60 yrs and up



  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,424 Member
    My goodness @SbetaK, that is one skinny bear!!
  • SbetaK
    SbetaK Posts: 388 Member
    He'll be a fat bear by the end of summer, he's right next to a salmon stream
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,865 Member
    @SbetaK It's so skinny that it's hump hardly shows at all! So far this season I haven't seen any bears (or scat) on my trail walks. The general opinion last year was that the fires had pushed the bears closer to town, but cooler and rainy weather at the moment is making us feel a bit more optimistic about this year's fire season. The bears are probably feeling the same way!

    Between walking dogs, being on my feet for a few hours helping at the soup kitchen, and loading our RV for a trip to see our daughter, I had a 17,500 step day yesterday. Love those days! I was actually so busy that when my husband came home from a meeting I realized that I'd forgotten to eat supper. This retirement gig isn't as relaxing as I thought it was going to be haha. Confession: this is exactly how I envisioned my retirement. But it's now filled with stuff that I want to do, that's the difference 🙂
  • SbetaK
    SbetaK Posts: 388 Member
    @ridiculous59 Ah, retirement. I'm on the cusp, am just filling in as a casual a couple days a week at my winter medical job. Loving it, as I can tell them when I'm available, instead of "begging" for some time off. It's a good arrangement, as I'm in a small town on an island, and if they have a greater need for help I can step in to help right away. I spend my summers at a remote bush camp. Its work but also fun, and hoping to keep it up if physically able. I just went on the biggest vacation of my life, overseas, for a whole month. I can definitely see the attraction of retirement, hahaha. Whenever I do fully retire, I will probably be like you, keeping busy doing things I've wanted to do for years, and stepping into some new adventures and experiences too. I don't think I would be very good at slowing down towards a sedentary lifestyle. Although, it is so nice at times! :D I tend to think I'm hungry, or eat out of boredom if I'm not busy!
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,865 Member
    SbetaK wrote: »
    He'll be a fat bear by the end of summer, he's right next to a salmon stream

    On our travels yesterday through a provincial park and a national park we saw eight, fat, lovely looking black bears. And of course all the obligatory tourists blocking traffic to take pictures of them. Don't these people have bears at home??? 😆 (obviously not).

  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,424 Member
    @ridiculous59, my goodness - eight sounds like some kind of a record - must be the time for sightings, but all from the car is amazing (and safer). 🙂
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,851 Member
    Nice to see you again, @evamutt and @g2renew! (Also nice to see that supermodel-thin bear, @SbetaK! :D

    Retirement and "slowing down to a sedentary lifestyle" are not synonyms. Nowadays, I don't need to sit at a desk or conference table for 8 (or 10, or 12) hours a day, 5 or 6 days a week, and can do any of the fun or useful things I like.

    Sure, some of them are sedentary (MFP-ing, some of the art'n'crafts I like). But many are more active, mild (playing bluegrass banjo badly) or more vigorous (rowing in rowing shells, cycling). Lately, I've been rowing 4 mornings each week, weather permitting, and helping teach my club's learn-to-row class 4 nights a week (all of June). There's also more to do in the yard/garden than during Winter.

    Update on my medical weirdness lately: For the mystery right posterior rib discomfort, I've been referred to physical therapy, mostly because no one has a better idea after many X-rays, CTs, blood tests, ultrasounds, and other stuff. The PTs say I have dysfunctional breathing patterns that could mess with my diaphragm, which is in the area that hurts. Totally speculative, but I'm currently doing breathing exercises to see if that helps (maybe??). I'll be scheduling more PT with a goal of improving some scapular issues that my osteopathic (manipulation doc) thinks might contribute. Hopeful!

    Also just got rescanned (CT) for some small lung modules that popped up on a CT 6 months back. Radiologist then thought they looked benign, but because of my cancer history, we're rescanning to see whether there's progression or stability. Scanned Monday, was told it may take 4 weeks to get the radiology report back because there are way too few radiologists in the field now. Yikes!

    Hope everyone else is doing well!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,851 Member
    I’m still here, plodding along.

    The loss of the newsfeed hit me harder than I expected.
    That and a certain (redacted) has me feeling like MFP doesn’t really care.
    I’m still logging. And trying. But really really not feeling good about it right now.

    I'm sorry the situation has become that way, @MargaretYakoda . You make really good contributions here on the MPF Community, including about certain things about which few (maybe no?) others have expertise. I hope you won't become too discouraged.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,432 Member
    Just want to say hello, it was hot today, 105! Thankfully it will start cooling down starting tomorrow to the 90's. Yesterday I spent couple hours cooking 2 different meals so I'm tired today. Glad we can eat left overs for a couple of days. I have a hard time taking care of myself, like today I should have taken a couch nap after my morning out with the dogs then had lunch but instead I went to the store for a few things that could have waited till tomorrow & feel awful. I'll have to be more aware of this & choose better next time
  • kbrink9248
    kbrink9248 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. I'm 69 years and 9.5 months older and wiser. I'm here to regain my body back with more energy and strength than before. This can be done, friends, regardless of your age—it's DOABLE!!! Just one foot forward at a time!!
  • Slashnl
    Slashnl Posts: 339 Member
    Can you believe it? My orchid bloomed for me! Never has this happen before 🤗

    So pretty!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,851 Member
    Can you believe it? My orchid bloomed for me! Never has this happen before 🤗

    That's lovely: Multiple blossoms, too! Clearly, you've been giving it the right treatment.

    I had a nice bloom-y surprise today, too, though not as dramatic as that.

    I have several "air plants". This morning, one of those was blooming. It's a Tillandsia, I think T. ionantha. Yesterday, no sign of the flower. They seem to show up fast, wither soon, so I'm glad to catch it. (I'll bet your orchid blooms will stick around for quite a while, @BCLadybug888
    : That's one of the nice things about most orchids.)

  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,605 Member
    Nice Ann!

    The only bummer is that with Tillandsia, I think after they flower their life is close to over. I've had one that flowered and kept living. I am down to just one left, and it hasn't flowered that I recall.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,851 Member
    mtaratoot wrote: »
    Nice Ann!

    The only bummer is that with Tillandsia, I think after they flower their life is close to over. I've had one that flowered and kept living. I am down to just one left, and it hasn't flowered that I recall.

    I've read that, too; but also that they flower then pup, or pup then flower. This particular Tillandsia looks a little like an angry knot. Some of those sideways spikes near the bottom seem to be separate plantlets (pups), and the whole plant is roughly half of a bigger angry knot that broke apart.

    I have around 7 air plants. Only one other has flowered (not a T. ionantha). That one seemed to have one pup, and then one or the other died (parent or pup, not sure, because they'd gotten to similar size). I have another with a good pup, nearly separated (just holding on a bit at the base), but neither of those has flowered yet and they both look robust.

    I know things could happen, and I'm interested to see what they will be. That's part of the fun of having plants. (On a related note, a couple of my slightly ratty dendrobiums have keikis that I need to get separated. So interesting!)
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,424 Member
    My goodness @ridiculous59, I sure hope an occasion comes up sooner than later, and you not just let us know, but post a pic for us!! What a find 🤩 🌟