aejohnson7 Member


  • Oh man, that sounds excellent. I am a teacher, so unfortunately I am pretty limited to when I can take snack breaks. Honestly, that's one of my biggest issues. I eat breakfast around 6:30 and then don't have a break again until 11:30, then go until 3. Maybe I need to be more pointed about adding more protein to my meals...
  • Thanks for all the suggestions! @Marcia, I think you're right about the protein. That's probably why popcorn doesn't do it for me. I'll have to look for those yogurts and maybe even keep them in my fridge at work to have before I even leave. Also, has anyone had almond butter? I have heard that it's high in protein but…
  • Thanks to everyone for the encouragement and suggestions. I didn't realize my diary was set to private, so I fixed that. Also, after all that whining about not losing, I forgot to weight myself at the same time everyday. When I got on the scale this morning (the same time of day that I first weighed in), I found that I'd…
  • Something I have heard is that if your body is lacking certain nutrients, it can be difficult to lose weight. I'm going to try adding a multi-vitamin too.
  • I haven't measured myself. Maybe that's something to try. I haven't really noticed my clothes feeling looser either though. I guess I just need to stick with it.
  • My husband has a mess of tattoos. His sleeve is really awesome, and he actually didn't really come up with the idea for it - he just found an awesome artist and let him do his thing. Sometimes that's the best bet. But in the way of ideas....I'm a big fan of symbolism. Maybe there's something that's symbolic to him...?
  • I would think that if you are not hungry, and if there are no symptoms of hunger (headache, fatigue, etc), then there is no reason you should force yourself to eat the full 1200. Breakfast is a probably a good idea though. Today was the first time I was under my calorie goal and wasn't hungry; I think that's just part of…
  • Like you, I'm ready to stop making excuses. I could definitely use some support too. Best of luck - friend request on the way. :)
  • I noticed this too. MFP says I burned WAY more than my elliptical tells me I burned. I have no idea which is more accurate....