Calorie Intake

So I know we have a goal on here we're meant to stay around. Mine's listed at 1200. I also am working out which ups that obviously.

However, I'm finding everyday I'm pretty under my goal. I don't want to be hurting myself but I'm just not hungry for anything else. Im going to start making myself eat proper breakfasts which should up that but I also don't want to force myself to eat more if I'm not hungry (that's how I got overweight in the first place.. eating without being hungry). So basically... what do I do?


  • Cathleenr
    Cathleenr Posts: 332
    So I know we have a goal on here we're meant to stay around. Mine's listed at 1200. I also am working out which ups that obviously.

    However, I'm finding everyday I'm pretty under my goal. I don't want to be hurting myself but I'm just not hungry for anything else. Im going to start making myself eat proper breakfasts which should up that but I also don't want to force myself to eat more if I'm not hungry (that's how I got overweight in the first place.. eating without being hungry). So basically... what do I do?

    if i dont start eating early in the day, like before i workout, i get too far behind and i run out of day before i run out of food...and i'm at 1250 calories. i do eat a lot of food volume-wise, so i'm never really hungry except when i up my cardio...then i am VERY ready for meals! you do need to eat and not stay in a significant deficit, but that is dependant on what your exercise level is.
  • aejohnson7
    aejohnson7 Posts: 13 Member
    I would think that if you are not hungry, and if there are no symptoms of hunger (headache, fatigue, etc), then there is no reason you should force yourself to eat the full 1200. Breakfast is a probably a good idea though. Today was the first time I was under my calorie goal and wasn't hungry; I think that's just part of getting your body adjusted to new habits.
  • ShaeSweetie
    ShaeSweetie Posts: 156 Member
    Basically what you should do is LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! if your hungry then dont hesitate to eat!! If your not hungry, than plain and simple your not hungry..i think not eating when your not hungry is good cause it controls the urge for "bored eating" know when you walk to the fridge and eat some chicken cause your bored haha but if you dont eat enough your body will go into starve mode and actually store if u find your not losing any weight for a long period of time..u may b eating too little..but basically just make sure you eat when your hungry..and dont eat just lik 1 reasonable amounts...i was supposed to be eating 1300 a day but i had to up it to 1500 cause im a beast at 5 foot 11 haha those calories were not cutting it...i consider MFP aan estimate..or good guidance..go by how your body feels mainly and dont starve!