AllyLouB Member


  • Hi there. I'm in the UK, we live on Anglesey. My husband is RAF. He is deploying over Christmas for 4 months, and has spent much of the last 6 years in Afghanistan. I'm 38 in a few weeks, and have been an on/off user of mfp for 3 years. I'm hoping to get super fit for our family holiday that we've booked early December…
  • Hi, Im newly pregnant, 5 weeks tomorrow. This is our 2nd. With my first I stopped monitoring food, and ended up piling on 56lbs. I lost it with very hard work, and am now in really good shape. I'm determined to make healthy food choices this time round and keep up my fitness routine. You sound like me, I eat plenty, but…
  • Hi ladies, I'm due 31st July 2015. I gave one daughter who is 4 yrs. I Gained 4st with her, and totally lost my fitness due to being very lazy. It took a huge effort to get back to normal, and since then I've started lifting and am in the best shape of my life so far. I'm hugely nervous about piling on the pounds again,…
  • Hi I'm newly pregnant and like you, determined to keep up the exercise and healthy eating this time round. How are you finding working with weights with a bump?
  • Hi ladies, i's so tough with kiddies and trying to exercise when hubby is away isn't it! Mines home right now, got back from Afghan in October and is due out again in July. I'm in the uk, add me if you want another fellow military wifey x
  • yes it seems I greatly exaggerated it...I figured as I don't sit on my bum all day (chasing toddler plus exercise), I would be classed as more than lightly active. Thanks tho..I'll alter it.
  • shall look now, thankyou :)
  • Same old story..until we stop seeing pictures of models in magazines with thigh gap (and hipbones protruding etc), our younger generations are going to grow up thinking that shape is normal. Just walk past any high street shop Topshop etc where all the younger folks shop...the body shapes in the window and on advertising…
  • The first one was as I started 30day shed. Totally not happy with the flabby decided to hit it hard and combine 30ds with running and pilates. This one below is 10 days in..I did the 30ds every day, plus running xcountry 3 times a week and 40 mins pilates every day. I hate the amount of time it has taken up but…
  • I give in to the low days..get a puffy face from feeling all upset and angry with the world and don't care who sees it, eat lots of chocolate and go to bed. Usually it lasts a couple days, then something snaps me out of it. You have to give in to the bad days..only then you can realise how great you're actually doing with…
  • I lose so easily when Hubby is evil voice of temptation on my shoulder. Plus the diet is a distraction and helps focus on his return. I lost 18lbs last time..yet it always creeps back on when he's home.
  • Don't worry..I go up 7lbs at certain time of month....ridiculous. Plus during the day you can fluctuate too x
  • You did it...excellent. And mixing it with running and your other classes will be sure to give you great results. Looking forward to hearing about them x
  • I agree with the above..morning is usually best as by evening you re so tired and ready to sit down that you rush through the workout and don't give it 100%. That's what I do. I work out either while daughter is at nursery, or non nursery days when she's in bed after lunch. Then by the evening, I can get her in bed, get my…
  • I have 1 pair from ten years ago when I was 18stone. Needless to say they are hidden in the wardrobe, and my husband doesn't know about them! Every now and again, when you need boost, it's great to try them on and remind yourself how far you've come. Also, I kept a couple pairs of varying decreasing sizes too and if I ever…
  • I've just started level 2..although am doing level 3 also with leg weights as I need more burn. Am also doing 3xweekly half hour runs, and daily pilates. It's good to mix. I've not lost any weight yet...however my profile pic is of me after 10 starting piccy is in my profile...massive difference. Good luck…
  • It's lovely to read about all you other grandparents/parents on a mission to get healthy for your little people. My motivation is to see our 33month old daughter grow up and have her own family. I want to be able to run around after grandkids one day...I'll be 58 when she's 25yr am trying my damned hardest to…
  • Hi everyone, I'm a sahm with our daughter who is 3 in March. We're in the UK, Hampshire. Hubby is RAF so it is just me and little Miss quite frequently. Would love more similar friends on here to make the fitness/weightloss journey more fun and easier to cope with. I'm doing the JM 30day shred, and have seen great results…
  • Hmm not sure, maybe just same as a brisk walk or jog, I know paint stripping is tough shoulder workout. On that subject, where do bedroom antics go??! X
  • Hooping for 45 mins?! I couldn't do it for 45 seconds. Maybe I'll just stand and wiggle hips without the hoop when out shopping etc... How long you got to lose it? X
  • Excellent post above thankyou, even if I am battling to get my head round it
  • Excellent thread :smile: I love & hate my bodys ability to change shape very easy. I eat healthy and exercise for 2 weeks and look so much better, yet if I go lazy for 2 weeks I get jelly belly and thunder thighs. I love my hair (was very short bleach blond for 15 years and just recently went dark and growing it) x
  • Hi, I'm a RAF wife, and I know there are a few Army wives on here too I've only been here few days. My hubby got back from Afghan in October..I managed to lose 18lbs while he was gone but since his return most of it has gone back on hence me being here. What exercise plan do you have? And how much weight are you hoping to…
  • No probs, happy spinning!
  • Jillian Michaels 30 day's on amazon for very little and I've heard it's on youtube for free also. It's 3 levels of workouts, and you're meant to do 1 per day for 30 day, gradually building up to level 3. It's very tough, you feel like dying. But it's getting great results, there's a large group of people on here…
  • Have a look further down the pages, there's a few threads for people looking for fellow Brits..I know, I found it yesterday
  • Hiya, I'm mummy to our daughter whose nearly 3 yrs. It's been a struggle fitting in fitness while she was younger, but the thing that saved me was buying a running buggy. I started when she was 6 months old, she loved it, and starting so young she came to grow older realising that mummys fitness is a time for me and her to…
  • Hi, I'm RAF wife in the UK..joined this site today and would love to make fellow service pals here too. x
  • Hi everyone, i joined today so still finding bearings. Am living in Hampshire currently, Im 35, a frazzled RAF wife, and mum to our toddler daughter.