moniker_74 Member


  • Asian markets sell fruit flavored vinegars to add to water. They taste good. I use just a splash in a huge cup of water to encourage more water vs. soda, but don't expect it to affect weight loss.
  • could try powdered skim milk?
  • It is really fun! Lots of crazy but very friendly people. Races start SUPER early (5:30) but thank goodness because it was HOT. Looking forward to cooler temps in November for Avengers!
  • Goals: 1) Log daily 2) 5x5 3x/week 3) Train properly for Avengers 5K and Half Marathon (11/15 and 11/16) I did the Disneyland 10K and Half Marathon this past weekend, so have taken about a week off from 5x5. I last lifted the Wednesday before, then ran Sat/Sun and was at Disneyland still on Monday. Should have gotten up to…
  • You could try getting an on-body fitness tracker (like fitbit or bodymedia) to get a better idea what your actual calorie burn is. Beyond that, I agree with everyone else that you need to log everything accurately.
  • Yep, I like the Wright running socks that have two layers so you don't get blisters. Sometimes they have them for very good prices on Amazon.
  • Trader Joe's Sai Tung Green Curry with Red Gaba Rice. Bought it on a whim last night, having never tried it before! I am a big fan of Thai green curry so I was skeptical and only bought one - but it was GREAT! I keep Trader Joe's frozen meals at work for when I don't have leftovers so I don't overspend for lunch... my…
  • Welcome and good luck! Feel free to add me, I am always looking for more friends/support here too!
  • Happy birthday! Mine's at the end of the month - big 4-0!!! Feel free to add me and we'll do this together!
  • I get up first thing to exercise before getting my kids up and off to school. I need to keep these workouts short so I can't talk myself out of them. There is a great workout dvd website called Collage Video - you can sort the DVDs by workout length and choose workouts that are 20-30 minutes. I have several by the Firm,…
  • Single mom of two girls, 9 and 7. I've lost 44 pounds so far and working on another 42 (or more) this year. Just started training for a half marathon in August. Looking to add friends here!
  • If you are size 10 you don't come close to needing lap band surgery - you wouldn't even qualify for it! I think you really need a new doctor! Eat sensibly and exercise, that's it!
  • I'd love to hear your results re: wearing armband on your leg!
  • Hi - I'll be 40 next month and still have about 45 lbs to lose. Looking for friends on MFP too. Please add me!
  • I love cardio, but definitely agree that you should mix it up if you've stalled out. Do you work out on your own or do you belong to a gym? I do group Interval Training classes which are high cardio and also include weights (or at least body weight training). good luck!