Jwpawlowski Member


  • Yay awesome Val!!! Its a great/weird feeling, isn't it?? Next you gotta get a bathing suit!
  • I agree with jkesten63. Binging is so complex because it leads to a cycle of feeling guilty, then severely restricting to make up for it, and then feeling deprived and then later binging again. If this happens again, take some time and just think, why did this happen. Were you bored? Were you tired? Were you upset? Were…
  • Those are great ideas and I would love to go swimming, the only thing is that I don't really have access to a pool.
  • Great advice posted on here!! Also pay attention to your appetite and feelings towards food as you lose. I've been everywhere from 125-165 at 5'7'' and I'd say I can easily maintain my body weight and look good from 140-150lbs. I prefer how I look at 130-135lbs, but I was always hungry then...so I would rather compromise…
  • Haha that's such a difference!! I think that can be due to a couple of things. 1) You may have done this, but many people do not realize that 1 cup is 1 LEVELED cup, rather than a heaping cup. This could add alot more cereal/cup measured. 2) once packaged and transported, I'm sure the cereal breaks down a bit causing a…
  • That half pint of heavy cream + eggs would give you 55g of SATURATED fat in just the cream alone!!! That's over 3 times of what is recommended. I know there is debate over whether saturated fat is as bad as originally thought, but it is still generally accepted that it is not one of the healthier fats. I would seriously…
  • Well, that depends. This number should have a unit to accompany it. Serum vitamin D levels are typically measured 2 ways- as ng/mL or as mmol/L. I think optimum vitamin D levels should be around 50ng/mL or 120mmol/L, but this can also vary as the council to determine DRIs meets continually and adjusts values for all…
  • I had them when driving too!!! I only get a couple each year, but for some reason, they would always come about when I was driving on the highway...which then makes me afraid to drive on the highway for fear of having another one or to endanger myself or other people if I have another one. I guess maybe the quiet time or…
  • I used to have them when I was finally able to relax after a very stressful time, like completing a deadline. Caffeine definitely triggers panic attacks, so its something I still tend to avoid. From what I can remember, anxiety disorders can exhibit some brain chemistry similar to depression. I only say that because…
  • Thanks everyone. I should try and track my ratio of fats some time...that would be interesting for alot of people to do!! Great suggestion!
  • princesschikee, I agree with you. Just because something is approved as safe to eat, we still have the responsibility to decide what to put into our bodies and lots of excess sugar is not necessarily the best thing for anybody. I realize what you are trying to get across with eating "clean" and of course that is the best…
  • I am a food scientist and nutritionist and I will help to sort out any questions/fears you may have about artificial or natural sweeteners. First of all, make sure to do real research from scientifically reputable sites. Too much nonsense is propogated out there by gossip or opinion style websites tauting that aspartame is…
  • Any diet plan that excludes whole entire food groups is not a very good option for a lifestyle because it would be impossible and unhealthy to maintain. With just vegetable soup, you will be eating virtually no protein, no whole grains, no dairy/calcium, and no healthy fats. Although you might lose some quick water weight…
  • Another thing to keep in mind is that the 1050 calories that the Biggest Loser diet calculated was for a 150lb person as stated in the article. For the actual biggest losers on the show, many are 300+ pounds, and for them, the recommended calorie intake was listed as 2100 calories as was also stated in the article. As a…
  • I see your point, but I think you may be confusing "calorie-dense" with "nutrient-dense". The oatmeal breakfast is "nutrient dense" (lots of nutrients per gram of food eaten), while the donut breakfast is "calorie-dense" (lots of calories per gram of food eaten). I see the point that you are trying to make though!!