amandaruff13 Member


  • Starting weight - 381 January starting weight -381 January goal - 360 Ultimate goal - 250 Jan 1st - 381
  • Slimmyslim.....I completely understand that!! I use to pick up dinner for my family like at McD's and order an extra chicken sandwich & eat it on the way home then would eat two more McChickens at home, plus a large fry & a diet coke...... I always hid the wrapper under the seat of my car! I just shake my head at my nasty…
  • This is the direct link to the group I started! If you wanna join feel free too!! :D Share with others! I want you all to have a place to feel supported & loved!! :D
  • I actually bought a nice pair of Nike Tennis shoes...honestly they were the BEST investment I EVER made! Not only do I wear them to walk/workout in BUT I use them for work too......I have a client at work who LOVES to elope from the facility and normally my feet would feel like they were gunna die after chasing after this…
  • I must say that admitting my almost kitchen issue was a big thing for me. I am normally a closet binge eater. I use to have NO SHAME IN MY I sat in the car after weight watchers meetings and eat two double cheese burgers & a French fry!! WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND DOES THAT???!! NO ONE!!..... Food addiction is…
  • I am 6ft tall and have 100+ to lose!! :D Keep at it and don't give up....and btw...being this tall is not that great sometimes....finding jeans with weight & height issues can be a real beast sometimes!! LOL!
  • I battle this DAILY!!! Especially with it just being me right now while my son is gone..... If I feel the need to snack I just keep fresh chopped watermelon or other fruits in the fridge....if they are cold I tend to eat less plus the watermelon is fantastic this time of the year here in Missouri.... I know that isn't a…
  • I am stunned!! You all are such amazing people! The support is fantastic and Ive had more friend requests since writing this post than I have the entire time Ive been on MFP!!! WOW...JUST WOW!! So today has been super rough. Thursday I had to place my son in a psychiatric unit for negative behaviors and being violent…
  • Welyou have deffinately come to the right place!!! If you can get the mobile app do it!! :D Its free and has been a huge boost for me over the last few days. Also with a busy schedule its easier to add foods, and do check ins!! First off you need to put a major smile on because guess what?!! Your making a positive…
  • When I was with my husband I had the exact same problem! It was soo tough because my favorite candy is Reeses and he would buy me a bag of them and would be upset if I didn't eat them or "wasted them" as he put it. One thing you have to remember is that you are making the change....the world/people are you are not. I use…
  • WOW!! I have only been using the mobile app the last few days and just saw how many comments were on my topic!! Congrats to all of you! No matter how small the lose is it is still a HUGE POSITIVE!! Every step adds up and every time you see one more pound gone its like winning the lottery!! LOL! At least that's how I feel!…
  • Totally approved that request!! btw ladies...I myself am only 25!!! I have always been chunky.....I grew up in a house where everything was deep fried or was cooked Paula Dean Style...recipe calls for 1 stick of butter so we used 4 sticks instead...LOL!!! My biggest thing is to watch your portions.....especially on stuff…
  • Thank you so much! I know I can do this especially when Zumba has become my new best friend! I love to dance so Ill be dancing these pounds off and cant wait to share with everyone as I keep going! :D I appreciate your kind words! :D