ridiculous59 Member


  • Here's my silly NSV: I was garage-saleing with my daughter and spied a bag of 1920's style stuff. In the bag were two sparkly flapper dresses, hair accessories, elbow length gloves, and some jewellery. Obviously two friends had decked themselves out for a 1920's themed event. My first thought was "How fun is that!!" and I…
  • @Evamutt When I first started my weightloss journey, and was working full time, I had a full pass at my local municipal rec centre. It enabled me to use the gym, attend classes, or use the pool whenever I wanted, and I went every day. As I lost weight and gained more confidence, I started doing a bit of running. So then I…
  • I'm back home from visiting my daughter and toodling around in the RV. Strangely enough, we didn't see a single bear on our way home. Lots of mountain goats and bighorn sheep but we always see those so that's not exciting at all and they're not even worth counting haha. Here's a bit of an NSV. I went garage sale-ing with…
  • On our travels yesterday through a provincial park and a national park we saw eight, fat, lovely looking black bears. And of course all the obligatory tourists blocking traffic to take pictures of them. Don't these people have bears at home??? 😆 (obviously not).
  • @SbetaK It's so skinny that it's hump hardly shows at all! So far this season I haven't seen any bears (or scat) on my trail walks. The general opinion last year was that the fires had pushed the bears closer to town, but cooler and rainy weather at the moment is making us feel a bit more optimistic about this year's fire…
  • Despite your Oiler logo, I will respond 😆. Back in the 70's there used to be a woman on TV in Canada called Kareen Zebroff who had a yoga show. My mother and I did yoga with her for years! Fast forward a few decades and I agree with the person who suggested that you pay for a handful of classes with an experienced person.…
  • Okay......now you have me curious so I'm going to try it too and see what happens 😆
  • @AnnPT77 What a great way to spend a weekend (watching racing). And beautiful weather made it even more enjoyable. It was a long weekend in Canada (Victoria Day) and we took the opportunity to take the RV camping for this week. We're camping in an area that we used to live several years ago and taking time to visit old…
  • @23majiki18 Welcome!! We're so glad you're joining us on this journey! I am very biased about water aerobics type exercises because personally, I love them. I lost 90 pounds and one of my main exercise activities was a deep water running class three times a week. I loved the "do what you can and if something bothers you,…
  • @lclark04957 I agree.....life is better when all the moving parts are moving! And every pound that we drop makes it easier. On the other hand, (as long as a person's health care provider approves), it doesn't matter what our weight is, we should still be doing something. And here's my plug for exercises and/or stretches…
  • @AnnPT77 Definitely a mystery about your rib cage pain! This is our third week of dragon boat paddling but we had to cancel one day last week because of winds. It feels so good to get on the water and use different muscles. I always feel that no matter how you try to replicate muscle movement with machines and free…
  • I lost 90 pounds and I know that I couldn't have done it without the support of my fellow-travellers in these forums. Their wisdom, humour, and honesty were as key to my weight-loss as counting calories and exercise. I see that this is only your second post. Maybe being more involved in some of the chats (even if it's just…
  • @MargaretYakoda Almost 20 years ago one of my son's was dating a girl who's family was involved in SCA. He really enjoyed it. And being a big redhead, with a big red beard, and of Scottish descent, he had to fashion himself a kilt to wear to the events 🙂 Glad you had an enjoyable afternoon.
  • @AnnPT77 I'm joining you this weekend for boat stuff. Our dragon boat dock is pulled out of the water every fall and stored on shore. This afternoon we're putting it back in the water and cleaning out the boathouse. If the weather co-operates, we're hoping for our first paddle of the season on Monday. The weather is sunny…
  • Both. The gym I use has several different options for passes. When I worked I had a full pass because I needed the discipline of stopping by the gym every day on my way home. There is also has an option where a person can buy a six month pass so I went through a phase where I bought one for the winter months, but in the…
  • I lost 90 pounds and then slowly gained back 20. I am a goal motivated person and seeing my weight drop during my journey was so rewarding. And then maintenance happened.and there wasn't that same excitement when I got on the scale. Throw in a couple of other weak excuses and yeh, 20 pounds were added. So basically it…
  • I also like to look at the menu before I eat at a place for the first time (even small restaurants generally post their menus on their website or FB page). That way I can choose my meal before I get sidetracked by all the other yummy things on the menu that the other people at the table are talking about
  • @ByeByetoDiabetes A healthy diet and regular movement is so important, especially at our age! We're in this for our health and that's way more motivating than wanting it for vanity. My husband has had a lifetime of poor eating habits and little exercise. And he has the medication to prove it. I did not want that to be my…
  • "Better to be the oldest person at the gym than the youngest person in the nursing home" I can't remember where I first read that, but definitely a nugget worth keeping in mind. I just read an article in the news of a 68 year old woman who received a special medal for completing the six "big" marathons (Boston, London,…
  • Once upon a time it was hard to imagine being as old as 64. But here I am. How did it sneak up so fast?!?!
  • @MargaretYakoda It's good to be able to pack so many appointments into a single visit. On the other hand, it really does make for a long day. Don't forget to look after your own health through this journey with your husband. Thanks for posting the pics. I can almost hear the seagulls ❤️
  • We could be friends 😆 I had leftover butter chicken.
  • Thank you for coming back and writing such an honest post. We'd love to be part of your healing journey, but if you need to step away from MFP, that's okay too. Do whatever you need to do to become both physically and mentally healthy. Just know that we're in your corner.
  • I'm blushing ☺️
  • I use the weekly average option. I could easily wipe out any progress made if I didn't keep myself accountable. The weekly average helps me with that. Diary - Upper right pie symbol - Calories - Weekly view
  • Hello and welcome!! Are you able to add any movement to your life? And by that I don't mean let's go for a 3 hour hike or watch a 1980 Jane Fonda workout video! I mean are you able to do a bit of chair yoga? I have a friend who used to be part of my walking group but health issues forced her to make some changes. She can…
  • My dogs enjoying their long awaited first ski of the season...
  • There's FINALLY enough snow to set classic tracks at my local x-country ski facility. In a normal winter we'd have had three months of skiing under our belts by now. I took the dogs out on Thursday and it was amazing. They were so happy and my face was sore by the end of my ski.....from smiling so much 🙂 Yesterday there…
  • 100% agree with what's been said. This was my initial motivation: my husband has one of those flippy pill containers with B, L, D and all the days of the week. I was in my 50's at the time and needed to lose about 90 pounds. I knew that a pill case would be my future too if I didn't change things up. That's what got me…
  • @AnnPT77 I second that wish for you to find out what's going on. Sometimes the not knowing is worse than the actual diagnosis.