sctracy Member


  • I had always preferred Trader Joe's or Al Fresco…but recently I discovered the brand Thin n' Trim at my Stop & Shop. They are only 70 calories a link, so you get two for the amount of calories typically in one. They've got a buffalo chicken one that I love!
  • Almost everything I eat is from Trader Joe's, but two things I can't live without: their bags of light kettle corn (110 calories per bag) and their 45-calorie whole wheat tortillas. Oh- and their red pepper, eggplant, & garlic spread -- I use it on sandwiches and it's 15 calories per tablespoon. :)
  • I read all the great comments and decided I had to try them right now for a snack -- my husband and I loved them! I'm going to make them for my toddler in the morning -- I can't get him to eat eggs, but I think this will do it :) I also added a tsp of baking powder and they turned out perfect. I assume adding chocolate…
  • Everyone has already said it, but you are so beautiful and such an inspiration! Congratulations to you :)
  • My Costco favorites are Fiber One Bars and Fiber One Brownies (90 cal); a double pack of Thomas' Light English Muffins (100 cal); their Red Delicious apples (I was never an apple fan until these!); and Kirkland boneless skinless chicken breasts. :)
  • Best of luck to you!! Enjoy it!
    in First 5K Comment by sctracy June 2011
  • Such a great idea! This is 3 oz of grilled chicken breast (97 calories) over: 1 bag baby spinach, 1 package baby bella mushrooms, 1 can Rienzi cherry tomatoes (or use fresh), 1 dried habanero pepper (if you like it hot!), sauteed with 1/2 tbsp olive oil and garlic. The Spinach/Mushroom/Tomatoes is 59 calories for 1/4 of…
  • Sounds so good! Thank you!
  • I saute (in 1/2 TBSP olive oil and some chicken broth) garlic, a few bell peppers, an onion, an eggplant, some tomatoes, and a few zucchini. My recipe makes 7 cups, each cup being only 75 calories. It's so delicious, and I can eat it all day long: with my eggs, in a wrap, for breakfast; on an English Muffin pizza for…
  • This is probably very true! After seeing my best friend's husband for the first time in about a month, I got a text, saying: Men are so funny. As soon as you left, Matt said, "Shannon looks great; she lost a lot of weight! I didn't know if it was OK to say anything." That said, my own husband has noticed from the very…
  • I did the Shred every day for the 30 days and I lost 11 pounds. I didn't measure myself before, unfortunately, so I don't know about inches lost. I'm also not sure how much of my loss was due to the Shred, and how much was due to my diet and other daily exercise. However, I did lose five pounds my first week doing the DVD.…
  • I removed sugar from my diary for a while because it was stressing me out! My sugar comes from fruit, yogurt, and dark chocolate. On days when I have a yogurt AND a banana, I'm at my suggested limit. So now I don't worry about it. It hasn't hindered my weight-loss at all. I'm not interested in doing anything that I'm not…
  • I really loved it. I have lost a pretty consistent 1-2 pounds a week since I joined, but my first week doing the shred, I dropped 5 pounds! Then I went back to my normal loss. (I'm now in my first week of Ripped in 30, so we'll see if the same thing happens!) I found the first level to be not that bad, and the second &…
  • Oh no! I actually just had turkey sausage for dinner tonight -- it's one of my favorites. I use Shadybrook farm and tonight I had the hot ones. I also grill them, which I think makes them even better. They are 140 calories a link. I'm sure there are plenty of reasons why sausage isn't great for you, even turkey, but I love…
  • I'll measure my food a little differently, depending on what it is. I'll click the Recipe tab and enter everything I put into the meal. If I can physically divide the dish easily enough into equal parts, I'll do that. (For example, if I saute chicken and vegetables, I'll literally draw a line through the food and divide it…
  • is a great one.
  • I think they're a great workout, definitely...but I bought one and had to return it because I got such bruises! I had read reviews that said to expect bruising and pain at first, but that you would get used to it. I could not get used to it :)
  • They are delicious! My son loves them, too :) For some reason, though, when I enter my own recipe, they come out to be 122 calories per bar. The only thing I did differently was add the chocolate chips, which were 280 calories (which adds fewer than 12 calories to each bar). I'm not sure why that is...must just be the…
  • I clicked on this message about 20 minutes ago out of curiosity and saw the baby is napping and I, unbelievably, had all the ingredients on hand, down to the whole wheat flour and wheat germ! So I just made them and they're baking now. I added some chocolate chips and made only half with peanut butter (my…
  • My new favorite drink is: 1 shot of vodka (about 69 calories), mixed with Polar Diet Half & Half (I think it's half grapefruit/half lemon) (0 calories). If you blend it with ice, it tastes exactly like a frozen lemonade!
  • Have you tried Rocco Dispirito's recipe for Black Bean Brownies? I made them for the first time last weekend. It might defeat the point, being that you love black beans, because you wouldn't even know they're in there. But they are 54 calories a piece, they taste (pretty much) like a brownie, and they're packed with black…
  • I have the same problem. I eat dinner at around 7:30 every night and don't get in bed until at least 11:00...that's too many hours for me not to eat! I'll have something sweet right after dinner, then maybe a 100 calorie bag of popcorn an hour or so later, and then I need to end the night with something chocolately. I'm…
  • I just looked it up -- I don't track my sugar because it just stresses me out :) -- but they are 7g per serving.
  • I just came across those, too, and was going to try them this weekend! I'll let you know how they turn out. And they are only 53 calories per brownie.
  • My new favorite is a toasted whole grain waffle with a tbsp of peanut butter and sliced banana. I try to switch it up with an egg/cheese/veggie wrap or a bowl of cereal...but I find I'm always craving the waffle and peanut butter :)
  • Do you like broccoli rabe? I make it at least a couple of times a week. We'll have grilled turkey burgers (I make the burgers with diced mushrooms, onions, & zucchini in them) and I'll saute the broccoli rabe w/ garlic in olive oil (and a little chicken broth...sometimes white wine) and I'll add canellini beans to it. Add…
  • I'm glad to hear you like level 2 better! I just finished my 10th day of level one about 5 minutes ago, so I'll be on to 2 tomorrow!
  • MuseumMonkey -- No, I am not getting enough sleep! I've started getting up at 5:30 so I can go to the gym before my baby wakes up, and I am not getting to bed anywhere near when I should be. Good point...and something I need to adjust, for sure. Also -- I understand the whole needing to eat more calories and I am going to…
  • Thank you so much for all of the advice, guys. I really appreciate it. As far as protein: I am eating a lot of it. And I'm glad to learn that MFP underestimates my protein need, because I had been spending time figuring out how to cut some out, because I consistently go over it by a lot. If I was going to eat a dinner that…
  • You look amazing! (And you must FEEL fantastic!) Thanks for the inspiration!