rlp5711 Member


  • SW 154.4 GW 130 5/3 133.2 Today 132.2 2 more pounds to go! Is anybody else still doing this?
  • SW 154.4 GW 130 4/12 137.6 Today 133.2 WhataBroad you are doing great! Thank you for the advice you gave me a few weeks ago. I avoided the scale for a few weeks so I wouldn't get discouraged. I was very happy when I got weighed yesterday :)
  • SW 154.4 GW 130 4-1 138.2 Today 137.6 Was getting pretty close to my original goal weight and decided to change it to where I would love to be. Weight is coming off slower now. I don't know what else to change or if this is normal? I go to the gym 5 days a week and have increased my cardio from 30 minutes to 45 minutes a…
  • SW 154.4 GW 135 LW 139.4 TW 138.2
  • SW 154.4 GW 135 3/15 141.8 Today 139.4
  • LW 142.8 TW 141.8
  • last week 146.4 this week 142.8
  • I would highly recommend an electric pressure cooker.
  • 146.4 ~ 8 lbs down 11 more to go!
  • You are very welcome. I hope it works for eveyone like it did for me. Now if I can shed those extra pounds I had gained back my life would be good!
  • I get mine from Herbalife it's called Woman's Choice. I take 1 pill twice a day. I know you can buy soy supplements also in Walmart. I tried soy milk but didn't like the taste. My gyn just said to add soy so I'm assuming any kind of soy should work.
  • Hi Everyone ~ I am 45 and a mother of 3 boys (21,19,12). I recently have become a mom mom but don't want to look like one:wink: I lost 35 lbs last year then gained back 15. I was going through some hormonal changes. Decided to get back on track and have lost 6 lbs so far. Would like to lose 13 more. ~Becky
  • Anyone can press the alarm if they feel a member is grunting too much, slamming weights, things along that line.
  • I am 45 going through perimenopause. For how long I'm not quite sure because gyns wouldn't take me serious the last few years. Dec 2011 started having some other medical issues that ended up with me taking blood pressure med. Didn't want to have to take that forever so I joined a gym in Jan 2012. I was doing really good…