

  • Don't worry about it (unless you've got heart problems). My heart rate goes up to 99% of mhr. I spoke to my doctor and he said that all the websites and books are generalising and it's not the same for everyone. The only true test of max is a full fitness medical and that costs alot. If you can work at those high…
  • It includes BMR, thank goodness!
  • Well done you! My sister is exactly the same... and unfortunetly i have real trouble being around her because now i think all her comments are spiteful even though they may not be! If your friend can't support you then ditch her, unless she can prove herself to be a true friend! Good luck on your weight loss
  • Hi, you can do a marathon if you wanted too. I started running in april 2007, i did my first 5k in July, 10k in august and first marathon in april 2008. I weighed 13st 7 at the time. I've run on and off since because of illness and went up to 16st so 6 weeks ago i decided to run and did a 10k race yesterday and only 3mins…
  • Absolutely! Whatever you choose take it easy, you don't want an injury. Have fun
  • I'm happy all the time my weight is going down but my goal and happiest weight would be 130lbs (5ft 6")
  • Hi, everyone. My names Liz and I'll be 40 years old in march so last october I decided to run the London Marathon (26.2miles) to commemorate the beginning of a new era. When I decided I was 210 pounds and as unfit as a square peg getting into a triangular hole. It's been hard but here I am 9 weeks to go and weighing 177…