Falling off the wagon

Hi All. I began this website a few months ago and was doing great but after a few out of town weekends and splurges, I've gained everything back :( This is my own fault but I'm determined to get back where I was. I'm a very picky eater. I'm trying to eat better but don't have much time during the day to really dedicate time to cook a healthy meal. I was wondering if you'd share what you eat for Breakfast and lunch to give me some healthy/easy/quick ideas. I now eat oatmeal, sometimes cereal, and an omelet while for lunch I have cut up veggies or rolled up turkey. I need VARIETY! Please help!


  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I have Special K vanilla Almond that I keep at work.
    For lunch I pack a mixed green salad and apples - I mix up the salad dressing - but always use the oil based ones.
    I am fairly picky and find it easiest to stick to a fairly routine meal at work (I work in a fast food restaurant - so I dont want to get tempted to eat the junk there anymore)
    On my days off I usually have more of a brunch.. Things like grilled cheese on brown - small pancakes with light syrup or turkey bacon and scrambled eggs.
  • paulweller84
    I find eating thing with high protein first thing in the morning helps, so eggs and cheese in the form of omelettes, scrambled egg on toast or cheese on toast. Or porridge that's another good thing for breakfast. Then for lunch a mixture of high protein and carbs so chicken or fish and pasta dishes or sandwiches. Just make sure you're drinking loads of water between and definitely don't over eat in the evening as it makes the next day harder!
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    I eat Kashi Go Lean Honey Almond Flax Cereal. It keeps me full and satisfied so I'm not tempted to snack all morning.
  • canamoc
    canamoc Posts: 16 Member
    I am a routine person and when I find what I like I stick to it. For breakfast I have my 2 LARGE cups of coffee with sugar and half and half, 1/2 a cup of 2 % cottage cheese, a few fresh berries chopped up and thrown in and a teaspoon of jam thrown in and mixed up..... this to me is heaven, it is like a dessert for breakfast.... SO, SOOO Yummy and good for you. I love cereal but don't have it for breakfast, sometimes for dinner!!!

    For lunch I have a low fat whole wheat english muffin with a bit of margarine and a light laughing cow cheese triangle on it and then a yogurt. Sometimes I eat the 'Satisfaction' yogurts but I am currently eating the BioBest ones which are like 80 calories.

    As I run, I always have extra calories I need to eat so often have snacks between meals, these vary with things like almonds, grapefruit, Babybel's, flax and fibre bars, banana's.

    Dinner for me is often a ton of veggies, Quinoa, tuna, or Veggie wrap with flax seed tortilla, bowl of cereal.... I'm a creature of habit!!! I always finish with a low fat Tapioca or rice pudding and a fibre 1 bar, 100 calories.

    Some people may not think this is the greatest combination of foods, however it works for me, I am losing and I don't feel deprived. I would love to be the kind of person that eats 'clean' but I need certain things to keep me on track with my calories. Sometimes I deviate on my dinners, but never on my breakfast and rarely on my lunch.

    I have fallen off the wagon so many times, and sometimes jumped off at quite an impressive speed!!! Get back on and get back on it. It's not the end, it's a 'blip' and if you let it be the end, then when you begin again you will be ticked that you did let it be the end.... if that makes sense!!

    Good Luck to you!!!!
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    I eat the lower sugar/weight loss oatmeal in maple/brown sugar (160 calories), pour some water, pop it in the microwave for 2 mins, done ... and maybe a light yogurt (90 calories)... or two mini-luna bars (80 calories each)... or a protein shake (150 calories).. 4 egg whites (approx 70 calories)... 1 slice of toast with 1 tbsp peanut butter (about 180 calories)...

    Obviously, I agree that complex carbs and high protein is the way to go in the AM for me! lol
  • tj5000
    tj5000 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi there, I'm sure you will get back on track again :0)

    When working :- I often have cereal for breakfast - Special K creamy berry bliss. sometimes fruit like a banana for energy.
    You could always have a slimfast shake or similar for quickness if you don't have time to prepare or eat anything else. If so snack on 25g of mixed nuts mid morning as they will give you energy.
    Lunch - usually a mixed salad or a tortilla wrap with salad or chicken breast in it. You could have one plain bagel with philly or similar.

    Good luck!
  • tj5000
    tj5000 Posts: 69 Member
    P.S. yogurt and fresh berries also good!
  • pcteck2
    pcteck2 Posts: 184 Member
    I usually eat a banana or a Lite and Fit yogurt before I exercise and after I eat an orange and a hard boiled egg. On days I don't exercise I might have oatmeal (ever tried it with a little shoyu on it?) or peanut butter on toast with fruit.
    Most days I eat the same lunch: One piece of bread with 2 ounces of sliced ham, or other deli meat, or a 2.6 packet of tuna and a couple of raw carrots. If I'm still hungry I add some fruit. Usually I have fruit mid morning and mid afternoon. For one year I have been following this plan and I have lost 60 pounds.
  • aguerrera
    aguerrera Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone for your advice!! I'll try these things and hopefully be back on the right tract.