Anyone else here need to lose 100+ pounds?

My name is Amanda, I am not new to MFP I have been a hit & miss since January and finially after leaving my husband, getting back into the work force, being a single parent and discovering I absolutely disliked the woman in the mirror I decided to come back to MFP.

Currently I weigh 375.8 and with my doctors advise I have been told I should weigh no less than 225-250 due to bone structure, height (I am 6ft) and health concerns within my family. So just to hit the 250 I must lose 125lbs. Now I know this didn't go on over night but I cant tell you it is possible to lose the weight.

Back in December 2009 I weighed 430lbs. I had some major life changes, got active and didn't look back! The lowest weight I got to was 305lbs!!! That's an insane amount of weight to lose from December 09 to February 2011! I did it and was soo proud. Well I got an over night job and gained back 80lbs!!! OH NO!! And had stayed there till this January when I hit 395lbs!! UGH!

So once I left my husband and life changed again for me I jumped on my weight and started noticing what I was eating. Soda, junk food, candy, ice cream (that's my vice!) and FAST FOOD!! So I decided to make a change for me. I started watching my portions first...dropped 10lbs and kept it off and still watched what I was eating for the next month. Then I stopped the soda! COMPLETELY!! Lost another 5lbs in the last week.....and today I started adding in Cardio & Aerobics type exercises to what I normally do through out the day.

So if anyone else understands where I am coming from and wants a friend Add me first off and 2nd make a comment!! I am on mobile plus on the main site quite a bit thru my day!

So here is to less of us and to more smiles, miles, and cuter clothes!!! :D


  • mr_mrsbannedfonz
    mr_mrsbannedfonz Posts: 2 Member
    You are living proof that this can be done! So proud of your previous losses! Yep, you gained some back, but you know why and what foods you need to cut back on and avoid. That's the key thing right there! Keep up the great work - and good luck!!
  • amandaruff13
    amandaruff13 Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you so much! I know I can do this especially when Zumba has become my new best friend! I love to dance so Ill be dancing these pounds off and cant wait to share with everyone as I keep going! :D I appreciate your kind words! :D

  • So if anyone else understands where I am coming from and wants a friend

    I do understand ... I have gained .. lost .. gained pounds :ohwell:
  • luvchele21
    luvchele21 Posts: 5 Member
    You sound soooo much like myself. I sent you a friend request and would love to hear any tips you can give.
  • amandaruff13
    amandaruff13 Posts: 19 Member
    Totally approved that request!! btw ladies...I myself am only 25!!! I have always been chunky.....I grew up in a house where everything was deep fried or was cooked Paula Dean Style...recipe calls for 1 stick of butter so we used 4 sticks instead...LOL!!!

    My biggest thing is to watch your portions.....especially on stuff you love!!!

    So for instance you have a cheeseburger (cooked at home NOT mc donalds), Fries (baked not deep fried) and a veggie.....if your still hungry when your done, eat more of the veggie!!! I not only do this for myself but my 6 year old son too!

    My fridge is stocked with yogurts (for him & I both!), fresh fruits (BIG TIME!!) and bottled water.......especially since I went off soda for two weeks and then started back up just this last Saturday...I found my headaches were thru the roof again and I felt I poured out my soda tonight and ran to WM and go a case of bottled water! :D

    Do any of you have any tips that have worked for you???
  • rinafil
    rinafil Posts: 23
    I will definitely add you. I totally understand where you're coming from. I have 150 pounds to lose and I've already lost almost forty pounds, so I'm trekking on! I'd love to exchange support and motivation!
  • gigidalrymple
    gigidalrymple Posts: 3 Member
    I would like to add you also... I can so relate to what you have been going through. Hang in there! With your motivation and each other's support we will be successful in our goals! :-)
  • Laroka
    Laroka Posts: 60 Member
    I have lost 69 pounds, but I still have almost 100 to lose.
  • I'm right there with you, we've got a way's to go. But it's very possible!
  • Feel free to add me!
  • AshleyM71
    AshleyM71 Posts: 3,029 Member
    Hi Amanda!
    Congrats on your progress! I know you can do it..,I never thought I could...was 100 pounds heavier a year ago...,I had given up. Today I am a size 8 and feel great! Start with small changes and keep track of all your calories. Diet buddies help a lot!
  • kazsjourney
    kazsjourney Posts: 263 Member
    Feel free to add me...i have lost nearly 180 pounds and have another 40-50 pounds to go :)
  • Dollfun1
    Dollfun1 Posts: 42 Member
    Kudos to you and being a fighter! I just joined MFP for the first time and I seem to be addicted, lol. I will be adding you as a friend for sure. I look forward to seeing your success stories!

    SW: 244
    GW: 150

    I have also cut out soda, even though I was a once or twice a week coke kind of gal I decided it had to go. I have added in more salads, fruits, and vegies - as well as watching my portions and sugar intake. Tomorrow will be the first time I weigh myself since starting and I am a little nervous. However, I have noticed that most of my shorts and pants are not as tight around my waist and I am feeling better.... We shall see....

    I hope to hear from you soon. Take care.

  • joergwb
    joergwb Posts: 34 Member
    I just joined MFP last week and also have a 100 pounds to lose. Friend request sent. :smile:
  • jennz81
    jennz81 Posts: 194 Member
    You must be my long lost twin, lol!

    I'm definitely in the same boat at the moment. I'm around 6'2, and when I started I was at 400. Junk food was also a huge vice for me as well, and I would go through entire boxes of junk food - candy bars, Little Debbie Snacks, or ice cream.

    I could go through an entire pizza without thinking about.
    And as far as soda goes, I would have a whole 2 litre gone by the end of the day.

    Plus, I know how it feels to work nights. I work in a factory, and every other week I'm pulling 12 hour nights five nights a week.

    I'm on here every once in a while, so feel free to add me if need be. :)
  • littlemisshappy
    littlemisshappy Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'd like to lose 105lbs and looking for new MFP to share the journey with. After 7 weeks I've lost 19lbs! if you read my profile you'll see if I've lost and regained weight, but very determined this time. Good luck :)
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    You can do this! :)

    I've lost 140 pounds with the duodenal switch surgery and it's the best thing I've ever done for myself. I use MFP now to keep the weight in check.

    You will feel amazing when you lose your weight. Good luck to you and best wishes!
  • wreckless1969
    wreckless1969 Posts: 1 Member
    I am new and I need to lose at least 100 pounds I dont know how to do friend request. I do need all the help I can get 44 years old and 264 pounds.:smile:
  • Twinklewood
    Twinklewood Posts: 47 Member
    I have over 100lbs to lose too. I'm 27 and currently weigh 261. I used to weigh 300 Lbs but I lost some when I volunteered in a developing country a couple of years ago however it's all starting to go back on again :( I'm tryin to lose it again but my willpower seems to have vanished
  • StarPanic85
    StarPanic85 Posts: 45 Member
    You can add me! I started at 433. I have lost 13 lbs so far.