minannan Member


  • Tommyknocker Maple Nut Brown, Smithwicks, Blue Moon Spiced Amber Ale, Lucky Bucket Certified Evil & Barleywine (or any LB really -- that's my local brewery :)
  • What brand of wonton wrappers do you use and what general area can you find them in at the grocery store? Thanks!
  • YEP and have you tried the weight watchers smoked mozzarella string cheese flavor? SO GOOD
  • I love Bolthouse Farms yogurt dressings too - Just finished off a bottle of it today :)
  • tempo runs are also great - they helped me to improve my mile time: http://melissa-murfin.suite101.com/how-to-run-faster-a146527 if you have a smart phone, download an app called Endomondo - it's awesome! it uses the gps in your phone to track your route, pace, total miles/km, total calories burned (which I think is…
  • try a Thomas brand bagel thin topped with peanut butter and banana slices :) Or with low fat/fat free strawberry cream cheese and kiwi slices :)
  • Less/no cheese... more lettuce, salsa, & tomatoes... chicken or fish instead of beef... no fried shells (hard shell or unfried flour)... no sour cream... Mexican is my favorite :)
  • If you haven't tried artichokes on pizza, they are very good. :) Weight Watchers makes shredded cheese that is lower in cals/fat than regular. I just bought some flatbread (Flatout brand) that is only 90 cals for one, whole grain, & good-sized (size of a personal pizza) that I plan to use next time I make homemade pizza.
  • Someone posted about 'omelet in a mug' on here a few days ago & I tried it & it was great and super easy! You can throw anything in w/the eggs... turkey bacon, bacon bits, peppers, onions, cheese, etc. Only took two minutes in the microwave and it was ready! http://allrecipes.com//Recipe/omelet-in-a-mug/Detail.aspx
  • This blog has a lot of great, healthy recipe ideas! www.iowagirleats.com I made her stuffed acorn squash recipe this week and it was delicious!
  • Try Thomas bagel thins toasted w/low fat strawberry cream cheese & kiwi slices :)
  • veggies: spinach, green peppers, red peppers, onions, cucumbers, radishes, baby carrots, mushrooms, avocados, edamame (they sell it at Trader Joe's - amazing!), hummus (Sabra is an awesome brand for this! can spread it on tortillas when making wrap sandwiches, or use w/whole grain crackers), green beans (canned), corn…
  • I buy breakfast food and store it at work. Is there a fridge at your work? And a toaster? If not, that makes things a little more difficult, but here's what I usually do... I've been buying these whole grain thin bagels made by Thomas. They are only 110 cals each, and basically look like 1/3 the size of a regular bagel.…
  • lol... good for you! my fiance ate half of a delicious looking pizza in front of me on Friday night... shame on them!! :)