Anyone else here need to lose 100+ pounds?



  • Skyebella27

    I just started on Saturday and love it so far! I've virtually met some great people and am learning w lot! I weigh 286 and wild like to lose 130-150 pounds :) I'm 27, married, but no kiddies yet. Sending you a friend request!
  • amandaruff13
    amandaruff13 Posts: 19 Member

    I have only been using the mobile app the last few days and just saw how many comments were on my topic!!

    Congrats to all of you! No matter how small the lose is it is still a HUGE POSITIVE!! Every step adds up and every time you see one more pound gone its like winning the lottery!! LOL! At least that's how I feel!

    So any one wanna share some of their tips or tricks?

    I can tell you my biggest help for watching my portion is only making enough for the amount of people present....Like I cook a lot for 2 people... Myself and My son. I
    So if we have burgers, fries and green beans....that's 2 burger patties, enough oven baked fries for just the two of us and I usually make 2 cans of green beans....Why the two cans you ask..... Because if I was 2nds the only option to have more of is the green beans and that goes for Monster Man too!

    Its hard at first but soooo worth it! He doesn't even notice the fries are oven baked and personally I hit them with Broil and they are crispy and taste WAAAY better than fried!! :D

    So feel free to share tips & vent too!!

    Btw...I still struggle was my greatest vice....Ice cream!!
  • trapburnitup
    Good luck and god bless you on your journey. You've made the commitment now keep it. I would be honered to be your ali in this life change 100+ is the goal!
  • pauluk1978
    pauluk1978 Posts: 88 Member
    Great work Amanda, it seems that the gradual changes you are making are working for you. Please feel free to add me
  • adobeastella
    Am so proud of you amanda, i will add you now
  • samuelsson
    samuelsson Posts: 74 Member
    Heylo Amanda! It's fantastic to connect with others looking to lose a substantial amount of weight. =) Congratulations on your progress so far and your MOTIVATION (by far the trickiest part, in my opinion...). I have lost 15 pounds so far (in 4 weeks) but inexplicably gained 2 back a few days ago. Sadface.

    Okay, you asked about tips:

    1) PLAN AHEAD! I have a spreadsheet with entree, side dish, dessert, breakfast/brunch, and snack options. Each lists the serving size, calories, fat, protein, and carbs. It takes the guesswork out of decision-making.

    2) MAKE A LOT ON DAYS OFF / WEEKENDS! I do big-batch cooking on the weekends and put all or part in the freezer for later (after portioning, if possible). I also poach up a whole bunch of chicken breasts in the slow-cooker and then weigh out into 4-oz portions (for the 2 of us, I portion out 8 oz. portions). Shred these up to use in a million different things!

    3) DRINK A LOT A LOT A LOT OF WATER! I drink about 3-4 litres a day. If you don't like still water, buy a Soda Stream or Soda Siphon to make sparkling water. You can even add diet flavor packets to a Soda Stream! For a nice detox drink, add 2 cubes of frozen lemon juice (just pour Real Lemon into an ice cube tray and freeze, add chopped mint if you like) to seltzer water. Yum. Perfect for summer.

    4) BE FORGIVING! I like to plan in one dessert or tasty snack into my day. Like cheese? Give yourself a string cheese snack. Like dessert? Make a whole bunch of frozen treats in advance and budget some remaining calories at the end of your day. I find I have more diet "oopsies" if I totally deprive myself. Yay for treats!

    5) CALF RAISES! I do calm raises whenever I'm refilling the Brita pitcher or my water bottle. Bam! 20 calf raises: DONE.

    I'm happy to be friended. =)
  • habituecf
    habituecf Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! My name is Jenn, I'm 42, married with a 9 year old, and 3 dogs. I signed up months ago, but haven't made any changes to my exercise or diet, though I am committed to starting right this moment. I am 5'8" and weigh in at 350 pounds. I was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. I'd also like all the friends, support, and motivation I can find. Glad to meet you all through your previous posts and please, feel free to add me.
  • JarryIvette
    JarryIvette Posts: 43 Member
    Congrats on your weight lost!! I'm new on here looking to loose 100 pounds feel free to add me. :)
  • twomiddlename
    I too need to lose well over 100. Feel free to add me! All friends are welcome! lets get motivated!!
  • JennOnTheRocks
    Congrats on re-committing! :) I have been on MFP for about 4months now but I started my journey over a year ago. I have lost 95.6 lbs so far and have 59.4 lbs to go! It is absolutely possible. If I can do it, anyone can!! A couple things to keep in mind ...

    1. TRUST THE PROCESS - If you eat right, exercise, drink your water, and rest you will lose the weight.

    2. It is about PROGRESS, not perfection.

    3. Set short term, realistic goals. I don't tie mine to a date because I feel so defeated if I miss the date. Right now, my goal is to lose 4.4 lbs. That goal puts me at 100 lbs lost. It isn't a big goal but it is a realistic goal. I will hit it when I hit it. Don't forget to reward yourself with NON FOOD rewards when you hit goals and have NSV's!

    The biggest reason why people give up so easily on this journey is because they tend to look at how far they still have to go, instead of how far they have come!

    Feel free to friend me if you want! :)
  • demarii06
    demarii06 Posts: 340 Member
    I am 25 started at 350 and currently 265 (weigh in day tomorrow so hopefully 260 *fingers crossed*).
    I'm 5'8 and my gw is 150 so 200 pounds overall and 115 left! We can do this! I'm from the south so I know exactly what you mean with the cooking and have also always been heavy.
  • Mythril
    Mythril Posts: 146 Member
    Hi! I'm 315 lbs currently (down 15) and I have about 160 to go. I'm 24 and 5'5". Always been overweight, struggle with PCOS but getting things under control! I'm looking at zumba... thinking about getting a wii game or dvd of it. Going to try some youtube videos first. I like to dance!
  • semossmoss
    semossmoss Posts: 14 Member
    Inspired by you. I've got over 100 to lose, and I'm starting back this week for me. Making changes, and really hoping to stick with them. I'm 22, and have always been big as well. I love everything not good for me.

    I have recently cut down on soda, and I will say that I have found bottled water to be my savior. Allows me to make an easy choice without thinking. That's how I'm working out my meals and snacks too...I'm making it as much of a no brainer as possible, so that I can stick to it.
  • sikkim71
    sikkim71 Posts: 14 Member
    Read your post and I have 100 lbs to lose.
  • livehealthier1
    livehealthier1 Posts: 56 Member
    I am with you on the 100 lb weight loss goal. I started this journey Nov 2012 and I am down 59 lbs I plan to hit my goal the end of Nov! I know that is only 3 1/2 months to go but I am starting a 90 day challenge for myself starting tomorrow. I will be here to encourage you along the way. It is hard work but it is worth it!
  • cmone78
    cmone78 Posts: 2 Member
    Woo, I start my 90 day challenge tomorrow too and I am also doing it myself. I want to lose a 90lbs. Let's motive each other.
  • Willowtess
    I sent U a friend request. I love this site and how u can find someone u can relate too. I want to lose over a 100 lbs and hoping I can do this. and when I read stories how so many have done it. I know I want that support others give. Because I understand how it can be so easy in at first and then it can stop and that's when it becomes hard. I found myself packing on weight a couple yrs ago when I started having marriage problems. I am married to a retired Navy Seabee. He Has PTSD and become so hard for us. (long story) but with alot of therapy and still in therapy we are doing better one day at a time....some days harder than others. But I still have small children I want to be active for. I am seeing how it's harder for me to play with them. Harder for me to just go out with my best friend and shop. Because the weight just hurting my lower back. Just want to sit down. I have started this because I want to get back and active for my babies. Be healthy. IF anyone wants to add me please do. I will take all the help and support I can get. I"m doin good so far for which it has only been a week for me. I just notice i have problems keepin my sodium down. thanks for any inputs or friendships.
  • 1andrus1
    Inspiring post. I'm in the midst of my fight to lose 160 pounds. Ive lost 104 so about 2/3rds of the way to my goal. Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm looking to give support and get encouragement in return. This is hard hard hard but in the end worth it. Best of luck to you!
  • liketoyak
    liketoyak Posts: 188 Member

    My fridge is stocked with yogurts (for him & I both!), fresh fruits (BIG TIME!!) and bottled water.......especially since I went off soda for two weeks and then started back up just this last Saturday...I found my headaches were thru the roof again and I felt I poured out my soda tonight and ran to WM and go a case of bottled water! :D
    Totally have had headaches for the past 4 days, since cutting out diet pepsi. :cry: Today, trying to see if it's caffiene driven so had two cups of tea today.

    Sent you a friend request.
  • Thadreamer87
    I had lost 40lbs before using MFP and 26 using MFP. I need to lose over 150 more. everyone feel free to add me for support!