canamoc Member


  • LOVE IT!!!!!!!! I write a lot of poetry, this is cute, right up my ally!!!
  • I truly value your input and really do take everything you said into consideration. Just to clarify I am in no way wearing 'rosy tinted spectacles' when it comes to my 'friend' I am well aware that had I ventured down that path years ago that things could have ended the same if not worse than they have with my current…
  • FYI.... I always peel off.... my driving habits are fast and furious...... so me speeding off is the norm... had I crept away doing the the speed limit THEN he would have wondered!!! Haha!!
  • Wow, so many great responses....... since my kids are home though now I can't quote and reply to all of them so I'm gonna touch on the main issues that everyone brought up! With regards to my children, they are not aware of a anything, this guy has been around as a friend for a long time, and anytime he is with my kids…
  • So sorry for the loss of your husband, but I am sure he is with you and immensely proud of you for your achievement and dedication. You are an amazing example to all, not just for weight loss but for pushing on when life hands you blow after blow. You are an inspiration and should be so VERY proud of yourself. I do not…
  • You should probably go see a Dr. My last black toe nail was blistered underneath, and after 'sterilizing' a pin, I popped it and all seemed good, but then it got infected (guess I didn't do a great job of sterilizing) and I had to see Dr, who was quite adamant that I should have gone there in first place, despite my…
  • Thanks Jeff (hope this shows the quote now). I realize I should listen to my body and that I should walk down the hills, but I am a stubborn mule and despite knowing better, I am always trying for a new PB, always pushing for a quicker pace.... I need to get over the constant competition with myself and sometimes, like on…
  • Bugger, not sure how you make that little blue box with the other persons writing, appear.... my above post was in response to Jeff.....
  • I kind of know why I get injure and when. It's always when I increase my hill work as I land hard when running down hill, I've tried to adjust my form, and I've tried to run slower and 'lighter' downhills but I am always clocking my runs and I am so stubborn I refuse to hear (from my iphone tracking) that my pace is slow,…
  • I have been running a number of years and am once again on a forced rest period, I always end up with injuries when I run everyday. Now I am waiting for bone scan to check for stress fractures due to so much running on hard surfaces, so currently can only do no-impact exercise, and I hate everything really but running....…
  • OMG, I swear this could be me!!! I have been following a 'clean' diet now for 2 weeks as all other attempts have failed. That hasn't made any difference either. I run 25-30k a week, having cut back due to injury. I do Kettle bell workouts, I have planked for probably a fews hours now total, push ups, sit ups........…
  • I am a routine person and when I find what I like I stick to it. For breakfast I have my 2 LARGE cups of coffee with sugar and half and half, 1/2 a cup of 2 % cottage cheese, a few fresh berries chopped up and thrown in and a teaspoon of jam thrown in and mixed up..... this to me is heaven, it is like a dessert for…
  • I have done WW a few times. I did always lose weight, I did always gain some of it back. I personally never stayed for the meetings, just went in to weigh. I know that it does work, however I find MFP a lot better, and though I don't post often on here I do check out people's success stories and that is more inspiration to…
  • Personally I weight in the am, I pee as much as is humanely possible and then strip off and weigh........ you always weigh less in the am, sometimes a few lbs less. The am is the most accurate as you are empty.... or so I've been told!!!!