drink another 1-2 cups before bed. I'm a nurse so my bladder is trained to hold a lot, lol.
  • Kaylaef
    Kaylaef Posts: 194 Member
    if youre not thirsty, dont drink.

    do you go to the gym? i typically get about 6-8cups down during one 60min workout.

    water is all i drink...well that, and booze.

    haha. I like to down a glass at the water filter at work and bring one back to my desk. Finish and repeat. I probably wind up having about 20 classes of water a day. Heck yes I pee loads, but man oh man does my skin look and feel fantastic.
  • KathyPBiles
    KathyPBiles Posts: 292 Member
    I LOVE water! I have a 32 oz mug I refill several times a day. I have been a certified aqualholic for over 20 years. Water, unsweet tea and occasional skim milk is all I drink.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member

    . There is already water in your food and drinks.

    This heavily depends on one's diet. One is more likely to get more water from eating a diet full of fruits and vegetables, i.e. cucumbers have a high water content, than someone that eats a diet high in processed foods.
  • CrazyDaisyMom
    CrazyDaisyMom Posts: 79 Member
    I have a cup at work that holds 24 oz of water so I try to drink two of those at work a day. If I workout in the morning I drink a lot as well during my workout. I think after a while your bladder gets used to it and you don't make as many bathroom trips. :happy:
  • HealthyinAZ
    HealthyinAZ Posts: 408 Member
    At first I was just drinking cup after cup, sipping at work. now I just refill a 24 oz bottle 4 times. I like the Smart Water bottles with the squirt because it is easier to drink a lot. I can drink a bottle in about 5 minutes.

    I do the same thing - I use the 24 ounces Smart Water bottle - refill it 4 times a day - and manage to get in about 4 cups of decaf coffee too.
  • AlexBoBalex79
    AlexBoBalex79 Posts: 99 Member
    16 oz?? I thought a cup was 8 oz.

    To answer your question, I just drink it in. Like the above poster said: chug chug chug! I like water, so it's easy for me.
  • It's just 2l. It's easy when you're used to drinking water. I have an 800ml water bottle which I drink from three times a day. I can't get enough of the stuff!
  • WickedZoey
    WickedZoey Posts: 401 Member
    I just make a conscious effort to drink lots of water, although... I am very guilty of not tracking it all the time.

    My body needs it + good for me = I do it.