7 Day Kickstart Diet (Soup Diet) Any good?

Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss

I heard about this kickstart diet a number of years ago. It involves a 7 day detox involving being able to eat as much vegetable soup as you want as well as a few other things depending on what day it is.

Has anyone had success with this kind of thing or do you think it might be a dangerous fad diet?

It advises after a 7 day period in which you can loose up to 4-6kgt, you then go to a general Low GI diet. So to me this doesn't seem particularly unhealthy. I like the idea of being able to eat as much soup as you like as right now i have an injury preventing me from exercising and am usually still hungry if i am aiming for only 1200 calories.
It will be interesting to see too how many calories are consumed during this diet, as most days you are allowed to eat as much of certain foods as you like. So theoretically more than 1200 cals could be consumed.

Anyway if i try this i'll start on Monday. So am interested in any comments or opinions of this.


  • LOVEthighSELF
    LOVEthighSELF Posts: 104 Member
    Your gonna loose but mostly water weight. Gonna come right back... but if seeing numbers go down motivates you- its only 7 days. Try eating clean.
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    I've done this diet a good few years ago and soon as you return to eating normally the weight goes back on , that just might be me others might of had more success :)
  • I have done it and I love it! :happy:

    It wasnt that difficult to stick to it for just 7 days and then after that I didnt even want to eat any of the junk I had been eating before. I really recomend doing it... I find it really gets my head in the game and I feel so much better afterwards. Im not currently doing the 7 day diet, but I do always make the soup and keep it in the fridge/ freezer and take it to work for lunch. I found it really turned around my way of eating.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    Just eat 1200 healthy calories every day and if you exercise eat those calories too.......you'll lose and it will stay off. All those "jump start" "detox" stuff just makes you suffer and it all comes back right away - because you can't sustain it. The weight comes off pretty dang quick just watching how much you eat, what you eat and exercising.
  • loxleys
    loxleys Posts: 230 Member
    I think i have a book that is similar - you can eat as much of a vegetable soup as you like during the first week, and you can have steak on day 4 and random things on different days. Its based on a hospital diet that helps patients that are seriously overweight lose as much weight as possible in a short period of time to enable them to have surgery safely.

    I tried it for 2 weeks and got seriously bored of eating soup but I did lose 6kg in 2 weeks, it didn't stay off for long but if you want a quick weight loss initially then go for it. Think it was an australian doctor that wrote the book i have.
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    I'm somewhat skeptical of "kick-start" diets, because they seem to do the opposite of what will lead to success, and that's gradually working into a calorie deficit. Anything that startles your body into weight loss could also startle your body into a slowed metabolism.

    Like others have said, the weight loss will probably be mostly water, which is fine if you have extra water to lose. You'll look lighter and feel lighter, but...and this is a big one...if you're not holding extra water weight, it could leave you severally dehydrated.

    I tried a "cleansing" diet like this earlier in the year. I did lose 5 lbs during the 4 days I did it, but I gained it all back, plus another five. And it left me feeling anemic.

    I understand wanting to try something like this, though. When the weight doesn't want to budge, we can get pretty desperate.

    1200 calories a day may be aiming a wee bit low. I know you have an injury and can't exercise, but you still may be metabolizing food at a higher rate. If I were you, I'd set my weight loss goal to 1/2 lb a week and avoid an aggressive weight loss challenge until the injury has healed and you can start exercising again.
  • Jwpawlowski
    Jwpawlowski Posts: 19 Member
    Any diet plan that excludes whole entire food groups is not a very good option for a lifestyle because it would be impossible and unhealthy to maintain. With just vegetable soup, you will be eating virtually no protein, no whole grains, no dairy/calcium, and no healthy fats. Although you might lose some quick water weight initially, you are not only starving your body of calories that it needs, you are also starving your body of vital nutrients that prevent disease and make you healthy long-term. I do see how it can focus your mind and kind of break a bad-eating cycle, but I think it would be more effective to just maybe try to eat 5-9 fruits and vegetables a day. This is what the USDA goal is and i you are eating that many good things, there won't be any room in your diet left for bad things!! I agree with everybody else, just eat a balanced diet.
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member

    I did a similar detox to kickstart my plan. But my plan focused on a protein broth based soup + fruits veg daily + some days with dairy. No carbs the whole week.I felt hungry the first 2 days and I had headaches but by day3 I felt fine - better even. And I drank alot of water also. I lost about 4kg. Probably water weight ... but I would advise doing this to kick the sugar habit. As this has helped me stop drinking Coke and adding sugar to my coffee.

    But I xould not advise for more then a week since you wil go into starvation mode.
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