8 Cups of water a day... HOW?!



  • I drink water like no tomorrow, I'll easily make it through 18+ cups of it a day and that's usually the minimum amount I have
  • jmyoung971
    jmyoung971 Posts: 32 Member
    I drink 12-14 glasses a day. It is definitley possible. I remember a couple of years ago when I started drinking it I wanted to throw up. But I got use to it and now its fine. I usually get 2 bottled waters down in the morning during workouts. I try to sip every 5 minutes or so. At work when someone would take a drink of thier water they would yell "Drink!!" and we would all drink. I also think of like this, 4 16oz bottle waters is 8 glasses. That may help too.Good luck!! Water is good for you and you need it!!
  • SirgS
    SirgS Posts: 21
    I'm a waterholic and I have a problem.

    My shaker bottle is 28oz, by 10am I have normally filled it 3 times already - in a day I'd expect that I take down 9+ 28oz glasses of water. This doesn't include any milk or anything from my protein shakes.
  • I drink like 20 cups a day, for real - you just get used to it. I carry around a 24 oz. bottle EVERYWHERE and refill it. Whenever I remember, I just take a few gulps. Eventually, you will crave the water and not be able to go without it! It also helps with controlling appetite, btw.
  • starrisonmclennon
    starrisonmclennon Posts: 64 Member
    i have 3 cups of water with my breakfast, one while i'm waiting for the kettle to boil, one with one vitamin, another with another vitamin, i have a bottle of water during school, i drink water at every meal and before i go to bed and make sure whenever i come out of the kitchen i have a glass of water
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I just put a 20oz bottle of water in front of me at work, and I end up going through it 3-4 times in the day. I drink a 12 oz glass with my vitamins in the morning and usually a 12 oz glass between dinner and right after brushing my teeth. That isn't counting the 30ish oz of coffee and 8 oz cup of tea that I have most days. I usually pee once every 90 or so minutes and then fill up my water bottle again. It also helps me to remember to stand up so I don't cramps or other problems staring at my computer screen all day.
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    I started a new thing where I fill a 64-oz container with water and drop 3 green tea teabags in to and let it turn pale yellow. I drink it at my desk at work and it's almost gone already. The reason to do this is it's good for you.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    I suggest one cup at a time otherwise things tend to get wet. Take orally, the other methods have proven problematic.
  • mallen404
    mallen404 Posts: 266 Member
    I never seem to manage 8 cups of water a day, I get about three or four mainly because I drink around meal times. Even then it's things like tea or milk or juice... how people can drink eight glasses of water a day is beyond me. How'd you even fit it in? I have school and would be running out of classes all the time to pee! Am I the only one who finds this difficult??

    I drink at least one water bottle ( about two cups at the gym) it not even more..

    I try and have four small glasses every morning at work and continue through out the afternoon. It's not hard I just don't drink coffee or pop or anything else.
  • 1tiamat
    1tiamat Posts: 138 Member
    Try carrying a waterbottle. 2 bottles when you exercise, 2 when you first wake up to help clean your system out, 1 before bed you just need 2-3 during the day.

    try making the temperature not quite so cold, it goes down easier.
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    I am notoriously bad at drinking water (um or anything :S)... 99% of the time I don't realise till 10/11 o'clock at night that I haven't had a drink all day!
    But.... If I keep a full bottle of water with me I'll easily empty it and refill it several times a day..... not very good at doing that though...oops... x
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    I drink 16 ounces first thing in the morning, at least two 16 ounces bottles during the day at work, and at least one 16 ounce bottle in the evening when I get home. That alone is 8 cups.

    Anytime I start my day with water, I want to drink more...I want more of that "refreshed, hydrated" feeling it gives me. Whenever I don't start drinking early, it takes more effort to get it in and I start wanting things like soda. But that's just me.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I always drink a tall glass of water first thing in the morning, so I start out with 2 cups of water down before I consume anything else. Only 6 to go after that :)
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    be careful with the tea...it's a diuretic and can make you lose your fluid.

    So is water, the more you drink the more you pee.
  • JellyButter
    JellyButter Posts: 160 Member
    The more I excersise the more water I drink.
    But overall, I just watch my pee, its always clear. I can only seem to get in 6 glasses max.
  • Jimaudit
    Jimaudit Posts: 275
    I find it hard to imagine not drinking at least 8-12 cups a day. I get a deep thirst if I do not properly hydrate.

    Someone else mentioned keeping track of your urine color--that is spot-on. Should be clear.

    I alternate between a glass of water, fresh brewed decaf iced tea and hot green tea....no extra cals from liquids and still a variety.

    Get creative and you'll soon find yourself easily keeping properly hydrated. And once you properly hydrate, you will pee less often...so no running to the bathroom every 10 minutes.
  • It used to be hard for me too, but now I always carry my camelbak 24oz water bottle with me all the time. It has one of those long straws so you really don't notice how much you've drank until its gone! If you hike or go for long walks consider investing in a camelbak backpack with the 70oz pouch, I take it on all my hikes and get a lottttt of water intake that way!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • aimelee
    aimelee Posts: 216 Member
    i have a 32oz jug at work and one at home, and i always keep it full and drink it constantly throughout the day. First thing i do when i get to work is fill up my jug. Same thing when i get home from work - fill up my water bottle. Your body adjusts to the contstantly-need-to-pee thing. I also rarely drink anything else. I have one cup of coffee in the morning, almond milk occasionally, and a cup of decaf green tea at night. Oh, and the occasional beer. :drinker:

    I REALLY struggled with this for a long time. For awhile i had to put crystal light packets in my water because i could not stomach that much plain water. Now it has become a habit, and i prefer plain ol' water. I can actually feel it in my body and see it in my skin if i don't drink enough!
  • MJackson54
    MJackson54 Posts: 44 Member
    I eat when I'm hungry, I drink when I'm thirsty. I only drink water or herbal tea. I think we get a lot of water from foods too so the number 8 is just a guess. As long as you feel good and your urine is pale yellow . . . there is no need to go crazy over this! :drinker:
  • kmw899
    kmw899 Posts: 41
    I drink a lot of water. First thing in the morning I drink a glass of water. The glass I use is big, it holds 24 oz. I drink another 24 oz after I exercise/shower. The rest of the day I just keep drinking water with food and just because I like it. I can easily go through 9-15 cups a day.