

  • good static stretches post work out are key. Working through the soreness helps you to get stronger and to prevent future soreness
  • 6oz cofee 1 cup light chocoloate soy milk I scoop chcolate whey protein sweet n low to taste ICe put all of it in a blender and blend it serves 2 and is 96 calories a serving ......its super yummy and pulls double duty as the whey protein helps burn fat
  • eating enough is a big part of losing weight !!!!! If you dont eat enough your body will go into starvation mode and will prevent you from losing weight .......Trying using a cleanse to jump start your metabolisim the slimquick detox and cleanse works well then remember there should be no more than a 700 calorie deficit in…
  • Big sexxy hairs voumizing mousse will do the trick
  • My best advice is to buy a copy of "YOU! the owners manual" and follow the diet that it suggests . this book is amazing and the diet yeilds results. even the revised atkins can be dangerous for your kidneys heart and colon .If you want to use protein to help you burn fat or lose weight whatever try drinking whey protein…
  • I do this video both levels every morning I love it .... there may be a couple poses you cant do but you should be good I rehabed my ankle after a severe break with this yoga Plus jillian michaels vids are always good
  • I do this all the time, I dont usually eat my exercise calories but when I do I stick to protein shakes which really help with building muscle and recovery .....Also Smoothies made with lowfat yogurt are a good way to make up for calories :)
  • Im a 44 DD so I feel your pain Casique is a great place to get bras but alos see if a local spa does inch loss or sea weed wraps it helps with the over all firmness of your entire boddy and helps get rid of saggy skin and stretch marks which I had plenty of
  • the tenth circle, the world on blood (by jonathan nassaw )charmed thirds and dear john
  • Try the jillian michaels yoga melt down and do the full hour in the Morning and do the 30 day shred level one In the evening ... I had also hit a plateau and that seemed to do the trick. I also recently got her banish fat boost metabolism and it has seemed to help it kicks your butt I lost 6.8 llbs in a week just by adding…
  • I have found that upping my water intake helps as well but I have also found that if I increase my lean protein intake and eat more whole grains the weight shreds off pretty quickly. I also have a pretty intense workout regimen starting with low intensity yoga in the morning a 3.8 mile walk and jillian michaels yoga…
  • Welcome and good luck if its any help motivation increases as you see progress I have lost a total of 42 llbs since november so if I can do it anyone can