FitLaLa_B2B Member


  • Stadium workout was brutal but a great burn 297 calories in 28 mins!! I am going to hit the stairs again today :)
    in Check-In Comment by FitLaLa_B2B May 2014
  • Fun Friday Challenge!! On the hour perform... ...20 reps of any ab exercise you choose ...15 squats (any variation) ...10 push-ups (any variation)
  • Thursday 5/29 - Standing Abs Move 1 - Dumbbell Side Bend - hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides, arms straight and core engaged. Without twisting your upper body, slowly bend to the left as far as you can, lowering the weight toward your left knee. Pause, the slowly return to an upright position. Repeat on the right…
  • I am tried to add photos and it wont work for me either :( Are you able to add them to your profile? I know that is an awesome feeling seeing the progress you have worked so hard for! What kind of strength/lifting program are you doing? Did you design it yourself? I want to start hitting the weights more and would love…
  • 5/28 - brisk walk for 25 minutes and a little game of homerun derby at the ball field waiting on the games to start 5/29 - elliptical in the morning and running stadium stairs during lunch in the Hotlanta weather....wish me luck!
    in Check-In Comment by FitLaLa_B2B May 2014
  • WOW!!! I am really impressed! All that walking at work and Zumba is great! I bet you are feeling the calorie burn :)
    in Check-In Comment by FitLaLa_B2B May 2014
  • Just checking in with everyone!! Hope you all had a great Memorial Day weekend! Mine was filled with 5 baseball games, baseball banquet, pool time and the Laser Show. I managed to eat pretty healthy this weekend even with all my favorite ballpark foods around. I wasted quite a few calories on adult drinks but that is…
    in Check-In Comment by FitLaLa_B2B May 2014
  • YAY!! Glad you are feeling motivated, so am I! Those side planks are a tough one but so good for your core!
  • I truly believe the Doritos have some kind of drug in them I could seriously eat an entire bag without noticing ha ha ha. I am like you it has to stay away from me chips vs sweets CARBS WIN!!! I love how you view makes sense and keeps life fun! No reason to deprive/punish yourself. If you over indulge just…
    in FOOD :) Comment by FitLaLa_B2B May 2014
  • WOO HOO for FRIDAY!!!! Yesterday was a challenging, last day of school, high school baseball started for my and I had a blind date. I planned my bfast and lunch, got in my 21 Day Fix Cardio workout and did the abs workout with the Russian twists due to my old lady back ha ha. I was on a roll until after my…
    in Check-In Comment by FitLaLa_B2B May 2014
  • You are doing AWESOME!! I know you have been killing it in the exercise department. Night jobs are tough for healthy eating. Does anyone else work evenings/nights? How do you keep you nutrition in check with the odd working hours?
    in FOOD :) Comment by FitLaLa_B2B May 2014
  • Do you have any good Greek yogurt dip recipes? I am a big fan of condiments and dips but know they aren't good for me.
    in FOOD :) Comment by FitLaLa_B2B May 2014
  • How was it? I am doing it after my cardio when I get off work. I have a feeling it is going to BURN in that "I am getting stronger" kind of way lol
  • Check out this video :
  • WOW!! Almost 6 miles at work?!? What do you do? I wish I got half that much exercise during working hours lol
    in Check-In Comment by FitLaLa_B2B May 2014
  • Day 2...3 mile brisk walk & our Wednesday challenge. I was super busy after work so dinner was much later than I prefer but I left the carbs (my favorite part) out of the meal.
    in Check-In Comment by FitLaLa_B2B May 2014
  • That's very impressive to make time for exercise knowing you had a long work shift. Bet you'll sleep like a baby when you get off lol I feel really good about this time around too. I promised myself this was my last time starting over. So glad we are all in this together.
    in Check-In Comment by FitLaLa_B2B May 2014
  • You are killing it!! I read your food post. The scale isn't moving drastically because you're such a beast at the gym :) Keep up the hard work you're building muscle and losing inches!!
  • Great idea!! I will add squats to my day every time I get up to use the restroom too that will probably make it a little easier.
  • Ha ha ha I will probably hate myself after I add the challenge to my planned workout :wink:
  • BAM!! You got it done early today! WAY TO GO!!!
  • We all rocked it today!! Make sure you log your hard work and your food for today:)
  • Meal prep is the key to healthy eating...great job!! A run and Muay Thai after a long day of work sound like a perfect plan! The weather is Atlanta is really nice I am going to find something to do outside tonight.
    in Check-In Comment by FitLaLa_B2B May 2014
  • Look at you!! That was a major calorie burn session you had today!! Did you try any of the arm exercises this morning?
    in Check-In Comment by FitLaLa_B2B May 2014
  • :happy:
    in Check-In Comment by FitLaLa_B2B May 2014
  • Way to go!! Looks like you have been doing things right! 7lbs down and only 28lbs to go :) What other exercises have you done to lose weight and get healthy?
    in Check-In Comment by FitLaLa_B2B May 2014
  • Shawn T is the MAN!!! I love the Insanity workouts, especially the T25 program. I know how you feel about not always wanting to press play but don't you feel like a total beast once you finish?! Not to mention the results you will soon be seeing if you aren't already. Let me know if you have any questions about the program…
    in Check-In Comment by FitLaLa_B2B May 2014
  • I added a little lunchtime cardio to my day...20 sets of stadium stairs, 100 squats and 75 leg lifts. I was BEAT after all that but felt very proud of myself for not giving up :)
    in Check-In Comment by FitLaLa_B2B May 2014
  • Kudos to you for even going to the bootcamp classes! It takes courage to attempt something that you know is physically demanding. Keep going and sooner than later you will finish the class :)
  • Uggg the StairMaster is a killer but you are right it burns and sculpts in the right places!!