New...and struggling.

I only started using MFP two weeks ago and haven't lost a pound yet. I know I haven't been as stringent as I could be, but I still thought I'd see some change, even a small one, since I have made significant changes. Can anyone relate? Did it take a while to get started? I'm really feeling discouraged.


  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    Hmm, do you measure yourself, do your clothes feel different?
    General advice is give it 3 weeks, then adjust, rinse and repeat until results are apparent.
  • nakedsun
    nakedsun Posts: 115
    What sort of things have you been doing? It can take a while at first - I think I've heard bodies can retain water too. I know muscle ways more than fat and all that too.
  • aejohnson7
    aejohnson7 Posts: 13 Member
    I haven't measured myself. Maybe that's something to try. I haven't really noticed my clothes feeling looser either though. I guess I just need to stick with it.
  • aejohnson7
    aejohnson7 Posts: 13 Member
    Something I have heard is that if your body is lacking certain nutrients, it can be difficult to lose weight. I'm going to try adding a multi-vitamin too.
  • britexmom
    britexmom Posts: 145
    i didnt see the scale move until the end of week three...once i had worked out all details of my diet and then added more excercise than just my treadmill then i felt like i started a steady , slow pace of weightloss.
  • Martina7979
    I started out not seeing lose and I completely understand your frustration. I think as long as your eating well and have regular exercise you will see results. Do not get wrapped up in the numbers on the scale because they can be decieving. Muscle weighs more than fat so more than likely you are lossing fat and gaining muscle. As you go you will hit plataeus in your weight so just change things up and keep working hard and it will pay off.
  • gaia3rd
    gaia3rd Posts: 151
    Yes, it can take awhile, but you could also be eating too little (really-that's actually kind of common) or too much food, or too much high-sodium foods. People could offer more specific advice if you opened up your dairy and mentioned what, if any, exercise you're doing.
  • marcia724
    marcia724 Posts: 180 Member
    Wow yea, it's hard to say. Have you been drinking enough water? Have you been trying to get close to your calorie goal? Like, some leave a few hundred calories at the end of the day, but then they don't lose. Everyone is different so you just have to play around and try different things. I would look at your diary, but I think it's set to private still.
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Well... if you haven't gained either, that may be progress. I know I was slowly creeping up before I started on here. I haven't lost a ton (but haven't made huge changes either, to be honest), but I've stopped gaining. And my choices are getting better and better all the time.

    And there are lots of people who write that it takes a bit to start seeing results, so don't get discouraged! Just think about how much cleaner and healthier your body is getting :-)

    All the best to you,
  • littlecaponey2
    littlecaponey2 Posts: 143 Member
    Yes!!! I started spinning and doing the Eliptical a month and a half ago. The first week, I felt great and I wasn't weighing in because I was doing this for an overall health thing and just putting in more time for just me. Three weeks into it, I started feeling bloated all the time and retaining a ton of water and couldn't make sense to any of it. I was burning no less than 600 calories a workout and gaining weight??? I got on the scale and started noticing it was going UP!!! How is this possible?? So I came to MFP and just started "digging" and I came upon this link

    Let me tell you, it all made sense to me and .....not even a week later of reading that article, I started shedding all that water weight. My quads were on fire the entire time I was gaining the "weight". Once my quads felt so much better, the water started coming out. And BAM.....8 pounds gone in a week!!! I just had to give it time and it worked it;s way out. But let me tell you how frustrated I was. And so many people telling me it was muscle I was gaining....I knew there was no way in He!! I was gaining 5 ounds of muscle in three weeks!

    Good Luck and feel free to add me =)
  • aejohnson7
    aejohnson7 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the encouragement and suggestions. I didn't realize my diary was set to private, so I fixed that. Also, after all that whining about not losing, I forgot to weight myself at the same time everyday. When I got on the scale this morning (the same time of day that I first weighed in), I found that I'd lost 5 pounds since starting two weeks ago. I think I was feeling like a loser because I was starving yesterday and stopped at Wendy's after work and felt SUPER guilty about it :ohwell: